Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Say to phase out the gasoline car, but certainly more environmentally friendly electric cars Why?

On Twitter circulating in Silicon Valley is now the most popular two points,play Anna Games one of which is:. "With Uber later, you will not need to buy a car." But soon, with the launch of Tesla, this view quickly becomes "I bought a Tesla Model X." virtually owns a Tesla seems to have become the "Silicon Valley elite "their symbol. But not only in Silicon Valley, the heat of the electric car is almost global. For example, the major parties in Norway recently adopted a 2025 stop production of all fuel vehicle program. On the one hand thanks to governments subsidies for electric vehicles. Some states to implement tax incentives for electric cars low policies, up to the amount of $ 13,500, which is higher than the purchase of a new Ford Fiesta. Dutch government has also recently introduced a House of Commons to be completely banned in 2025 gasoline and diesel bill. In addition, more than 20 governments around the world to buy electric cars are implemented with varying degrees of subsidies. The Norwegian Government is to come up with about $ 4 billion yuan for electric cars be tax subsidies. Compared with other countries purely electric car owners subsidies policy, the implementation of China's efforts to appear more sincere. In 2012, China issued a document called "energy-saving and new energy automotive industry development plan (2012-2020) Plan" has made it clear that "by 2020, pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid production capacity of 2 million vehicles, cumulative production and sales more than five million. " But in fact there is a debate on the issue is not over, certainly more environmentally friendly electric cars Why? Traditional cars with carbon dioxide in the exhaust gas discharged from governments and environmental organizations are often seen as the culprit of the greenhouse effect. In the process of moving did not exhaust the electric car looks obviously more secure. But electric cars are not exist in isolation. Pollution and energy-related sources When we think about the electric car is environmentally friendly, but also should look at the discussion. Forbes technology play Dora Games columnist Neil Winton said: "Only when all electricity production from clean and renewable energy, electric cars can save the Earth's environment is not only nonsense words." Electric car in motion the process does not produce pollution, but it uses energy when power is likely to generate pollution. Most of the world's power stations, still rely on burning coal, oil and produce electricity. According to the Global Status Report 2015 renewable energy, the global renewable energy electricity production accounted for only 22.8%. US Energy Information Administration, 2014 Latest statistics show that the total generating capacity in the United States two-thirds of electricity is generated from fossil fuels, 39% of electricity generated from fossil fuel fired power plants. Environment Research Resources for the Future economists Virginia McConnell believes that "if the coal-fired power plants (driven Tesla's) power, the whole power is not less than conventional vehicle manufacturing greenhouse gases." A calculation from the Singapore Land Transport Authority (LTA) and even the Tesla Model S will be identified in order to "non-environmentally friendly vehicle", if the power consumption ratio in terms of carbon emissions, Model S vehicles per kilometer of carbon emissions 222 grams. In March, a Singapore Model S owners on account of "excessive emissions" and was fined $ 10880. Electric vehicles for a positive environmental benefits only in power mostly rely on clean energy production areas will have a significant manifestation such as 80% of its electricity rely on nuclear energy production in Europe and France. China's dirty energy more For China, the electricity production is still mainly from burning coal. In 2014, coal accounted for 64% of the proportion of China's energy consumption structure. Bernstein Research, a study based on the survey of China in Hong Kong use of electric vehicles will bring environmental impact. Research that the Chinese high carbon emissions from power generation (coal-based) actually increased environmental pollution caused by motor vehicles. President of the Environmental Assessment Institute in Copenhagen, "cool down: a skeptical environmentalist" (Cool It) a text book author made a calculation, when Tesla Model S with the consumption of 150,000 km energy will bring 13 tons of carbon emissions. When combined with carbon emissions special lithium battery production and recycling processes generated, the entire process will produce a total of about 34 tonnes of carbon emissions. This figure is 35 tons of carbon emissions rely on diesel-powered Audi A7 when traveling the same distance produces roughly equal. Compared with gasoline, the result is also not optimistic. Researcher Neil Beveridge of Bernstein Research in Hong Kong by comparison with BMW 320i and Tesla Model 3 in carbon emissions of 93,000 miles mileage will have found, taking into account China's power structure, the electric car is higher than the carbon emissions than gasoline vehicles 20%. Tesla's official spokesman disagreed, they studied data after Bernstein estimates that the value of carbon dioxide per kilometer in the Tesla Model 3 with Hong Kong will produce practical application of 137g, this value compared to gasoline vehicles a lot lower. But they still do not respond in the energy unclean areas, the electric car is not exactly ring environmental issues. In addition, the weight of the battery pack Model S models than half a ton, the volume is much larger than the extent of many electronic products recycling equipment can handle. Find efficient recycling technology will take some time, specializes in recycling worldwide lithium battery company is also rare. There are also changes in driver behavior, "green", "cheap" stimulus In addition to numerical calculations, the owners of electric cars produced by "incentive impact" on the environment will have a negative play Cooking Games effect. What incentive effects? Mathematics, University of Chicago, Dr. Steven Landsberg proposed for energy saving and environmental protection equal to the challenge in economics Primer "The Armchair Economist" in: "When the fuel-efficient vehicles has been identified as reduce the cost of driving, people are more willing to Select to car travel. " Electric car prices are not necessarily cheaper, but with lower cost. In addition the government deals also stimulate more open the driver out. In Hong Kong, for example, for conventional cars, when people need to buy a 36% purchase tax levy, and when people buy an electric car, it is tax-free. In mainland China, with Beijing as an example, the Government has provided for the electric car 3.15 - subsidy of 54,000 yuan. In addition, the purchase of electric cars do not need to be restricted Yaohao, limited number of such policies. In these policy incentives, originally choose to drive less, take public transportation or who, after the purchase of electric cars, will be more likely to choose to drive out. Clean energy change will not happen overnight. Just introduced in China Thirteen Five-Year Plan in 2020, the proportion of coal consumption of China play Baby Hazel Games will still be up to 62%. 约恩隆伯格 commented on very straightforward: "Given the current status of China's power generation, electric cars subsidies is completely pointless act."

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