Saturday, February 6, 2016

Internet industry | 3 to set up an Internet business-related jobs

2015 is the "Internet +" strategy of landing the first year. This year,play Baby Games Chinese companies are increasingly widespread use of Internet tools to carry out communication, access to information and publishing, work and other aspects of internal management, for enterprises to "Internet +" application has laid a good foundation. In the "37th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China" China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released January 22, the Internet applications on the enterprise carried out a detailed investigation and analysis. As can be seen, for our business, the Internet is no longer just a single auxiliary tool, but in the form of strategic thinking and planning exist in the enterprise. So, this time, let us gaze briefly pulled from the consumer Internet, the data in this report, to see our business on the Internet infrastructure and application level development. "Internet +" into the corporate strategy The report shows that as of December 2015, 34% of companies in the primary set up the Internet full-time jobs, of which seven were micro-enterprises and the following ratio was 30.2%, while the 300 above-scale enterprises and to set the proportion of the gang received nearly forty percent; in addition, 24.4% of enterprises not only to achieve someone special post Internet-related work, but also the establishment of a dedicated team. Full-time job and the team set up, indicating normal operation of the Internet has become an integral part of the business process. But now, only a small part of the enterprise or Internet-related business practitioners to have someone set up special post conditions, and medium and small micro enterprises are facing severe problems in the development of talent Internet business. With the gradual improvement of enterprise hardware and software configuration of the Internet, the Internet activities of increasing breadth and depth, with the support of relevant national policies, enterprises have Internet professional operation and maintenance, research and development, commercial operations will surge in the demand for skilled personnel. The report shows that currently in the decision-making leading Internet companies planning ratio of 13%. "Internet +" in-depth integration of traditional enterprise, not only is the application of technology and equipment, the more important is the introduction of the Internet thinking advocated the supremacy of users from the ideological, strategic level, rapid iteration, Pratt & Whitney service. However, at present most of the traditional business from the "Internet +" in-depth integration of the level of development is still far from the greatest obstacle to enterprise refused to break the shackles of thinking, resulting in a long process of transition in a passive position. Only decision-making emphasis on the role of the Internet, which was lifted from the tool level, channel level to the strategic level, in order to give full play the leading power of the Internet. In the overall proposed "Internet +" Before strategy, leading enterprises have been the first success stories. Appliances, clothing, furniture and other traditional manufacturing industries, the emergence of flexible production, customization of the new mode of production: Haier, Midea Group, the Red Group, Victoria is still furniture and a number of traditional enterprises, first change the development of ideas, through the production innovation, marketing innovation, customer service and innovation, industry, occupation opportunities. It should be the first step in implementing the "Internet +" action plan presented to large enterprises, to leading enterprises as the core, promote the industry chain objectives more enterprises to participate in change, so take practical action to reverse the mindset to the actual effect of breaking the resistance transition is an important step deeply involved in business, the full realization of social and economic "Internet +" in. Innovative services and intelligent manufacturing enterprise much attention With the shift to mobile user behavior comprehensive end enterprises to develop mobile Internet is becoming the main battlefield promotion. CNNIC report shows that over the Internet to carry out marketing companies, 35.5% were marketing via the mobile Internet. In a variety of mobile marketing approach, the micro-channel most businesses welcome, utilization rate 75.3%; followed by the construction of mobile official website, the ratio was 52.7%. Currently, micro-channel public account promotion and micro-store operator is more suitable play baby games for small and medium micro enterprises. Tencent released "2015 micro channel user data report" shows that as of the first quarter of 2015, the total number of public micro-channel account the brand more than 8 million; micro store released data show that as of the first quarter of 2015, the number of micro-electronic businesses of 2926 million, or three lines and the number of shop following cities accounted for 68%, after 80, 90 micro-power business accounted for 88% of the county's economic development, entrepreneurship younger age groups has a positive meaning. "Twelve Five" period, the rapid development of China's service industry, the added value of a share of GDP increased year by year. With the depth of integration of Internet and traditional services, information network technology and Internet-based thinking, evolving service model developed in practice, innovation, and promote the rapid growth of the modern service industry, "Internet +" service industry in the national economy occupy a more important position. The report shows that there were 22.0%, 14.9% and 10.1% of service companies have carried out or planned one-stop service, personalized services, social collaboration platform and other innovative services. By 2015, the "Internet +" plan of action "Internet +" collaborative manufacturing priority actions, "Made in China 2025", and one of the key tasks is to promote information technology and industrialization, the depth of integration to the Internet as the core information technology are played a key role. The report shows that currently there are 19.9% ​​and 11% of manufacturing companies have or plan to adopt the relevant industrial robots and automated manufacturing; intelligent devices is the basis for "intelligent manufacturing" to achieve, flexible and customized production is based on the hardware, integration of advanced analytical methods, management tools, innovative thinking to achieve and currently has 12.8% and 16.8% plan to practice or manufacturers. Promote "intelligent manufacturing" can be realized, should improve the level of awareness of small and medium manufacturing enterprises, while reducing the threshold for application of advanced technology and smart devices, including control costs and enhance domestic intelligence technology equipment, optimizing the industrial supporting capacity, so as to achieve intelligent manufacturing from strategic planning to practice landing. Internet Access level par with developed countries 2011-2014, the Chinese enterprises in terms of Internet access infrastructure, remained at a high level. In 2015, all parties concerned any significant rise: report shows that the proportion of Chinese enterprises to use computers, the proportion of Internet use, the proportion of fixed broadband access, respectively, compared to 2014 increased by 4.8, 10.3 and 8.9 percentage points, significant progress; among them, the proportion of businesses using the Internet for the first time nearly 90%. According to CNNIC survey research on corporate Internet applications situation lasted for many years, a number of Chinese enterprises in the ICT core performance indicators, significantly narrowing the gap with the developed countries, especially in equipment and network access, basically on par with the developed countries and even catch ultra. Internet companies use a variety of tools to carry out a wide range of communication, access to information and publishing, internal management, business services and other activities. "Report" shows that Internet companies, online banking utilization rate 83.0%, interaction with government agencies, online service use rate of 79.3%, the use of OA, ERP, CRM, etc. On this basis, there are a considerable number of enterprises will be systematic, integrated Internet tools used in the production development, procurement marketing, financial management, customer relations, human resources and so the whole business process, the Internet from a single auxiliary tool change corporate management, restructuring ideas, help supply chain reform process into the "Internet +" in-depth integration of the development. 2015 country attaches great importance to development of the Internet, Chinese enterprises "Internet +" process kicked off. In July, the State Council issued "on actively promoting the" Internet + "action guidance," and proposed to promote the "Internet +" general idea of ​​action, basic principles and development goals, and play Frozen Games made clear that 11 "Internet +" key action, whether it is collaborative manufacturing, modern agriculture, Intelligent energy, or is the "Internet +" inclusive finance, Yimin service, efficient logistics, e-commerce, or "Internet +" convenient transportation, green, artificial intelligence, and all socio-economic sectors closely related, regardless of size enterprises, sectors, which have different business nature, they are able to find a clear direction in the "guidance". And with the "Internet +" plan to promote specific areas of practice initiatives have been introduced and the steady implementation of Chinese enterprises in the construction of infrastructure access Internet and basic applications has made remarkable achievements.

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