Sunday, February 28, 2016

"Sin" chain of home, you are still guilty of all

February 24 morning, the Shanghai Municipal Construction Committee interviewed play bubble shooter the person in charge of the chain of home. Preliminary findings, there is a chain store company-related non-standard business practices, the authorities have decided to launch a formal investigation, and asked the company to actively cooperate with the chain. At the same time segment, Homelink Group in Shanghai market more stores to be found suddenly removed all the window advertising. As potential users a real estate agent, I had to go carefully stroked a stroke what happened? I did not expect such a breaking pull, found the whole estate agency industry may be in for big muffled death. Chain of home real estate financial landscape Founded in 2001, the chain of home real estate agent industry as "old cannon child." The past two years, as a former industry benchmark, the chain of home repeatedly with action to prove its giant status. Even in the Internet wave of the impact it will still be able to grow into giants, because of its excellent management and service system, and can "advance with the times." At present, the chain business is divided into three major blocks: Asset Management (Tintin rent, comfortable home), transaction management (new houses, second homes), financial management (chain of home finance, management, etc. through room), mutual promotion between the three. Chain of home finance in the chain's home Internet real estate finance platform, known as "the first sale of real estate - Paying - Money 'real estate financial closed-loop mode. Docking there are investors to invest on the financial needs of the chain of home Money Online, go online while docked in the chain of home buyers apply for business owners. The borrower mostly from the sale of the chain of family housing customers, mainly for short-term liquidity borrower generated during the real estate transaction, such as the owners need to sell to pay off the mortgage, the bank granted loans to buy a house because of customer lending is slow and can not pay the balance due, the owner change Housing, housing mortgages and the like. In addition, the chain of family financial system as well as in Beijing Rongxin guarantees established in 2006 and began operations in 2015 through the processing room, by the Beijing chain of home finance in the Financial Investment Guarantee Co., Ltd. is responsible for operations, and management through the room Homelink Group is the third-party payment platform, in July 2014 the Chinese people's Bank issued a "pay business license", it is currently the only company licensed housing guarantee payment platform. Room processing undertaken through the payment function is to provide housing for the play girl games second-hand housing buyers and sellers "managed funds", as well as support housing deposit, paying back the principal, property settlement deposit transfer Construction Commission and other managed funds, in order to ensure that second-hand housing transaction process financial security. With this real estate venture known as the safest and most reliable asset, it looks "Internet real estate finance +" model is relatively low: real estate agency on the hands of the customer has several suites, for the month the number of "big data" is internet financial platform to do the strongest wind control when a reassurance, and the internet can provide a very important financial assistance for the new house, trading second-hand housing. Vice president of the chain hotels, CFO Wei Yong told China Economic Net interview in 2015 when he said: "The current (Homelink) overall profitability of the financial services accounted for nearly 10% over the next five years to achieve 50% is possible." As of February 23, 2016, the cumulative amount of investment platform has more than 175.5 billion yuan, over 310,000 users, the highest single-day trading volume of nearly 200 million, the average daily volume of over 38 million yuan, the per capita amount of investment more than 160,000 yuan. Since the financial and real estate is a natural fit, the chain of family financial products and can "make it easier to buy a house," and how authorities would have been pummeled it? Things are changing The problem lies in the chain of family himself. Observant people can find in the chain of family financial management website, almost all products are Chinese and provide financial guarantees principal and interest guarantee letter. In fact, the financial guarantee business information in the letter, whose sole shareholder is the Beijing-linked real estate brokers. (Related Business information look up information from the enterprise) Li Tong room registered in August 2013, just as a single corporate identity is executive director of the chain of family property. Treatment room through the shareholders in financial guarantees and letters in Beijing and two Thai Investment Advisory Co., Ltd., and Beijing and the Thai Investment Advisory Co., Ltd. In addition to shareholders, Chairman Zuo chain of real estate, there are vice president Wang Yong chain of real estate group. (Related Business information look up information from the enterprise) According to the 2015 report shows the chain of family financial management, internet cumulative turnover of 13.8 billion, the average monthly turnover of over one billion, one-day financing of billions of dollars to finance two months to the chain of home computing standard one year, at least in the stock of more than 2 billion . While the financial letter as security, industrial and commercial registration display its registered capital of 500 million, the chain of family financial guarantee amount has already exceeded the company's registered capital guarantee. In fact, before 23, 24, exposed violations chain of home, in addition to the media last September noted that the phenomenon of over-collateralization chain financial platform. Companies in the financial management of a general letter of guarantee is a contract to guarantee qualification, not having a financing guarantee qualified companies. In the chain of family roles set before them, "Li room through a third-party monitoring platform in the form of cut real estate transaction. After signing the contract the buyer and seller, the first call processing room through direct payment, buyers and sellers can see the down payment has been recorded at the same time by the management of the housing through the housing property identification, can confirm the transaction, and then call the seller first payment in kind of the whole process by the management through the room to monitor the safety of funds, so that buyers and sellers are assured that transaction. " And a recent People's Daily reports indicated that there may be reason to freeze funds housing through an opaque problems. Originally chain of home treatment room can only be undertaken through a "fund custodian," but due to the current related regulations still make strict limits on third party depository of funds, management function room through the actual burden is more biased in favor of "financial deposit tube". You understand yet? That is, not only did the chain of home players, and when the referee, its platform end real estate finance, payment terminals, terminal and wire secured under all the business side of the company or set up their own direct management, this model led to its financial platform the risk is not dispersed in the event of bad debt, loan or guarantee company audit standards loosening up, or is funding strand breaks, financial risk chain will be systemic, and it is difficult card off risk conduction. Since November 2014 Chain of family financial on-line, as of 2015 Q3, the chain of home finance cumulative investment reached 9.37 billion yuan, invested more than 27 million users, 142,700 yuan per capita amount of investment, duplication of investment was 80%, compared to the Bao investment balance to $ 400 per capita. Currently the chain financial business has accounted for 10% of total revenue, while 2017 is expected to contribute 20% of revenue, the chain of home finance CEO Wei Yong predict the next five years will provide financial services to 50% of net profit chain of home. Although we are more or less on the Internet as the representative of the chain of home real estate finance have questioned, but after all, the chain of home finance is indeed achieved good results. Unexpectedly, just past the Lantern Festival, the chain of family was hurt. Homelink wrong in what? We turned up to see the fuse of the incident. According to media reports: the chain of family mediation first case of deception the reputation of Shanghai Huang real estate mortgage and landlord, in Mr. Huang Qi Cheng paid the down payment, the house was seized three successive courts. The innocent party Homelink, Mr. Huang will require parents to name the assets as collateral, in order to make credit guarantees before they agree to continue to handle the transaction. After another "victim" Mr Chong to pay a deposit, before the signing of the formal agreement was only told that play Angela Games phase own house 167 million mortgage, real estate license can not handle, but this turned out to be by the mortgage intermediary chain to work on behalf of the staff lent home for its purchase of other property. From these two cases, the chain of family company of Shanghai wrong in "a room two to eat," and move "processing room through" help-hosted precipitation funds. In fact, the protection of traditional intermediaries between buyers and sellers is relatively low, the chain of home buyers and sellers and to strengthen the protection of the tripartite mediation, that is, buyers and sellers are requested funding in the chain stay home. The buyers and sellers are all involved in the chain of family funds precipitate a certain period of time, from this perspective, "Li Tong room" and "Alipay" secured Taobao transaction is entirely consistent. Buyers paid a deposit and down payment on houses was "processing room through" third party accounts frozen, until after the end of the housing transfer will unfreeze the funds, transferred to selling customers to avoid problems caused by housing property buyer customers can not transfer, or because not enough money to purchase the buyer's customer, resulting in customer seller "money lost two room" and other phenomena occur. But this account is actually secured through its wholly owned subsidiary in the financial letter. The letter is responsible for the financial chain of real estate transactions of all property rights verification, managed funds, mortgage loans and financing. Insiders said, "If the managed funds on deposit in the bank, bank transfer accept the instruction, and the platform will be able to cut off funding. But the chain of family property as a medium of exchange, rather than through the chain of home treatment rooms and custodian bank as a financial payment platform, will form funds management room through precipitate, forming a pool of funds. In the case of insufficient information transparent, real-time monitoring of capital flows is difficult. " Have huge amounts of money in precipitation, originally played on a "fund custodian" of the chain of home gradually start a "fund depository." Some analysts said that the chain of home hand housing transactions in 2015 is expected to 400 billion, with an average of 40% down payment estimates, the year 160 billion down payment funds, the daily precipitation of funds 428 million, based on an average precipitation of 10 days each transaction capital calculation, Facilitation of 8% calculated in 2015 is expected to bring 93.8 million of income, of course, the chain of family income if the money is used to get his way will be even greater. Mr Chong case sufficient proof, Homelink really spent money pool of funds, to lend. Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari Although there are risks if their chain of family self-control is strong enough, it is now the financial system would not be so criticized. But in the face of commercial interests, to be honest, there are a few real estate agents hold back. I am not against anyone, most real estate agents here, you are likely to step followed the chain of home Internet banking concept is the Do not fire in recent years related to financial items and start-up companies have mushroomed to grow up. In 2013, the country's P2P platform is only 800, one year after 1613. By 2015, the cumulative domestic P2P platform has reached 4329. Compared to other industries, as a high-quality real estate assets, combined with the financial well deserved, the risk is smaller. Major real estate or real estate brokerage firm will not miss this opportunity for development. For example, Vanke and Minsheng Bank launched the "10,000-Man Po", launched green "real estate treasure," Peace House launched a "good loans", etc. In the real estate agent who, the Albert I love my family launched the "my home mortgage," SouFun's "world-prime" Homelink "home many treasures," LaSalle Bank's "home cloud loans," In addition the Central Plains, Q Housing Network, a lot of room, live-off, E-house China, etc., to engage in cross-border finance. Real estate agent to do so much financial, Homelink is why only carry out public display, this is just a chain of family's "original sin" it? Second-hand housing market has always been a national policy, transaction marketing aspects fully asymmetric information market, because real estate, transportation, floor, renovated second-hand housing price differences are quite different, ordinary home buyers is difficult to accurately measure the national policy on prices and the additional factors impact. Second-hand housing market has been on the prevalence of the problem of false listings. Many real estate agent is the intermediary of the Internet channel only channel to attract users to a shop, hang out online listings are mostly false, so the real buyers want to eliminate second-hand housing prices opaque, only in the actual number of viewing to learn about the actual market price listings. Both cases, the cost of capital chain to offer the same monthly interest rate of 1.6%, which is an annualized 19.2%, far more than four times the bank lending rates, but also higher than 18% of the loan interest rate ceiling previously specified. Although not clear evidence that links funding in Loaning process whether the violation, but at least from the village, yellow two cases, the financial risk of the Loaning money is still very high, and big profits. Some analysts believe that the authorities require Homelink offline financial products, not simply to punish the chain of home, but out of the agency and some buyers' offer for off-site "exposed the dangerous behavior of the atmosphere. In the past, buyers purchase a house, the first suite of the leverage ratio of about 1: 3, the current buyers use "Homelink" financial leverage support and the off-site with the capital frequently 1: 7 serial leverage ratio: 5 or even 1. By major publicity agency data can be introduced: the chain of home sales in about 210 billion yuan traded using leverage, housing the world about 200 billion yuan, I love my family about 800 billion yuan, the entire industry through intermediary "off-site with the capital "realization turnover purchase had more than 1 trillion yuan, such a fact caused by the Shanghai municipal government to worry about systemic risk outbreak. With E Rent treasure lesson, local government concern is not without reason. Since the real estate transaction process, from start to finishing all purchase procedures, there is a certain cycle. In this period, real estate agent can precipitate a lot of money. From the point of view of the chain of family events, driven by the interests, a number of real estate agents to seek to maximize the benefits of using its dominant position in the real estate aspects of the transaction, at the illegal operation. On the other hand, China's real estate agent market over the years has always been the lack of unified planning and guidance, and the lack of a unified management system integrity.

