Friday, February 12, 2016

As long as we can always dream realized

January 1, 2016, Jiangsu Ding, chairman of UBS Financial Services Limited has play baby games a special significance for slightly through the year and a half of research and development, the company's first electronic business platform client "Billion business alliance" formally launched. On-line a month later, hundreds of thousands of registered members, on turnover of over one million. Behind excellent results, Ding and her husband slightly Comfort lead this average age of less than 30 years of team day and night to pay. In 2009, Ding slightly in the first 10 years of the work of teachers, but it became a turning point in the life on the road. At that time, Taobao has not been present so universally penetrate people's lives, a message of casual friends, she saw the development of electronic business platform of opportunities. "It was a young, aggressive and with that kind of enthusiasm, thinking we should have a dream to chase, perhaps on the realization." Relying on such an idea, the couple hit it off, he has abandoned the eyes of ordinary people and stable "iron rice bowl" in the thirties embarked on the road of entrepreneurship. "At that time we started from scratch, the whole family savings out, and if it fails really nothing." Entrepreneurship is always a long and tortuous process, initial funding can not keep up, the company has only four employees, what should the couple self-reliant, a year at least 200 days to work overtime after two in the morning. However, the only time she had to give up the idea, is the first time the server was hacked. "Hard for so long achievements destroyed, then I really disheartened." Recalls the past few years, said Ding slightly, to walk the most difficult those days, we rely entirely on the couple's mutual support and companionship . From the beginning to undertake software outsourcing services to actively pursue opportunities to achieve cooperation with more than 100 family businesses, develop their own electronic business platform. Speaking of which the opportunity to slightly Ding told reporters: "My dream is to start at the beginning can build their own Internet platform, in recent years outsourcing also let me know, companies only independent research and development to create a complete O2O platform, with its own the client app before you can single-handedly control the resources into their own hands, to provide customers with a more refined, personalized service. "Speaking of the next target, slightly Ding said he is preparing a city distribution medium fruit market, has now tried to run more than 20 days in the hope that price, the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables to the hands of the people. Dream all the way, all the way thorns, once bitter past, and now from the small mouth slightly say, is already clear baby games However, to see the dawn of success, but there are some small regret slightly, she admits:. "A few years ago, the biggest regret is no way often accompanied his son, and good company on the right track now, the timing is off a lot of" Dream for seven years, Ding slightly career and family finally double harvest. Oil Rice Mill bridge in the county, there is a less than 20 square flower shop, perhaps in the eyes of outsiders store common, but even some modest, but tough love red, this is all her dreams. When tough love to see red, she is squatting outside the shop transplanting pot schlumbergera too busy. "Patrons called yesterday a set of pots schlumbergera, busy taking advantage of the moment, I transplanted good, a customer will be able to take away, saving time." She pointed to homeopathic beside several empty flower pots said, so schlumbergera transplanting well, but also transplanted yew, Cymbidium, are booked early on the customer's. Walked into the shop, Clivia, phalaenopsis, happy tree and other flowers neatly and conveniently placed, tough love red flowers to the store after pouring water complete circle, started talking about her entrepreneurial story. This year 45-year-old Yan did love red garment factory workers, opened a clothing store, ran a restaurant, for various reasons, previous entrepreneurial and did not adhere to a few years. Happened to elementary school children in need of care, she decided to give up work, at home to concentrate on children. "At home full-time wife of four years, I feel that life is too boring, I feel completely derailed and society, or to 'came back' to make a career of their own." She recalls that since they like working in the garden and home planted a lot of species, more experienced, and now people's living standards improved, like to buy home grown plants and flowers, clean air, beautify the environment, then why not try to open a shop of flowers it? After the initiation of the idea, she and her husband to discuss a nearby rice mill in the oil below the bridge now rented shop, flowers to start a business. Flower shop has just started, because the stock market do not understand the market, coupled with the management and protection of all kinds of flowers and trees are not proficient, Yim also eat a lot of red nausea loss, also once wanted to give up flower shop. "Later then I thought, I love flowers, and has more than 40 years of age, and then diverted did not need." Restore confidence, she initiate contact with wholesalers, price negotiations, when each purchase is more about plant growth habits, management and protection mode, but not Internet access to information, read books, with an open mind to the side for many years planting customers, learn from friends, she is apprenticed to Wuxi. Under her persistent efforts, five years, the business year after year, more and more varieties of flowers purchased,play Frozen Games more and more high quality, original little-known shop has been famous in a small town . "In fact, the past few years, I was most happy is not how much money, but because of my flowers, make a lot of friends in 2015, my friend micro-channel to reach hundreds of people, all my customers, flower popular restaurant also straight up. "tough love red relaxed and that the new year will make more flowers boutique, trying to do Buxus, boxwood bonsai, before setting out for flower cultivation learning knowledge.

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