Saturday, June 18, 2016

How to use R to address social needs?

Oculus VR version of the first generation of consumers was the first official delivery by the end of 2016 3, HTC Vive's head was followed to the hands of play Olaf Games consumers, Sony's Playstation VR also experience horse horse feed soldiers, ready to ship. Virtual Reality, has crossed the virtual, face reality, with consumer-level hardware came on the market. although we look forward to the dawn, but four weeks still uncertain. Currently, any kind of VR head was in use will cause a great burden to the user: the head was hot and heavy, cumbersome and complex settings, plus some may experience dizziness ...... Although we believe that hardware will not stop iterative improvement , corresponding base will continue to optimize the experience, but as long as we still experience the way the use of a headset, blocking real environment and viewed through the lens in front of the small screen to map out virtual scene mode, VR will never experience will allow users to have a more large cost, higher threshold and obstacles. Reality seems to make it somewhat frustrating burden high threshold VR experience will always be difficult to mass popularity of? But perhaps, from another angle, we are no longer confined to thinking about how to reduce user costs, but on the other hand careful scrutiny: VR exactly where, what kind of content, users are willing to bear such a high cost and often to experience of? Added social elements in VR experience, perhaps one of the answers. One problem: VR in social networking will be more valuable than the Internet social networking in the traditional sense it? The possibility vivid experience unprecedented, VR has brought a qualitative change for the Internet social VR compared to computer and mobile terminals, provided other equipment incomparable immersive "sense of presence", the user's "sense of presence" would enable a user to "forget" the device itself, in reality, he instinctively have to use (she) got used to interact, dodging / touch / grip / look around ...... so VR head several significant manufacturers are trying to provide itself with equipment more natural means of interaction, including the head position tracking and steering, hand somatosensory controller, and so on. Through this "sense of presence" and a new interactive tools, users have the ability to meet and rich emotional expression of "flesh", which will give us unprecedented new experience. Interaction between people will become richer perspective, if the Internet itself make the social become more efficient, then VR will have to let the Internet social networking is more vivid, and bring qualitative change possibilities. We can already see this attempt in some VR applications, such as AltspaceVR. This is based on a virtual community and social sharing platform of VR. Users can participate in a virtual community in different activities, and interact with other users, such as partying, playing D & D games, watch videos, and more. When you really into the virtual environment, the use of natural play Talking Angela Games interaction technology action projected onto the VR world, show the video in a similar interaction, it is possible to build a social environment under a similar line to raise the overall quality of virtual socializing. VR-dimensional Tencent Guy column: How to use VR to address social needs? We believe that this possibility will be one of the reasons to attract users often use the VR. But purely social tools for VR applications start value is not too large, partly because the beginning of VR user base is not particularly large, on the other hand is purely instrumental meet demand, VR is also not the most convenient way. Therefore, we should have more social elements to consider to increase the use of VR in the entertainment or application user experience. Autoplay switch Autoplay What social VR play? AltspaceVR released three new applications So, we throw the second question, what kind of entertainment within VR applications or integrate social elements make sense of it? Reproduce real-life social activities, VR how far we can together Let's take a look back to real life, what kind of things you like to do in a social environment, such as watching the game, play cards, sing K, play board games such recreational activities, all with a social component after more interesting. Imagine, during these activities, if you remove the social element, you were a person alone, fewer friends around laughing hilarious exchange and sharing, is not suddenly a lot less fun? Even on a computer or mobile phone, via the Internet though you may together participate with other people, but you can feel always just rows icy chat text or headphones voice, which is far better than with the others in the field that kinds of intimacy. For these activities, we believe that in the VR in it could really kind of fun to restore the human interaction. Therefore, to reproduce real life because of the social elements and more interesting activities in the VR in a direction worth considering. At the same time, because VR is built in the virtual world, we can bring more exciting experience for these shocking real-life social activity in the visual representation, such as playing board games, all objects are finally moving up, magic can see! Compared to the traditional Internet-based social entertainment events in VR, we can reproduce the social value, while Biqi the real world, we can create a fantasy more incredible experience. Game manufacturers are also doing related rushed attempt Ubisoft just above