So young used car electricity supplier

New Year, Spring Awakens on the branches, but second-hand electric car makers circles play Barbie Cooking Games but have actively or passively into certain anxiety. Car thing brother believes that second-hand car in the early development of the electricity business will inevitably take some detours, pay some tuition. Throughout Europe and the development of second-hand cars, without exception, are Ebb Tide, from germination to maturity, suffering to a bright flame over the course of the hustle. As the second-hand car electricity supplier camp, although the development of a few years time, and even some just started, seems to have prematurely, suffering from anxiety disorders, and some have even dying. A second-hand car electricity supplier which suffered "anxiety" Used car industry mainly from fear of anxiety, because second-hand car of the electricity supplier still under exploration, everything is unknown, we run very fast, but the road ahead is good to go in the end, no one dare not promise. Brother car thing I think there are several anxiety. 1. Mode anxiety: transition bottleneck case Select the mode, equivalent to select the track. Used car electricity supplier also has the characteristics of weight because of the service, in the end you want it closed loop transaction, you do not do self-testing, valuation, or want to change or even an easy point mode. These problems could have been a good early start to consider, but the competition is too fast, the 2014 second-hand car electricity supplier or a blue ocean, then quickly turned into a Red Sea last year. So swimming in the Red Sea, to have the courage to throw away the original life preserver, some companies in anxiety directly sink. Similar good car safe from the transition to B2C C2B fails, others difficult to complete the transition or hold together. According to incomplete statistics, there are car thing of nine has experienced such anxiety. 2. Ad anxiety: whether or not to follow suit Last year, an "upper upper Unisphere used car" ads that used car electricity supplier really into universal vision. The electricity supplier last year, second-hand car into a ad campaign, direct sale network based on last year's excellent letter disclosed various used car, used car seeds, all cars were spent on advertising costs 500 million, 200 million, 50 million yuan. And this trend will continue this year, the seeds used car direct selling network CEO Hao Yang Chung said that it would invest 1 billion, total distance with the opponent. Plus excellent letter, melon seeds, everyone succession financing, so a new round of advertising war is inevitable. In the Internet there are 721 law, boss occupy 70% market share, the second is 20%, the other 10 percent divided up. Electricity supplier in the used car in each mode will also be formed this last pattern. Then placed in front of the other competitors question is, with previews brand of scale, not to follow a new round of advertising campaign, really real headache for participants. 3. Anxiety PR: Do you want to respond Similar to the year's 3Q World War II, used car electricity providers also experienced a lot of large and small public relations war, from the early Unisphere car easy to shoot and shoot on the market share battle, to various melee last year. Used car electricity supplier in the media presents another piece of prosperity. Li Jian at a press conference recently suspected upstream outgoing speech, words extremely intense. Second, why be so anxious? Used car makers why electricity is so anxious it? Car thing brother considered the following main points: 1. In considering policy There is no doubt that the used car is the last piece of the electricity business electricity supplier play Dora Games industry big cake, car ownership now exceeds 140 million, according to analysis by 2020, China used-car market trading volume is expected to reach 40 million, the market value exceed 1 trillion yuan. Therefore, under such a big cake even holds a 10% share, but also billions of level, can be BAT as in Internet companies ranked immortals. But in such a large plate, used car electricity supplier overall penetration rate is less than 10%, far from the real point of the outbreak, but also in the early exploration. In the initial stage, the industry's policies, including tax, limited reform has not moved so completely. Used car electricity suppliers can not keep up the reform pace of development policy, built like athletes ran track, we are afraid of the front foot Ta. 2. Investors are concerns Used car electricity supplier as meat and potatoes, investment institutions have ground gun and rub the palms, have admission. But the industry because of high customer price, weight and other factors mode, you need to pay a huge admission. According to incomplete statistics, the car thing, a total of 23 companies received investment, and the amount of ten million are basically starting. But with the opportunities and risks in front of non-stop investment in the rear there are already eligible for the investment company quietly closed down. Even the main Daikin Group has given up in the hands of a good safe car trading business. In the capital of winter has not completely faded, the used car and relatively long payback period, the capital side is pressure Alexander. The pressure of natural capital transferred to the enterprise, so similar to Liu Qiang East shelling year only sold two cars, the C $ 60 million round of $ 80 million would be reported examples abound. 3. enterprises in the "worry" The most serious anxiety than the enterprise itself, or from the fundamental anxiety enterprise competition fears. Because none of the current in the industry's market share in the absolute leader, a similar situation occurred in the Warring States separatist warlords. And second-hand car in the whole dish large enough to make up for each mode are billions levels. So start doing business will identify the direction sense, rather than come to rub rub hot, cheat investors money wipe trouble. In this track we compete when you want to lead, since it is the best way to run the sooner the better, in previous years we are also mustering the strength to develop their own. But with the addition of some new incoming, some playing little mind, others running time pushing it and found after not down, and kept the spit toward others. So it intolerable, both of you come to me. Third, the harm anxiety What? Such long-term anxiety can lead to what harm? Car thing brother deems appropriate anxiety is understandable, but excessive anxiety can backfire. 1. Consumers lose confidence Used car electricity providers, especially C2C mode, the user's reputation is extremely fancy. The user when buying a car will look at this site news, if every day is rushing toward the negative, can cause the user's lack of trust. The busy war of words at the same time, will trade-off, and even forgot the beginning of the heart, commitment to consumers greatly reduced. For example, a website written 14 days no reason to return the car, 14 days into retreat. 2. Investors losing patience Used car industry is heavily capital-intensive, although money is not everything, but no money in this industry really must not. If the mode constant changes, the industry has been flooded with negative information, we believe that investor patience is limited, especially nothing more than taking the effort can not keep up the pace of development when the reagent. 3. Entrants lose confidence Players who enter here, including second-hand car market and the subsequent, second-hand car industry chain is very long, the integration of trading, after the market, finance and other upstream and downstream. In the second-hand car trading aspects of a problem, then the degree of correlation with other industries will decline, is not conducive to the sound development of the whole industry chain. In addition to an industry that is the most valuable talent, need electricity supplier booming used car under play Baby Hazel Games a lot of talent, but we see this industry so confusing, it will be discouraged. Fourth, how to control anxiety? Used car electricity supplier industry governance matrix anxiety, the car needs to consider the following points brother thing. 1. Policy level: more and more bright sunshine Fortunately, the current policy direction continues positive, in addition to tax policy reform is expected, in addition to recently released adjust down payment on a used car, down 2 percent is not a dream. Improved policy can repair the runway, to keep up with consumer upgrades, and used electric car makers of The Amazing Race. 2. company level: sense for the consumer services Used car electricity providers Either a closed loop mode, and finally fell must be consumers. As an important type of electricity supplier services, good sense services, valuation, perfect for the detection of used car credit system. Here we need to do a lot of homework. With these rapid run as a bargaining chip, rather than everywhere sullied. Used car dealers who will eventually anxiety past, some players in the increasingly powerful anxiety, turn pressure into motivation. While others may find it difficult to survive.

