Sunday, February 28, 2016

Do you think Ali's social ambitions are dead but in reality is the future life of the community

On the Yabuli forum, face huge social empire Tencent, Ma face the challenge, he said play baby games Tencent now doing social Ali community to do next. "Because of the Internet will soon become a society in which this society, how to create and build, how lasting innovation Ali of interest, whether it is dealing Ye Hao, Ye nails, Alibaba will not give up." From the earliest Ali Want to Ma once pushing and eggs and from then to the current hot public communication platform nails, as well as the introduction of the show but was mad Tucao Alipay set Foca activity, we see Ali's social endless ambition, always more than toss. Ma said Business is war, but he had to give up life and death, the implication seems to indicate that not to Tencent Ali ousted from the social leader, but Ali future development of the inevitable choice. You would think that Ma is pure flicker, I thought it obvious that you want to grab na Tencent jobs, but this time I was deeply contingent. why? All future Community As micro-channel strongly expand financial services because mobile payment has become an important way of life; Ali layout social networks, because community life is bound to become our basic survival needs, whether Tencent to expand the financial, social or Ali layout, in fact, are based on future trends in the inevitable choice. All future community, the community is what it? President may wish to define communities: there are people expressing a common demand together to produce cross-organizational structure of social relations. Community prevalent in our real life, because the education of children together and expand exchanges parents because DOTA commenced roommate discussed Tucao company leaders together colleagues ...... community's place in our lives, become the basic needs of our emotional expression. The Internet is no doubt a great need to release our emotional expression. Weibo is based on the concerns of the community structures topic, watercress group is a community-based structure of interest in the concerns, the station cool design is based on the concerns of the community, beep beep Mile Mile is a community-based structure of the second element of concern point ...... Community structures have under three basic characteristics: Participants: a common expression of demand; Point of concern: there is a common topic focus; Interactive: cross-interaction. Community nature of the organizational structure is established based on the expression of demand. For chestnuts, when we read the first Spring Festival Evening program could not help but want to Tucao, we first thought is that we have the same expression with the need to treat people is how the show, that we must first find the same kind of people. Micro-channel network is based on the relationship between social platform to express needs of the public in a chaotic state, if we will release in the Spring Festival Evening Tucao circle of play baby games friends, in the living area is likely to cause an acquaintance, because of your excitement with your remarks forming the image of reality split. Our express their needs always exist, we need to free expression of desire. For example, recently read "the strongest brain", after reading the program most want to do, of course, do not want to take advantage of a young hurry to improve improve IQ, but hastened to show guests to discuss, do not Biechu internal injuries, this time most need is a community organization. Why are the future of social community it? President believes that efficient allocation of society will inevitably require social division of labor is getting smaller, in every inevitable gathered from a number of segments that work the same background, the same skills, the same knowledge base, etc. the possibility of such people, they have a common expression of the demand is higher, so the demand will be expressed as individual islands of the whole of the community express their needs. That community interest Community traditional times, is nothing more than cultural circles based on geographic coordinates, artificial key elements. The future of the community model, some rooted in the field of vertical public interest, this time the contents of the key elements, namely the core of the concerns the public has become a connection point between people, through the effective integration of the concerns of the general public to interact with the participants communicate with. We have a deep feeling for the fact that we had added a lot of micro-channel group to share with you only as play Frozen Games a convenience, but gradually we deeply disturbing, the group received a daily variety of information, a lot of information we do not have to delete the browser directly . Why is this so? The reason, is that in the micro-channel group, our concerns point is decentralized, there is no effective focus. In fact, the concept of community is nothing new. Community forms has long been, from the earliest BBS, forums, to watercress, paste it, know almost to the current, and from crowding together, are essentially community products, we can even see a lot of media platforms, it is actually a class community products. In the community platform, it is based on the content focused social relations between people. Thus, we can see that the essential difference between the social and the community that the former implementation is human connection Eco relatively tends introverted, while the latter is the realization of content and human connection Eco relatively toward outward. In the community, personalized expression of people can be demonstrated, the individual needs to be broken down, our various interests will be greatly satisfied. A large community inside the movie "The Little Mermaid" to build a community, the lines "There was a sincere love placed in front of me, I do not cherish," can build a community, gravitational waves can build a community, Peng Bo agency can build a community, local snacks can build a community ...... to sum up Community nature of the organizational structure is established based on the expression of demand, the concerns on the content of the island, we inadvertently meet similar people. We must understand one fact: in our community is no longer a fundamental social needs, but the expression and expression of the desire to meet the needs of the release.

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