the GDC this year announced a similar "kill the game" virtual reality mental game, Werewolves Within. In the game, all players can simultaneously through voice and non-voice communication, and find out the self-righteous "werewolf" in twitter lies and quarrel. Game introduced nod, shake hands, whispering interactive, lectures and other non-verbal, to mobilize the enthusiasm of all the participants, a good demonstration of the value of the virtual reality of social elements. VR-dimensional Tencent Guy column: How to use VR to address social needs? The third question, if we have to do VR Socially, technically feasible? We can provide many rich people and showing emotional expression? Through technical means, with games or applications based on the information, we can speculate that a credible and restore facial appearance, expression changes in the VR, body movements Look at the appearance of the user's face virtual world presented, if we want to be realistic, we can get through the technical means to restore the offline maps and models the user's face, whether it is now positive by a single photo, or multiple different angle photos, also rely on the phone or shoot camera lens rotation, have the appropriate technology to restore the 3D model. We can also change a practice, because often socialize on the network, users tend not to use a real image, so you can choose not to pursue the reduction of the face, but to provide flexible enough to face the avatar customization features, allowing he likes the user to customize the appearance of the face. VR-dimensional Tencent Guy column: How to use VR to address social needs? VR-dimensional Tencent Guy column: How to use VR to address social needs? Website: 3D Avatar Store: face 3D model generated by a single photo The expression on the face of the user avatar mapping will be key to convey emotion, but unfortunately, because the user is wearing almost completely covered half of his face on the first display, so now we only have a small amount of real-time information can be used restore the user's facial expression in the virtual world. We can do first is to use technology to Lip Sync sound calculated by the avatar of mouth, so that the dialogue between users and mouth movements match up. VR-dimensional Tencent Guy column: How to use VR to address social needs? Website: OVRLipSync: synchronous virtual characters mouth and sound For expression of the eye will be relatively large challenge, although there have been significant in the first eye-tracking technology, but few heads mainstream was still not integrated, but fortunately we can focus sports and events within the scene of the head ( for example, someone is talking, or the occurrence of a critical event), to infer the user's focus of interest at the time, and ultimately to generate a lively and credible eye animation. On expression, if there is a camera, then you can crawl into the lower portion of the face, there is an interesting technology concern, it play Barbie Dress Up Games can be deep learning, using only the lower half of the face will be able to restore the complete expression facial expressions. VR-dimensional Tencent Guy column: How to use VR to address social needs? Website: Facial Performance Sensing HMD by Hao Li Hand movements also express emotions important part, we can obtain location information of the hand through the hands somatosensory controller, if you need more detailed expression, then there are hardware manufacturers to provide all kinds of hands of different technologies to track, there are based on inertial sensor, based on a magnetic field, but also based optics. For body movements, through the hands of the controller and the head movement of information, coupled with IK (Inverse Kinematic) do simulate the upper body posture and movement. Lower body movements can be simulated by moving the information, or you can use Kinect to obtain such equipment, but lower body movement on the one hand not very important for emotional expression, on the other hand in the movement for VR also requires careful design, so no need too much attention. VR-dimensional Tencent Guy column: How to use VR to address social needs? Website: Final IK: to generate a virtual character animation with IK On the whole, at this stage, we are more feasible way to capture some real information, and then based on other information in the application or game time to speculate and information can not be captured those complementary user to infer and restore a credible player's physical and emotional expression. We also believe that the next few years, hardware and software will continue to progress and a variety of new interactive technologies will be integrated into a variety of head was to provide a more powerful appearance and capture and restore the user the ability to interact. VR: How far can together Users of VR in the virtual world where feel the genuineness of their "own" existence, it would also have the instinct to "play" in the virtual world of the "self", and want to have more skills. Although the technology is not perfect, it can not completely real to virtual mapping, but has also been able to provide to the user an unprecedented natural interaction Cooking Games Compared to real-life social, VR social like other Internet social networking as more efficient; rather than computers and mobile phones such devices, VR and richer social perspective. In the near future, VR will give us a new social experience: the ends of the earth, at any time, so that friends and the world in front of you.

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