Do you think Ali's social ambitions are dead but in reality is the future life of the community

On the Yabuli forum, face huge social empire Tencent, Ma face the challenge, he said play baby games Tencent now doing social Ali community to do next. "Because of the Internet will soon become a society in which this society, how to create and build, how lasting innovation Ali of interest, whether it is dealing Ye Hao, Ye nails, Alibaba will not give up." From the earliest Ali Want to Ma once pushing and eggs and from then to the current hot public communication platform nails, as well as the introduction of the show but was mad Tucao Alipay set Foca activity, we see Ali's social endless ambition, always more than toss. Ma said Business is war, but he had to give up life and death, the implication seems to indicate that not to Tencent Ali ousted from the social leader, but Ali future development of the inevitable choice. You would think that Ma is pure flicker, I thought it obvious that you want to grab na Tencent jobs, but this time I was deeply contingent. why? All future Community As micro-channel strongly expand financial services because mobile payment has become an important way of life; Ali layout social networks, because community life is bound to become our basic survival needs, whether Tencent to expand the financial, social or Ali layout, in fact, are based on future trends in the inevitable choice. All future community, the community is what it? President may wish to define communities: there are people expressing a common demand together to produce cross-organizational structure of social relations. Community prevalent in our real life, because the education of children together and expand exchanges parents because DOTA commenced roommate discussed Tucao company leaders together colleagues ...... community's place in our lives, become the basic needs of our emotional expression. The Internet is no doubt a great need to release our emotional expression. Weibo is based on the concerns of the community structures topic, watercress group is a community-based structure of interest in the concerns, the station cool design is based on the concerns of the community, beep beep Mile Mile is a community-based structure of the second element of concern point ...... Community structures have under three basic characteristics: Participants: a common expression of demand; Point of concern: there is a common topic focus; Interactive: cross-interaction. Community nature of the organizational structure is established based on the expression of demand. For chestnuts, when we read the first Spring Festival Evening program could not help but want to Tucao, we first thought is that we have the same expression with the need to treat people is how the show, that we must first find the same kind of people. Micro-channel network is based on the relationship between social platform to express needs of the public in a chaotic state, if we will release in the Spring Festival Evening Tucao circle of play baby games friends, in the living area is likely to cause an acquaintance, because of your excitement with your remarks forming the image of reality split. Our express their needs always exist, we need to free expression of desire. For example, recently read "the strongest brain", after reading the program most want to do, of course, do not want to take advantage of a young hurry to improve improve IQ, but hastened to show guests to discuss, do not Biechu internal injuries, this time most need is a community organization. Why are the future of social community it? President believes that efficient allocation of society will inevitably require social division of labor is getting smaller, in every inevitable gathered from a number of segments that work the same background, the same skills, the same knowledge base, etc. the possibility of such people, they have a common expression of the demand is higher, so the demand will be expressed as individual islands of the whole of the community express their needs. That community interest Community traditional times, is nothing more than cultural circles based on geographic coordinates, artificial key elements. The future of the community model, some rooted in the field of vertical public interest, this time the contents of the key elements, namely the core of the concerns the public has become a connection point between people, through the effective integration of the concerns of the general public to interact with the participants communicate with. We have a deep feeling for the fact that we had added a lot of micro-channel group to share with you only as play Frozen Games a convenience, but gradually we deeply disturbing, the group received a daily variety of information, a lot of information we do not have to delete the browser directly . Why is this so? The reason, is that in the micro-channel group, our concerns point is decentralized, there is no effective focus. In fact, the concept of community is nothing new. Community forms has long been, from the earliest BBS, forums, to watercress, paste it, know almost to the current, and from crowding together, are essentially community products, we can even see a lot of media platforms, it is actually a class community products. In the community platform, it is based on the content focused social relations between people. Thus, we can see that the essential difference between the social and the community that the former implementation is human connection Eco relatively tends introverted, while the latter is the realization of content and human connection Eco relatively toward outward. In the community, personalized expression of people can be demonstrated, the individual needs to be broken down, our various interests will be greatly satisfied. A large community inside the movie "The Little Mermaid" to build a community, the lines "There was a sincere love placed in front of me, I do not cherish," can build a community, gravitational waves can build a community, Peng Bo agency can build a community, local snacks can build a community ...... to sum up Community nature of the organizational structure is established based on the expression of demand, the concerns on the content of the island, we inadvertently meet similar people. We must understand one fact: in our community is no longer a fundamental social needs, but the expression and expression of the desire to meet the needs of the release.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Rugao "big flowers" Online orders can not stop

Several days before the New Year, most courier companies to stop recipient, may play bubble shooter "spend tricks" Han Yan, head of the electricity supplier or busy hands and feet, "online orders simply can not stop, I can only sorry to tell buyers years after delivery. " Flower tricks, Rugao is a landscaped electricity supplier sellers. Rugao is "flowers and trees", in front of every family planted seedlings, species of tree farms departments and regions. Two years, and the "flower tricks", as both a tree planting digging rough big hands, and dig deep plowing in the electricity supplier in the world, playing a "new tricks." He foreign communities such as city streets in the old 204 National Road side. Spring Festival approaching, every family on the balcony suspended sausage, salted fish, from time to time wafting smell of steamed buns, people smell the positive atmosphere in from far and near. In the village "flower tricks" warehouse workers also as usual, busy among the piles of pots. Spend whatever, is active in the Lynx, Alibaba, flying cow net sellers electricity supplier platform, the main flowers, plants, bonsai sales. Boss Liu Xiaofei, is a "85 after." Not very old, flowers electricity supplier business is done fast. Electricity supplier in the desk unit, in addition to pot "micro-landscape" sample a variety of shapes, that is, stacks of thick piles of documents delivery. "This document is the thousands of sheets courier nearly a month 'report card'. Since the order is too big, our electricity supplier to outsource customer now only on the Lynx will be able to received nearly 200 orders per day, Ali Baba more, mainly young people like fleshy, hydroponics, potted plants and other. "said Han Yan, head of the electricity supplier. Many online sellers flowers and bonsai, how to make "flower tricks" more competitive? Liu Xiaofei found by shopping mobile client now more and more young people, and many of the conservation knowledge of plants and flowers do not understand, he applied to buyers launched a "value-added services." Reporters saw in the flower pots each sold their places, are posted two-dimensional code. Swept away by a mobile phone is the "flower tricks" public number. Buyer reply name purchased plants can be immediately informed of the name of the source of plant growth habit, conservation knowledge and other information, but also real-time interaction with the seller. Such small intimate services to flower tricks make a "new tricks." Liu Xiaofei, said last year's flower tricks electricity supplier turnover of nearly 500 million, only about Lynx will sell 10 million pots of various types of plants. His next plan is to "take their places" into the longevity tourism resort area near both to expand the scale, but also as an attraction open to visitors. "I'm ready to 'take their places' to develop into a garden center, online and offline high degree of integration. Visitors can pick yourself favorite flower pot, just scan code can pay to leave, you can sit at home and receive their own hand-picked green plants ...... "Liu Xiaofei said. Some companies are traditional flowers wave networks conform transformation. Such as city streets, another business in town landscaped gardens, the main industry was doing the garden project, but recently relying on the "Internet +", the city is inhabited by focusing villa private households, the introduction of high-end courtyard garden maintenance services, and development of a "garden housekeeper APP" , personalized demand, sale, custom C2B business model. Late last year companies have been listed on the new board. Settled into the village as city streets, though it is winter the twelfth lunar month, but play Angela Games everywhere flowers and trees, green dressing. Beautiful shade under a European style courtyard impressively into the head. Reporters repeatedly praise style comfort, the master Zhai Jin has been warmly welcomed it as: "The courtyard spent a total of more than 300 million just to build up!" He pointed to four characters on the door said: "The courtyard called 'good rain garden'. good rain that I cultivated pearl boxwood brand. come with me behind the scenery better! "the old Zhai unashamedly. Zhai Jin as saying, Buxus is a rock plant, originally only scattered in Jiangxi, Hubei, Anhui mountains, once threatened with extinction. 20 years ago, he would Buxus introduction from the mountains to the home Rugao. In his years of domestication, Buxus species not only survived, but also adapted to the climate in eastern plains in Rugao rooting settled. "Do not look boxwood small in stature, they are all valuable treasure! Five, six per plant cheap, expensive to one million yuan." Zhai Jin as saying. This nursery grows 50,000 Buxus. A rough calculation, the value of this land of seedlings staggering, in addition to 300,000 seedlings are cultivated. Zhai Jin as saying, Buxus slow growth, but rare species, strong sense of style, leaf color is also different seasons, especially for urban households bonsai cultivation. Zhai Jin such as lean and thin, an authentic peasant dress. "Although he is handsome, but his village first 'shock' big flowers in doing business online." settled village party secretary said. Back in 2003, as it built Zhai Jin Buxus professional website - "good rain network." This year, he is to catch the express train of e-commerce, online business smooth flowers. Zhai Jin as in the office waving a thick pile delivery orders, inventory of the year's harvest, "through the Internet, to Rugao Yi Keke Buxus from all over the country. You see these express orders, in addition to Tibet and Xinjiang, the country have I customers. "old Zhai said that last year, he made only from online business, amounted to more than 50 million. Rely on remote monitoring, Zhai Jin as on their phone connection nursery system installed. Even though he was in the field, opening the mobile application, real-time nursery scene also panoramic view. "There are customers to come pick bonsai, you can rely on this remote trading." Zhai Jin as saying. To support the economic development of the electricity supplier flowers, stable through the end of the village on a fiber-optic broadband. With this high-speed road network, such as the 53-year-old Zhai Jin intend to use networking technology to build a "smart hall." Customers anywhere in the world, as long as the Internet connection, "Wisdom Hall", after obtaining authorization, you can remotely adjust the image pickup apparatus in the exhibition hall, enjoy each strain of yellow poplar style from a different perspective, "Zero", after the phase You can discuss the order. Settled in the village, the village party secretary talking about flowers and trees industry "by the electricity supplier" to the number of reporters. He told reporters, long settled village cooks flowers, as early as ten years ago, will no longer grow food, fields long seventy-eight ten kinds of osmanthus, Ziwei and other flower seedlings. It turned out the plane trees, to warn nearby market to sell seedlings of flowers, nursery stock and other traders or home purchase. "Although more than revenue to grow food, but do not increase the total value-added." he said. This year, the village settled many flowers have large positions will go online, do electric providers. The village formulate preferential policies to invite professionals to conduct e-commerce knowledge training, encourage entrepreneurship second. "The village sell power brokers have more than 280 flowers and trees, which display and sale of flowers and dozens of professional website. Flowers in e-commerce transactions amounted to more than 40 million." Late last year, the village has become stable rural e-commerce Jiangsu Province model village. Rugao Municipal Committee, such as the City street party committee secretary Liu Xiangyang told reporters, as the city has many flowers and professional village, specialist, as well as flowers and other flower seedlings World market, the main supply of domestic and foreign large-scale greening projects, "Eat years traditional economic dividends, but with the recent urban real estate development, municipal engineering construction scale reduction, urban greening, landscape engineering business into a downturn, flowers and plants also suffered winter. " "Rapid transformation of flowers and plants, can not be separated 'Internet +'." Said Liu Xiangyang, such as in the city, both traditional electricity supplier to supplier flowers in transition, there are young people to do new business enterprise of flowers, many of them have begun to take shape . Internet easy single enterprise integration, a huge volume of flowers market how do? More than two years ago, Rugao World flowers flowers built trading platform for electronic business, not just local procurement, the country look, has attracted more than 30,000 flowers and Suppliers stationed. Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari Liu Xiangyang told reporters in 2015, invoiced sales as city streets flowers and plants amounted to 15 billion yuan, of which e-commerce transactions contributed a large share to become the beautiful scenery along the new rural economy.

