Friday, January 22, 2016

Silicon Valley big coffee cause "after 00 were" a bowl of chicken soup

Two-year-old is the most productive period of life energy, is also the most confused baby games Even today's Silicon Valley big coffee, Mark Zuckerberg, Andy Herron · Musk, Reid Hoffman, at the age of twenty are constantly trying, trial and error. These experiences for their future success and accumulated valuable asset. No one is born can be successful, there is no bowl of chicken soup can make you instantly sobering, enlightened, but we all believe that life is a long process, some thought every, every attempt will you gain valuable experience and wisdom especially in energetic twenties. For today, but the pursuit of individuality precocious "00 after they" do not ignore those seemingly cliché life chicken soup, which was unique in today's Silicon Valley big success followed their coffee creed. 1. Start to manage their own time Young, it does not mean that can profligacy time. Mention your ultimate efficiency is a science. When you are just starting into the workplace, you will find each day a very efficient arrangement is difficult. Setting the deadline for all tasks and avoid multitasking are two core elements of effective time management. 2. Do not money first You can set success wealth efforts on goal, but not money for Bong gods. Some people twenties aimlessly wandering everywhere, and some people because of fear of failure and quickly found a job, simply because they can get a good salary. But put a cause you're not interested hastily as a profession, in your thirties, it's hard to dream up the courage to go. Writer Cal Newport said it was important for you to pursue a passion you have and are conducive to the cause of society. 3. The financial management, is a kind of vision Take advantage of "compound interest" a powerful energy. A survey for the 1003 people show the bank interest rate, 18-29 year-olds, 69% did not prepare any deposits for retirement. Lack of vision of many young twenties and do not realize that one day they will need retirement savings to support themselves, but they also missed by bank interest to save money most of the time. Entrepreneurs Aditya Rathnam wrote: "Because your career is just beginning, you do not need to invest too much, but you have to actively use some of the company's project-related deposits, or to open a personal retirement account." 4. Do not profligate own body Although Young is the capital, but to maintain good health is definitely worth the effort. Every year,play baby games you will be harder to go to carry out a sustainable training program, and harder to restore the body after a night of drinking situation. You are very young, so to form good habits in the next stage of life. Spend one hour a day to exercise it! 5. The attachment is a necessary condition for success If you are an ambitious two-year-old youth, adults think it means success, but the work was fired, romance rupture, or bankruptcy would mean the destruction, then you're wrong - even the most successful people I would not have been in winning, but they indeed constantly motivate themselves. Tesla CEO Elon Musk said: "Failure is just a part of the success to smooth if, it shows you're doing is not enough innovation." Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are often considered not afraid of failure, it is not true, for the Silicon Valley Steel Man, the great difficulty lies not fearless, but that perseverance in overcoming difficulties. 6. Do not try to please everyone You do not become everyone's friend. Apple employees evaluate how Steve Jobs? They said he was notoriously "difficult to get along," but he refused to curry favor with powerful lies. Of course, there is only one Steve Jobs, for you, twenty years should be a period for future career development and building up a network of time. If you understand this, then your boss, customers and colleagues will be good to maintain good relations. But someday you and those you do not like him, he does not like you people to deal with. This is normal, it does not mean you're going to change yourself, someone will not like you. 7. an open mind, to win more opportunities Obsession with a highly specific stressful life plan is forced himself heart disease. While the establishment of career goals to keep yourself focused and full of fighting spirit it is a good thing, but you should avoid falling into the various complex five-year plan. Writer and investor James Altucher says he finds the greatest common problem in the twenty-year-olds is that they will fall into absolutism. He suggested that we remain flexible, open-minded to new experiences. On a great chance, the ideal vision of life you are in the age of twenty and thirty years old you really feel happy life is different. 8. dare to take the risk can be assessed "Do not go to foster families, nothing depends on you, your twenties you will undoubtedly be several years progress and chase a dream day." Jessie Goldenberg says, he was determined to give it a few years after graduation promising media work, start a business, successfully established Internet fashion boutiques Nomad. Of course, reckless adventures and repressed his passion as are harmful. Investors, "four hours of work per week," author Tim Ferriss recommends us after a lot of thinking thinking how to regroup if it fails to reflect on whether it is worth each adventure. 9. constantly learning Prestigious university diploma might make you smarter and let you have a higher reputation, but if you do not continue to learn they will not play much role. Read as much as you dabble in the field, and perhaps develop some in the classroom never learned skills, such as "absorbent learn, communicate and convince others of skills and abilities." Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in 2010 began studying Chinese, not only because his wife is Chinese, but because he loves the challenge, to keep learning. In 2014 he even published a full Chinese at Tsinghua University speech, a successful career, he never stopped learning pace. Perhaps some time, you will realize that your efforts are not always noticed, but do not let this be a reason to become lazy and hatred of others. Hard work and learning, is a process, as a result Well, one day will be honored. 10. courageous meet unknown When you start working, you probably do not have much disposable income. Ski vacation in Switzerland can not afford a week does not mean you should limit themselves to between office and home. Your twenties, is a "you mature enough to be able to run their own lives and their own to explore the play Frozen Games unknown," the time. Do your best to break out of the shackles of their own limitations, do not ignore those promising but far from home job opportunities. 11. safeguard "weak interpersonal relationships." Do you think your college chum will be your best friend for a lifetime thing? Some will be in your forties is still closely related to you, but most will be the Ben horizon, their livelihood. When everyone began to make a living for themselves, you will realize that relationships are required to spend effort to sustain. And your former colleagues and close friends to keep in touch is worth it. Research in 1973, Professor Mark Granovetter of Johns Hopkins University program called "strength of weak ties" showed weak interpersonal relationships between you and acquaintances often can help you get the relationship progress, because they have and you disparate network of contacts and a way of doing things. 12. The person with the best regular dealings LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman in his career thanks to a group of good people around him. Technology entrepreneur, author Ben Casnocha and LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman has worked for a few years, and wrote Hoffman gave him the best lesson is the "you are in contact with you the longest five average number, you're trying to run your company. "It should be noted, never maintenance period without any loyalty to the harmful personal or professional relationships. 13. Honesty is the basis of all In trickery manipulate others or to positions of power who will not let you go far sycophant - this is not a lasting, productive career tips. Writers Arjuna Perkins said: "The truth is always ugly methods show its face, so the sooner you will be when his true face to show to the world, the more you can make you want to do, to become the person you want to be."

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