An "empty villages" micro-channel venture salvation

The first thing is that children get the phone after install micro letter, then began play Barbie Cooking Games to grab a red envelope. "So that phone grab a red envelope too slow," he explained embarrassed. Double wood, aged 30, he is one of the few workers did not go out of the school-age male workers in the village. In addition to dozens of acres of land contracted outside the village, even told a few friends partner opened a copper chemical plant. Although there is no earning it pours, but it can be considered a modicum of success of the entrepreneur. 2015 Most days, he arrived in the 7:00 to the factory, and then at 19 points at home. However, the regular schedule with the plant shutdown halted - a partner in trouble! Idling wooden double down, thought about joining Jingdong appliances, want to do other projects, there was no result after some investigation. Until one day he pulled into the village of micro-channel group, where he discovered a new world. Not only able to "see" holidays came back neighbors, also talked about the more interesting topic, of course, more importantly, can grab a red envelope, this poker than simply more interesting! The group, will be held every day from time to time "red Solitaire" campaign, with luck grab size. Originally only 5,6 personal activity, with the increase of group members, double wooden phone feel more and more slow, often point to open a group of envelopes, the system does not display the delay, but after finally opened a red envelope has prompted robbed finished. He began to think that the problem is speed, and even the router to move the bed, but found the problem persists. In the evening consulting professional advice, the drive to double the county to buy a new phone Trojan. And because micro-channel plus grab a red envelope or need to replace the phone, has become one of the main purpose of the villagers to replace the new phone. "They are red envelopes so frequently, and I have a certain relationship" has been working in Beijing three stone laughing and said, go home to visit relatives two months ago, in the evening to join the village "Poker army" was denied. Stand idly in the village of micro-channel group in made a lot of red envelopes, the villagers found that micro-channel can do this and it will have joined, have a lot of people get a new phone, a bank card tied. As a very typical "hollow village", the village most of the young workers out of the labor force, was only on holidays to meet each other, micro-channel group has become scattered all over the village people gathered to chat and entertainment a good place, just like village They will square in front of the same:play Dora Games the original play together and need big horn greeting, now send a micro letter envelopes it. Personal records this case is to say: micro-letter envelopes to promote the popularity of smart phones and the second switch, which is something that a lot of people anticipated it? In fact, in addition to grab a red envelope, the micro-channel group in the village there are various chat, and it reflects the status of many rural areas. For example, the group often seen materiality comparisons, as well as upstart mentality driven to show off. You can say this is the scarcity of human nature and culture of superficiality, but think back, a lack of faith in society, young people have to stay away from the family ties gradually blurred, become the only standard substance countryside, how holidays together in such a short time to show their muscles to neighbors, playmates, thereby obtaining hometown applause and cheers it? Of course, is straightforward contrast, exaggerated expression, even naked show, it was vividly demonstrated vanity. On "go back home" such articles media, academics and friends have written a lot, not in the tired. In the county to do derivative, you think just to sell something? February 5, the twelfth lunar month, two days away from New Year of the Monkey, the students gathered at the scene less than busy. Meeting place is a county of a mid-range restaurant, lobby restaurant had been rented for the whole party. Less than one member of this class reunion organizing committee, while greeting her old classmates to attend, chat, photo, while using a mobile phone at any time to answer questions micro-channel user base, but also time to leave the shop came consultation. While buzzing around, still less than methodical, "I love derivative, I love this job." Yes, less than a derivative, and the local minor celebrity derivative, in addition to at least eight hours of work like this. She sells merchandise mainly food, clothing, and provide hot commodity according to seasonal demands and changes. For example, the Mid-Autumn Festival moon cake, Chinese New Year New Year, even haze days masks, etc., and supply is mostly local business supply stores or directly getting goods sales. Therefore, there is no less than the shop inventory pressure to say, is more like a form of consignment on a traditional sense, but the channel is on the Internet, without the costs of rent entity. However, with only online sales contact at the line of buyers and sellers never meet different derivative, less than it focus on nurturing and expanding the user's offline, because her customers are mainly in the county. To know the county is a circle of acquaintances, we are down to see the rise, most people can be linked together by a colleague of the families and relatives of neighbors and other relations. So, as do "regular customers" business, it is a brand of self-importance. For example, less than set up their own shop user fan base, real-time user interaction within the group, to help users solve the problem of non-life sales on; cross-border cooperation at a local theme restaurant has established a brand name of its own private rooms, as long as the wood sub shop purchased merchandise, you can enjoy priority among the packet reservation service, "even meal off full, but as long as mention is wood sub customers will be able to directly enter between the package seating" less than, not without pride, said . And also less than with a group of people who love charity established a nonprofit organization, regularly go to a local nursing home, do public welfare activities, but it also subtly improved in less than appeal. In fact, the store is less than a personnel communication and communication value small platform, goods, services and activities, interactive platform to complete a brand, which is a lot, and a derivative operators are not available. To know that in this era of social networking, personal brand value is enormous, not only capable of producing a large community effect, fans are more economical. Of course, she's not out of the range of user groups county, which determines the size of the user will not be great, and this is where the disadvantages. In the six-line media from town do not talk mode Monkey, meng decided to second child. The 27-year-old has been working for 10 years, sold in Beijing's Zhongguancun computer,play baby hazel games did a personal website, and even fried domain. Domain name speculation is a relatively luck and vision test business, in addition to the early first individual owners, very few people can take to achieve large gains. In 2011, as the only son of meng back home, back to goal is simple - to get married. This is one of three things Chinese people's life, the other two are children, buy a house (building), he also completed in 2 years. According to the custom of the north, after the completion of all this is their easy life. Of course, life is wonderful, but need real money to support their families. After they married, meng took home all the savings, plus loans contracted a hundred acres of land planted green seedlings. Holding boss big money dream, meng market crash ushered in the green seedlings industry, almost all investment down the drain. Rest for a few months meng also find a lot of work, and finally find yourself doing is the most suitable, planned for a long time and decided to do the hearts of the Internet. With the resources and experience to work in Beijing when, meng quickly set up locally-targeted sites and micro-channel public number. Had not yet occurred throughout the county have more charismatic public micro-channel number, there are a number of new media agency media is still in the stage of testing the waters, and more conservative, but not too many meng number of public constraint, is entirely in order to attract attention and establishment, so quickly gathered tens of thousands of fans. This figure is in fact from the media industry in general, but only for a less than 70 million people in the county who has been very good. "One time, we eat in the town's restaurants, businesses adjacent heard saying:? You see our county public number yet how to how yesterday?" Meng excitedly said, it made him very a sense of accomplishment and pride, to his public message has become an important channel for local residents, "this is the value of ah." He said there was no thought patterns and locate the public number, that is wanted to do something to make money to support their families. Yes, meng do is a place from the media, but also in a five or six lines of the county. And he is a new trend in the direction of the larger environment, because the contents of entrepreneurs another spring comes. In this decentralized mobile Internet social networking era, everyone can be an entrepreneur from the media. But to excel, it must be different, it will easily be thrown into serious homogenization of various types of public numbers. So professional and segmentation is important, the more vertical user stickiness and the higher the degree of authority.

As long as we can always dream realized

January 1, 2016, Jiangsu Ding, chairman of UBS Financial Services Limited has play baby games a special significance for slightly through the year and a half of research and development, the company's first electronic business platform client "Billion business alliance" formally launched. On-line a month later, hundreds of thousands of registered members, on turnover of over one million. Behind excellent results, Ding and her husband slightly Comfort lead this average age of less than 30 years of team day and night to pay. In 2009, Ding slightly in the first 10 years of the work of teachers, but it became a turning point in the life on the road. At that time, Taobao has not been present so universally penetrate people's lives, a message of casual friends, she saw the development of electronic business platform of opportunities. "It was a young, aggressive and with that kind of enthusiasm, thinking we should have a dream to chase, perhaps on the realization." Relying on such an idea, the couple hit it off, he has abandoned the eyes of ordinary people and stable "iron rice bowl" in the thirties embarked on the road of entrepreneurship. "At that time we started from scratch, the whole family savings out, and if it fails really nothing." Entrepreneurship is always a long and tortuous process, initial funding can not keep up, the company has only four employees, what should the couple self-reliant, a year at least 200 days to work overtime after two in the morning. However, the only time she had to give up the idea, is the first time the server was hacked. "Hard for so long achievements destroyed, then I really disheartened." Recalls the past few years, said Ding slightly, to walk the most difficult those days, we rely entirely on the couple's mutual support and companionship . From the beginning to undertake software outsourcing services to actively pursue opportunities to achieve cooperation with more than 100 family businesses, develop their own electronic business platform. Speaking of which the opportunity to slightly Ding told reporters: "My dream is to start at the beginning can build their own Internet platform, in recent years outsourcing also let me know, companies only independent research and development to create a complete O2O platform, with its own the client app before you can single-handedly control the resources into their own hands, to provide customers with a more refined, personalized service. "Speaking of the next target, slightly Ding said he is preparing a city distribution medium fruit market, has now tried to run more than 20 days in the hope that price, the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables to the hands of the people. Dream all the way, all the way thorns, once bitter past, and now from the small mouth slightly say, is already clear baby games However, to see the dawn of success, but there are some small regret slightly, she admits:. "A few years ago, the biggest regret is no way often accompanied his son, and good company on the right track now, the timing is off a lot of" Dream for seven years, Ding slightly career and family finally double harvest. Oil Rice Mill bridge in the county, there is a less than 20 square flower shop, perhaps in the eyes of outsiders store common, but even some modest, but tough love red, this is all her dreams. When tough love to see red, she is squatting outside the shop transplanting pot schlumbergera too busy. "Patrons called yesterday a set of pots schlumbergera, busy taking advantage of the moment, I transplanted good, a customer will be able to take away, saving time." She pointed to homeopathic beside several empty flower pots said, so schlumbergera transplanting well, but also transplanted yew, Cymbidium, are booked early on the customer's. Walked into the shop, Clivia, phalaenopsis, happy tree and other flowers neatly and conveniently placed, tough love red flowers to the store after pouring water complete circle, started talking about her entrepreneurial story. This year 45-year-old Yan did love red garment factory workers, opened a clothing store, ran a restaurant, for various reasons, previous entrepreneurial and did not adhere to a few years. Happened to elementary school children in need of care, she decided to give up work, at home to concentrate on children. "At home full-time wife of four years, I feel that life is too boring, I feel completely derailed and society, or to 'came back' to make a career of their own." She recalls that since they like working in the garden and home planted a lot of species, more experienced, and now people's living standards improved, like to buy home grown plants and flowers, clean air, beautify the environment, then why not try to open a shop of flowers it? After the initiation of the idea, she and her husband to discuss a nearby rice mill in the oil below the bridge now rented shop, flowers to start a business. Flower shop has just started, because the stock market do not understand the market, coupled with the management and protection of all kinds of flowers and trees are not proficient, Yim also eat a lot of red nausea loss, also once wanted to give up flower shop. "Later then I thought, I love flowers, and has more than 40 years of age, and then diverted did not need." Restore confidence, she initiate contact with wholesalers, price negotiations, when each purchase is more about plant growth habits, management and protection mode, but not Internet access to information, read books, with an open mind to the side for many years planting customers, learn from friends, she is apprenticed to Wuxi. Under her persistent efforts, five years, the business year after year, more and more varieties of flowers purchased,play Frozen Games more and more high quality, original little-known shop has been famous in a small town . "In fact, the past few years, I was most happy is not how much money, but because of my flowers, make a lot of friends in 2015, my friend micro-channel to reach hundreds of people, all my customers, flower popular restaurant also straight up. "tough love red relaxed and that the new year will make more flowers boutique, trying to do Buxus, boxwood bonsai, before setting out for flower cultivation learning knowledge.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Twitter executives to discuss results: this year will increase marketing

After the earnings announcement, Twitter Executive Chairman Omid Cold Shahristani (Omid Kordestani),play baby games CEO Jack Dorsey (Jack Dorsey), Chief Operating Officer Adam Bain (Adam Bain), chief financial high Anthony Noto (Anthony Noto) and other executives attended the earnings conference call held later, results and highlights and to answer analysts' questions. The following is a question and answer session analysts main content: Canaccord analyst: You mentioned the need to restart growth in the number of monthly active promotion of users, now the conversion rate for each channel how? Secondly, with regard Periscope, look this product has great potential, but you have to do to enhance the user activity and user breadth of coverage, both of you have any plans? Noto: The company in January monthly active user number growth has three main parts, one is a new user, but some of the original user or re-active, three are new user retention rate continued to increase, so we are now the situation is very satisfactory. The first quarter is usually our peak season, have more opportunities to enhance the natural growth in the first quarter had a lot for Twitter to enhance the number of user activities and events, we are taking advantage of these opportunities, the progress is now also very satisfied. Dorsey: Periscope, we are now increasing investment in technology, the whole team is working around video technology scale. We recently launched a new feature that anyone can watch live streaming content via Periscope Twitter stream. So anyone can open the phone live, anyone can view the content through Twitter. So, our content distribution platform and strategy continues to expand, we will continue to enhance the size and experience. Deutsche Bank analyst: In your letter to shareholders mentioned recently launched Timeline lifting algorithm enhance the overall use of Twitter, can you tell us about the details in this regard? You are expected to use Twitter as a whole and the degree or activity continue to enhance it? Dorsey: We see today new Timeline upgrade has brought good growth, which we are very excited, because it really significantly enhance the user experience. If you now open the Twitter application, you can see the people you care about hair all the best content, as long as you go to refresh you can see, we have seen the number of people sent content and forwarding of content has improved, and is a very significant improvement, it also shows that we really need to keep improving the company's core product Timeline. Nomura Securities analyst: From the outside, now Twitter's management changing very unstable, can you tell us what is the reason for the management restructuring is? Do you think after the recent management changes will reach the future is not stable? In addition, data on Twitter 5.0, you in recent quarters have not been released operational data,play baby games but through on-site activities for development and transformation is a Twitter user's strengths to the Super Bowl, this year compared to the number of micro-blog during this period declined last year, can you tell us about the operational data and user activity related? Are you still an open letter to shareholders mentioned advertising and MoM YoY have improved, so that the user activity affect it? Dorsey: management team aspect of Twitter, the 2016 is certainly expanding the management team of the year, my main focus is on recruitment, hiring more officers, we now have a new board and a new executive chairman chief marketing officer, by the management restructuring, we think a lot, you can hope to find opportunities to strengthen the company's areas of strength. Marketing is obviously an area in which, with the commercialization of related products, engineering and design is another important area, but other areas are relatively large changes in the consumer goods, engineering and design In addition, we now have to pay these to the CTO Adam Maixin Jie (Adam Messinger), Adam is a real technology first, he for the company's situation if the palm, his most important task is to ensure that we can in between the three teams KONE together to help the company as a whole to grow faster. Now we live in the relevant areas, in this area we will be faster and more agile, because it is very urgent, so in this area we will continue to expand the team, a major focus is to expand the product's management team, as well as expanding the product manager team, engineers and technical management team. The current management structure for the new company, the integration of the different teams and organizations, on the whole I think this is very helpful. Noto: user activity, we have a lot more to enhance the operational data, aspects of our daily active users more concerned about the fourth quarter, daily active with the third quarter was essentially flat compared to the first quarter of this point of view also remained stable. Long terms, an elevated view of some users, whether it is long or when the overall user per user when using long true. In addition, we search volume grew by double digits. Overall, the more important data is on the rise. Amount of advertising, from the beginning of this year the company's advertising volume in significantly improved, mainly due to the amount of advertising the international market in enhancing US domestic advertising volume also have less promotion, we enhance the amount of advertising is mainly the increased demand in 2015, our the number of advertisers and the average amount per serving advertisers have improved. The most recent quarter, the company's number of advertisers to reach 13 million, an 90% improved, for us to look at this scale growth rate is very high, and this data is still growing now, I think we can improve your ad amount to achieve the company's growth expectations. Analyst: 2015, you made a lot of progress in terms of marketing, then in 2016 in this regard we will continue to accelerate it? Dorsey: We are the company's efforts in marketing and sales for the fourth quarter to bring the performance improvement is very satisfied, more importantly, we have learned will be applied to 2016, we are pleased to invited Leslie (Leslie ) do, chief marketing officer, I hope she can from American Express (American Express) to the accumulated experience of the company and the team in the past. We learned in the fourth quarter two important lessons in the fourth quarter, we adopted the first integrated marketing model, not only served also launched a television ad based on the effect of advertising and marketing, television advertising has a more lasting impact, we clearly It conveys the message that time is what the user should go to Twitter Frozen Games. The effect of advertising in the fourth quarter with good results, can reveal is that the user acquisition costs and enable users to re-active the costs are much lower than the user can create value for our lifetime. In fact, the month by active users obtain marketing retention rate of more than our natural Being active users monthly data. We will continue to join in the company's marketing strategy, while continuing to simplify the products, we will continue to deliver to the market value of Twitter, but marketing is to assume such a role. By 2016, we will continue to target opportunities facing the company to increase investment.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Five music streaming business model which you optimistic about?

Editor's Note: Music streaming music will soon rule the Internet, which is an play Angela Games indisputable fact. The problem is that when music streaming to find effective profit model. US Billboard magazine recently published an article on the current business model of the five music streaming analyzed. Let's see which mode is most future career prospects. Article a bit long, but very valuable. Original entitled "The Battle of Subscription Business Models: A Look at Their Strengths and Weaknesses" OF / Glenn Peoples compile / New Music industry watchers Labs 2016 will be the survival of the fittest music streaming service, the rapid evolution of the year. With the advent of on-demand services Pandora year, the music industry will have five categories of music subscription model, competing for the fans and the entire industry recognition. Just as Darwin discovered the Galapagos finches, each model has been formed, and with their surrounding environment changing. If the plants, animals or the weather may cause changes, some services may not be able to adapt. A successful model needs to work under complex constraints. Pure free mode, under the competition needs of all listeners paid model in the past two years has been under attack. Copyright owners and creators do not want the song to be provided without permission of their rights, and would like to attract more paying customers. They succeeded in their will to balance their rights. Paradoxically, however so far - five pure free model is one of the most successful models. In the end is the copyright owner and songwriter unstoppable force? Status still can not shake free services continue? Some business models to exploit its size and advantages of the parent company or the tech giant, to get the user. No corporate funding, a service needs to operate under conditions of low profits, alone to face the challenge to build user awareness. With almost unlimited bubble asset management, these services can be adapted to maximize the current industry environment. Although now in the download era, but even in the heyday of the sale of CD, many large music vendors is to CD as a tool to attract customers, rather than simply doing as Tower Records music specific retailer. In any case, with the help of music while sales of other products, usually really can play very good results. In simple terms, the following will be mentioned five modes, represent different ways to gain customers and market. (Royalty payments, as well as their role behind the success of these models are played, are not included in this discussion.) At a time of the survey, consumers are showing more interest in the subscription service, and for their willingness to pay a subscription service also than the actual number of subscribers to more companies. A recent Nielsen survey shows that 78% of fans expressed will or will pay for the music streaming service in the next six months. This figure is very encouraging, but only close to zero people will become a real subscribers. The challenge is how to allow consumers to experience the service, and to understand its function. Services allow consumers to build consumer awareness of this step, it is very difficult and expensive job. Model mentioned below, in order to reconcile these issues mostly established. Optimists might think that these five modes can compete harmony in this growing market. Pessimists might think, subscription services market requires great scale, only a handful of service in order to survive in this winner-take-all market, as we saw Netflix and paid video streaming. The most likely outcome appears in between the two. Most advantage and support the industry model can help push some of the services, and other digital music eliminated. Pure freemium Representative: Spotify, YouTube Free access is typically causes an access paid. This is called freemium. Commercial operations will not assume that all users will become consumers pay. The secret is to get a small portion of free users to upgrade to a paid service in order to provide more functionality. This model with cloud-based services play fishing games is common good because they can be expanded and increased user costs low. Spotify is a standard example of free value-added model. It provides unlimited, ad-supported free streaming service, and formed about 9% of annual revenue. The service is free entrance to its subscription service, and subscription services make up another 91% of annual revenue. About Spotify dispute can not be ignored. Many copyright owner and songwriter opposition freemium (this mode will hereinafter be referred to the next and pattern) because the number of each ad-supported streaming service. According to David Lowery of Trichordist blog, the average for each copyright Spotify streaming is 0.521 cents, well below only pay service Rhapsody (1.12 US cents), Xbox Music (0.32 US cents) and GooglePlay (0.46 cents ). YouTube and SoundCloud also belong to this category. YouTube launched in 2005 has always been a free video streaming service. At the end of last year, YouTube added a high-quality level of service, called YouTube Red, available to subscribers without additional advertising services and more exclusive content. SoundCloud is another free service, some streaming media advertising sales. By comparison, independent music and music Spotify derivative works included (remixes, etc.) will be more expensive, and there is no comprehensive music company included. Therefore, it is planning to add some premium services, to complement the free service. Pure free value-added services to attract large number of users, thus threatening its existence for the formation caused a lot of objections. Some record companies want to change the mode to provide unlimited, requiring the listener to pay before, you can listen to on-demand trial period. Innovation community, the most noteworthy of Taylor Swift, Adele and more recently and Rihanna, both for their own copyright in ad-supported free value-added services and the tax rap or complained. Although the audience may be because Spotify under the premise of free access to compulsory set limits, and turned to YouTube, but it will also be a good opportunity for Spotify free to change its properties in order to appease the companies to continue to offer their Spotify music. If this happens, the number of songs you can listen to for free may be limited, or to allow the singer to his songs can not be set free listening. Limited freemium Representative: Slacker, Pandora Limited freemium is less controversial freemium inside a model. The key difference is that it provides the upper listeners pay, on-demand service. Slacker has already adopted this approach. The latest incoming person is a Pandora. Of Pandora, the maximum limit freemium from the audience, do not need to interact with the operation play girl games of a broadcasting service in nature, because it is not on-demand. The number of songs the listener can listen, dance songs, listening to the same frequency singer, are restricted. Article 114 of the US Copyright Act provides for those who want to limit permitted by law without interactive services (not demand the right to choose the songs to prohibit the inclusion of previously released songs playlist, artist or album limit unified song playback frequency) If you select a service directly rather than statutory license license, as Slacker, as will be required to comply with the same or similar rules of record companies. In areas outside the United States, a legal license is not provided, free advertising broadcast and on-demand services require direct authorization. Pandora has a unique advantage: its starting point is its extremely large number of very popular Internet radio service. This requires annual subscription service, to build consumer brand awareness, and induce consumers to the free services or paid services trial experience. Pandora users to build their own, starting with nearly 80 million listeners per month, and an unknown number of registered users. Brand awareness is no longer a problem. Allows registered users to use the free service task is complete. In fact, Pandora has a strong leadership position in the US. According to December figures Triton Digital display, Pandora has opened 50 percent of the program, far more than Spotify, and there will be nearly seven times as the next major program without interactive broadcast service is turned on, as iHeartRadio. Users pay only the monthly volume of low value with little or no pay for music - - Given Pandora user base composition and size of the formation of free users want to upgrade to a paid user mass is almost impossible. Most radio listeners are free to meet as a free broadcast listener. (According to reference, Pandora's 80 million active users, about 4 million users to buy ad-free service Pandora One.) Still, pay-on-demand service allows Pandora users to retain a certain amount, to fill the existing Pandora user demand expenditure and attract new consumers. There are also relatively safe method. Because Pandora has begun to focus on the monetization of audience for free, so it will not be dragged down by the cost of content. And then it's a free service for legal permission, so at least in the United States, the music label can not be a threat to Pandora Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari mode. (Label also has a number of ways. Some of them have settled into a proportional increase in the end of last year.) A variety of indications that limited free value-added service model will prevail no limit freemium. Major record companies want to reduce Spotify unlimited free listening service. Taylor Swift still opposed freemium model, and it offers free unlimited music social network. Pandora way as to limit or not limit mode a compromise. Limited mode provides unlimited listening, but not paid part-function mode. Results view, it would be a wonderful way to attract listeners. (On how to correctly understand the "limited freemium" It is strongly recommended to read this: an open letter to Pandora CEOs: Music really can not free up!)

US technology industry Oscar

Beijing on February 9 morning news, leading US technology media TechCrunch held its ninth play Barbie Cooking Games Crunchies Awards held today in San Francisco. In this as the "US technology industry Oscar" awards ceremony, Uber elected Year startups, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg was elected the best CEO of the year. Samsung Gear VR elected Best hardware, Space X rocket recovery elected Best Technical Achievement Award, Facebook Messenger was elected the best mobile application of the year. Best new start-up companies Whispering home care company Honor; Best VC winner is Benchmark partner Bill Ligure (Bill Gurley), the best angel investors are awarded annual Bannister couple (Scott and Cyan Banister ), the founder of the year winners are the best co-founder Slack Butte Field (Stewart Butterfield), winner of the fastest growing start-up companies to Slack. Elon Musk (Elon Musk) to Tesla and Space X rocket autopilot technology include the top two Best Technical Achievement Awards. Also nominated for this award and Apple 3D Touch pressure-sensitive technology and Microsoft holographic glasses HoloLens. Because of the past year Musk's company color performance, the scene will undoubtedly once thought he got the "Best CEO" award. But it is a bit surprised that, in the "Queen of the Internet", KPCB partner Mary Meeker (Mary Meeker) when the final prize, the winner is the annual CEO Zuckerberg. Although Zuckerberg equally well in 2015, but he was not elected Musk still a matter of some regret. Musk announced second place, I clearly hear a collective groan from the scene. Zuckerberg and came to the scene to accept the award were Musker. This year the awards ceremony in San Francisco War Memorial Opera House in downtown held Sina Technology invited to participate in activities. The opening music is Stanley Kubrick film "2001 A Space Odyssey" in the momentum of the soundtrack - Richard Strauss's symphonic poem "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" is the movie's design award classic shot apes exalted bones, symbolizing the technology has changed the destiny of humanity. Awards ceremony on another episode was a little surprised, broadcast a live video mocking Twitter, in a serious tone appeals institutional investors to buy shares Twitter lifting share prices. And Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (Jack Dorsey was named to the final list of five CEO of the Year at the scene declared Dorsey selected photos, the scene even came mocking laughter. Millet technology is on this ceremony unique Chinese elements, and the code container management company Docker, open source collaboration company Slack, instant messaging applications Snapchat and Uber together included in the final list of the top five best annual start-up companies. Nomination and election list TechCrunch is composed of several selection committee selected 100 people, including TechCrunch editor, Silicon Valley investors, entrepreneurs and technology industry an important figure in the US technology industry has high credibility. New this year to promote science and technology in a variety of play Dora Games industry awards, black girl Programming (Black Girls Code) got the trophy. Attached: Full list of nominations Best New start-up companies: Home Care Company Honor (elected), marijuana distribution company Eaze, electricity supplier startups Jet, private purchase Assistant Operator, free stock trading company Robinhood. Best start-up companies: mobile travel company Uber (elected), the code container management company Docker, open source collaboration company Slack, instant messaging applications Snapchat ,, China millet and Technology. Rise of the fastest start-up companies: open-source collaborative company Slack (elected), the same day courier company Postmates ,, transnational currency exchange company TransferWise, live streaming company YouNow, HR startups Benefits. Best Technical Achievement: SpaceX rocket recovery Falcon 9 (elected), Tesla autopilot technology, Apple's 3D Touch resistive technology, Microsoft holographic eyes HoloLens, nuclear waste power generation technology Transatomic Power, Best Mobile apps: instant messaging application Facebook Messenger (elected), bus navigation application Citymapper, Twitter live application Periscope, mobile stock trading application Robinhood, shopping guide application Wish. Best Hardware: Samsung Gear VR (elected), Star Wars robot Sphere BB-8, Apple stylus Pencil, France Diwa Lei (Devialet) Phantom Audio, Parrot drone Bebop. CEO of the Year: Facebook CEO Zuckerberg (elected), Apple CEO Cook, Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey double, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki ( Susan Wojcicki). Best VC Year: Benchmark partner Bill Ligure (elected), Anderson, Horowitz (Andreessen Horowitz) joint partner Mark Anderson (Marc Andreessen), Accel Partners Derek (Sonali De Rycker) , KPCB partner Mary Meeker (Mary Meeker), Social capital Managing partner Charles Mansfield Parry Happy Dia (Chamath Palihapitiya). Best, founder of the Year: Slack, co-founder Butte Field (elected), Silicon Valley incubator YC co-founder Jessica play Baby Hazel Games Livingston (Jessica Livingston), a luxury electric provider company founder Carolina Natalie Massenet (Natalie Massenet), health and beauty products company Walker & company Brand founder Tristan Walker, gene Research Anne Wojcicki. Best angel investors: Bannister couple (elected), Jill Pei Qina (Gil Penchina), Navarre · La Weikang (Naval Ravikant), Chris Saka (Chris Sacca) and Joan K Wilson (Joanne Wilson).

Military observation: There is no network security network Sovereignty

Network for our country, social and economic development and security is baby games President Xi had previously noted that there would be no modernization of the network modernization of the country. In fact, prior to this sentence there is a layer of meaning, that there is no network security is no national security. Visible, President Xi put on network security into a very important position. In November 2014, President Xi to the first World Internet Conference in his speech said, "China is willing to join hands with other countries to deepen international cooperation, respect for the sovereignty of the network, maintaining network security, work together to build peace, security, openness, cooperation network space. "President Xi here put forward the concept of a network of sovereignty. Network sovereignty relates to what? Network sovereignty actually involves the use and management rights of a national network. Although we are tenants, "network building" by leasing can have a corresponding right to use, however, the management of the cyberspace is not in our hands. In other words, we do not like in cyberspace manage our territory, territorial waters and air space above, effective implementation of national sovereignty, which is a very dangerous state. For example, windows xp event. Although it is the computer field, the field is not a network, but there is a strong analogy. 2014 April 8, Microsoft announced the United States, to stop windows xp for maintenance at the time caused a panic in the industry. Our extensive use of computer xp, xp if Microsoft no longer maintained, then it will give us a great deal of computer security issues. Microsoft subsequently announced, and Tencent strategic cooperation by both core technical team together layout provides basic security services for Microsoft users, but this in itself gave us a wake-up call. That is, the core desktop security system rests in the hands of Microsoft, the lifeblood of all of our grasp of computer platforms are in someone else's hands. This status quo and we use the Internet are very similar. Although people call the Internet, but the Internet is actually a US network, accurate concept should be called the United States the Internet. How do I get a network of sovereignty? By international agreement? By international organizations such as the United Nations, our play baby games common consultation, implementing common to existing Internet, condominium, co-prevention? I am afraid that these can not be realized in fact, that the Internet is the United States set up R & D, in addition to the United States, all people use this network are all tenants. You can hire the right to use it, but eventually hold management rights in the owner's hands. In this case, the network has made sovereignty is almost full moon in water. How can I get the network sovereignty it? Perhaps the most fundamental way is to build China's own internet. That someone will ask, now the network is very good, it is necessary to re-create a substitute its network do? Or that we have the ability to build a network to replace the current Internet do? Even without speaking from the national security point of view, the existing Internet technology is the formation of a few decades ago, has many of its own inherent shortcomings and deficiencies, such as its center radioactive structures, such as the flow of information distribution channels, with these defects to the core issue is that it itself is unsafe. With the development of technology, decades later today exactly should have a better, more advanced, safer and more economical alternative to the Internet network. This is not a possible problem, but the issue must be necessary. Only to build China's own network, could truly control their own networks sovereignty. If the countries in the world to develop its own network in such a form, and then access to a common international play Frozen Games network, such a network can be called a true Internet. Network to be able to be truly sovereign. Therefore, today's China, it is necessary for us great determination and great efforts the Chinese people to create their own network.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Uber The Chinese style for the subject of intrigue and conspiracy

February 3, Uber update their new logo, including play bubble shooter the founder of Kara Nick were involved in this design after a seemingly Chinese coins icon instead of the previous black "U" shaped, nothing less seriously. But it can not be ignored is that in September 9th, 2015 147 days before, Uber's biggest rival - Didi travel has been completed from the name and logo of the reborn taxi. Car thing that the brother, Uber quite Chinese wind behind for standard, is in the capital, and operating mode strategy for China and other markets significantly tilted, with its overtly conspiracy are quite intriguing. Uber conspiracy: Why good show China high-speed development of the market? China huge market demand in the end at Si Pin Compared to other markets, the Chinese market is particularly critical for Uber. According to "37th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China" China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released the first half of 2015, the rental market to the network about the network booking a taxi up to 9664 million users in the use of various Taxi software user groups accounted for 84.8%. Such a huge user demand, so Uber China frequently display their skills. Because the local taxi localization software more responsive user preferences, and Uber regardless of speed as well as from the fusion operation strategy, the past six months time somewhat retrograde trend. In order to reverse the decline, Uber must stick with the Chinese market. Kara said Nick 2016 to enter China more cities, this is a crucial year Uber, a driver of growth allowed China to please users and industries, such as in 2015 appeared frequently in China, between Mount CCTV studio, all indicate of its ambitions for the Chinese market. High-speed growth markets such as India are the driving force behind its growth Currently in India, China and other markets, because of its huge demand for the help Uber has been in a state of rapid development, but in these Uber world's fastest growing market currently is at a catch-up role. Car thing brother analysis, Uber 2014 in the first half of 2015, the global rate of expansion is very crazy, but with the rapid development of its competitors, which in many areas of global and not the slightest advantage at all. Especially in China, India and other regions, Uber is in the second position even been playing catch-up role, but in the past 2015 has been generous invested heavily. Such real purpose is to get these high-growth markets of market share, maintaining the driving force behind its growth. Uber valuation of $ 7 billion Chinese are facing heavy pressure Brother found the car thing, Uber China after two rounds of financing, the valuation is as high as 70 billion dollars, but faced with profit, market share and pressure multiple policies. Uber interim CFO Gautam Gupta in the conference call with analysts last November, he has said that the company has in the two largest markets were profitable, but he did not disclose what the two countries. Prior to this, Kara Nick said Uber has been profitable in the United States. Then another country, where is it? Obviously it should be Chinese. According to Analysys think tank November 2015 release of "2015 China the third play Angela Games quarter limousine service market monitoring report" shows that as of the third quarter of 2015, drops travel, Uber and Shenzhou car respectively 83.2% and 13.4 16.2% per cent occupied China limousine service coverage of the top three active users. According to official said Didi, Didi platform is daily car orders is twice the global Uber, Uber is China six times, but only spend money competitor sixth. Obviously Uber biggest rival in China drops from the order and operational efficiency for a position of absolute dominance, it also gives Uber China's development resulted in greater pressure. Didi was renamed in 147 days, Uber the Chinese style for the subject of intrigue and conspiracy In addition to market share and pressure on the rate of development speed, Uber is suffering from tough regulatory policy. November 2015 issued a "network reservation taxi business services Interim Measures," formally accepted Internet car, but still determined to act as a private car shuttle operations illegal, but many car platforms on the market use a private car operators, which in turn makes the car back to the starting point, the legal status is still difficult to obtain. Compared with Uber, after it drops in October last year but won the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission awarded the network about car rental (car) platform business license qualifications. This is the first domestic car platform for business qualification of license, a representative Ella Dress Uber still remain with respect to China, the United States, France and other places suffered the pressure of illegal operations, but slightly ahead of its competitors is clearly one step. Obviously, for China and other markets, Uber is done. Because behind the huge user demand, the driving force behind the rapid development of the market and a number of urgent problems, have had to let the lower head held high, frequently a good show. If you can not get a breakthrough in these markets, it is still waiting for Uber Uber, it seems that only the risk of death or exit. Uber plot: capital or mode of driving? If we say that in order to curry favor with China, India and other markets Uber overtly, then replace the conspiracy behind the logo, it is regarded as the capital, waiting mode. Good financing behind the secretive repeatedly shown Since entering 2015, and each time Uber financing are staggering, but behind the numbers and financing institutions are secretive, or inconsistent. Car brother thing here only two examples illustrate: In August 2015, Chinese media reported Uber complete $ 1 billion of financing, including Hillhouse Capital, China Ping An. The same day, Hillhouse Capital announced the news is not true. Ping directly denied that, saying never Uber investment. December 2015, China announced Uber Uber participation Guangzhou Automobile Group, China B round of financing, but the media announced that Guangzhou Auto financing has not been recognized. This In fact, behind the embarrassing situation Uber market in China is facing - the body is too large, too much involved stakeholders, regulators and other issues facing a potential crisis, any big investors are not dare stand Uber side. Thus, although its logo change Uber treat China market strategy would not have before and after, respectively, but friendly interface has made clear its interests trying to seek support and assistance of motives. Perhaps Uber next new employers, it is that some local tyrant China's might get it? Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari

Network and the Internet has brought a different kind of New Year even more closely in flavor

Lunar New Year of the Monkey, when the New Year fireworks and then rarely play Frozen Games debut in Shanghai's bustling black night, the smell in the air New Year is unabated. Then walked quickly into the wheels of light "Internet +", and "festive" The word also will be changed. In the past, someone not full out busy day, just for the evening meal for family reunion dinner? Today, the "Internet +" Let Hotels will attend a lecture dinner personally delivered to their doorsteps. Past Spring Festival, the family waiting in front of the TV this little black box, only for watching CCTV picked and chose out of the Spring Festival Evening Show, beginning of the year a happy life, and now, people through the Internet, not only can watch around Spring Festival, like the program is able to want to see again and again ...... Monkey New Year's Eve, a large number of visits by reporters to investigate for you 360-degree analysis, "Internet +" for people of a different kind taste. Traditional New Year "Pong on the" Internet-site chef, semi-finished products into distribution trend How do you eat dinner this year? This year's dinner What's the difference compared with previous years? New Year's Eve before the reporter learned that this year's dinner, the network has already opened reservation unusually hot model. Before New Year's Eve, many online booking sites play the campaign, because the price more affordable, many restaurants hard to find a table. The web portal ordering dinner this year is also very diverse, representatives of sticky web sites buy US group net. In addition to buy the site, a comprehensive public comment and other platforms have also launched with restaurant dinner reservations. Reporters observed the site more than the price to buy dinner thousand dollars less than the minimum or even 288 yuan dinner package, but there are many restaurants on the site Release dinner at discounted prices. For example, a hotel in a buy site launched dinner, original price 1029 yuan now for only 718 yuan. Further more a hotel on the site launch discount efforts, original price 2431 yuan package, online ordering only 1399 yuan. Because of price, plus distinctive dishes that many of the buy site launched Monkey particularly sought-after Chinese New Year dinner, and some are already sold out. Although more convenient to go to the hotel to eat dinner, we can for some people, the New Year's Eve dinner at home is still felt most comfortable, enjoyable for the whole family together, and without fear of being affected guests around, but at home preparing dinner vast quantities so many people stay away. Now, New Year's Eve dinner at home can also enjoy the convenience of the Internet. Many choose to eat at home platform for people to provide a convenience. Main site service platform chef, have come to do New Year's Eve dinner service launch. Guests simply selected on the platform under a single dishes to cook with the ingredients there when the home production, if desired, the user can also specify the reputation of better gold medal chef after paying the corresponding fees according to demand. In addition to home cooks, there are many semi-finished dish internet introduced a delivery service, these dishes are generally made uniform by the central kitchen, consumers can enjoy New Year's Eve just heating food at home. On Day cat search semi-finished dinner, there are four or five pages relevant results, according to the volume of view, many businesses are in volume four to five hundred copies, turnover of up to nearly a thousand copies. Apart from Lynx, Jingdong and a scouring other platforms have also launched distribution of semi-finished products. For sun "Spring Festival sleep according to" Internet Tucao power enjoy complete Spring Festival feast See the Spring Festival is New Year's Eve family fixed program over the years, as early as two years, a picture of someone sleeping on the Internet is crazy pass on the show broadcast live in the auditorium. And ordinary people into such "sleeping brother," "sister sleep" still exists. Spring Festival Gala live process, there are many users have a large circle of friends through the micro-channel sun family and friends to see the show to see photos of sleep, and issued Tucao. Last year, users wind cotton fields so Tucao too: Mo Kanwan Spring Festival Gala live yesterday, today to see the replay, the results ...... sleep simply can not stop! Sign Gengshao Dong Dong has been Tucao: uncle, grandmother, my father, to see a whole did not adhere to the last Spring Festival ah. Users do not abandon the crazy dream wrote: Annual Spring Festival and her mother live Tucao project is essential, before my mother insisted on reading, now go up with age, and the mother Tucao programs each year and the do we really have no way to enjoy the show a complete visual feast it? This year, IT Xiao Song of people using the Internet to solve this problem. Xiao Song play Dora Games told reporters, through the Internet, not only can break through television, mobile device space constraints, better to enjoy a rich and comprehensive online video resources, and use a variety of powerful player client. "The Internet not only let us have the Spring Festival fastest news channel, we offer a more diversified, high degree of freedom to customize viewing mode." Xiao Song told reporters that the company's big player client, there is often an annual Spring Festival of the right to live, can help people to see the show the most timely and relevant tidbits program. "For example Iqiyi, PPS, CBOX and other clients, tend to have the right to broadcast television channels." Xiao Song to CBOX Example: "Use CBOX can watch dozens of sets of CCTV and local TV stations broadcast programs, of course, the show is now highlight, above all kinds of reports about the show and video footage. "CBOX can not only watch the show live, but also has a rich, clear classification of online on-demand programs, support for some time live program playback, support for classic movies, TV , MTV music albums on demand, and other functions. This year, Xiao Song and his little friends have started to choose to use the computer to see the show, "The benefit is to choose the degree of freedom, we can adjust their player interface, while watching live broadcasts, while the selection you want to play back the program, being played the program can be used to display the small screen. "has to deal with missed TV programs have the means. "A lot of client software supports live programs look back, for example CBOX day can be played back TV programs in seven days, trying to play back what channel, what time, what TV shows are OK." Xiao Song told reporters, is now Watch the show the way more and more diverse, and not only in the television, the computer watching the show, you can also use your phone, tablet look like this, whether it is at home or on the road to get home, you can focus on the go Spring Festival of the live content. New Year's money represents the collision heritage and look forward to new and traditional red lucky money "Are you ready? I want to start a red envelopes!" For two years, the company's business network in the New Year's Eve, Liu boss will roar in the micro-letter group, the company immediately drew a crowd of my colleagues, he was a 10 micro-channel package red envelopes sent to the circle of friends, while small amount, but allows you to interact with the whole New Year's Eve fun. Each whole point, Mr. Liu's circle of friends, as also with Alipay, turns red envelopes in the group, we are waiting to grab the line, "is play Baby Hazel Games not much to grab a red envelope, but for the joy, not as in previous years stared dry see the Spring Festival boil years old. " For the past two years become the wave of red network, the public thought she had got this interactive model closer communication between people, "the group usually few people speak these days, but very lively." She felt this mode is fun among young people, to break the traditional red envelopes sent by the elders to the younger generation of the laws. In an interview with reporters, many people said that this new way of social media and the combination of Chinese traditional folk, so that everyone having all the fun, but also reflects on people's lives change technological innovation. Many young people said that although the amount of red envelopes to little shake, but with his family red envelopes shake the fun has increased in flavor. Although the electronic red envelopes popular, but many people still insist on traditional red hair, in their eyes, which is more representative of the inheritance and blessing. So many experts have called for, as the Chinese traditional Spring Festival holiday, New Year's as a Chinese cultural practices, we should Inheritance and reservations.