Wednesday, March 16, 2016

AI Revolution special edition: the decision to the car, then human beings?

Sitting in a cruise is the Silicon Valley near Google unmanned car, so I have a hard feeling to be named. I was a kid in here, just 5 miles from the place up, so I'm very familiar with play Frozen Games this piece of street. Now, I was sitting in a control by the computer code into the Lexus SUV. Cars will not know what is dangerous, it would not by human manipulation feel uncomfortable. Suddenly, it slowly stopped. Then, from the car parked at the corner of a van approaching, it is clear that "see" the car to car and stopped. Then I realized that people worry blind spot of the car itself does not exist - whether it is day or night (snow or fog and haze days might be affected) cars are able to walk around the neighborhood cat perceived, also aware of their own before a few hundred yards away from the intersection of the vehicle. "It's much better vision than humans."  Google unmanned vehicle project's chief software engineer Dmitri Dolgov said proudly. Just in case, he sat in the driver's seat, hands on his knees. When we stopped at the intersection waiting to turn left, I looked in the passenger seat placed laptop, which provides a real-time GUI, from where I could see how the car is to analyze and understand their surroundings. Objects on the screen are colorful - whether cars, trucks, bicycles, or pedestrians, it looks like playing a game. AI Revolution special edition: the decision to the car, then human beings? Each sensor is used to obtain a different viewing angle of specific information - a three-dimensional laser measuring distance; camera identification signs, turn signals, color and lighting. Computer through real-time processing all of this information to arrive at the current road traffic, in order to determine when to turn left. Wait for the car to make a decision is very scary. It makes me can not help but think, if you write the program that night because ape quarrel with his girlfriend, this car will be unmanned vehicle code wrong, I do not yet on GG. As a result, no car has become a "killer robots," as long as an algorithm problems will directly lead to an accident. But we do not live in a science and technology among the conspiracy theory movie, program ape can not have a play Anna Games girlfriend. On the contrary, now car stopped and is waiting in front of passing cars. But then the car started to accelerate suddenly without warning, so I feel some come suddenly, I sent complaints to the Dmitri Dolgov. "Indeed, it is now still a bit like driving a teenage bear children as edgy but we are working to improve this problem.." - Dolgov Self-driving cars and suffer from worries No advances in technology and can automatically drive a car this intelligent machines, bring such fatal risks. Robots can replace the artificial production of mobile phones, the neural network can automatically for your vacation photos to match the appropriate title, but the unmanned vehicle is promised to change everything, they will save lives, reduce pollution, they will change the existing road planning. But the upcoming autonomous vehicles also brought us some serious problems - our relationship with technology in the end is what? We want to live in the end how much of the initiative to the machines? For this reason we are willing to take much risk? This is not just the risk of physical, but also economic risks. Future financial decisions will become increasingly mechanized and intelligent. Is a self-driving cars behind invisible revolution, the robot will change every aspect of our lives, it will also promote a new type of accounting "Wizard." Driverless car is not just a research experiment only. There are already some models of the Mercedes-Benz substantially autonomously controlled brake system to avoid collisions. Tesla recently released Autopilot function, there is a new feature that allows the owner on the highway "almost hands free" to drive, to ensure that cars in the driveway, and the traffic routes and other vehicles and always keep a safe distance. The automatic car is not only a study of Google. In fact, almost all the major car manufacturers are engaged in the development of this project. Toyota recently announced to invest $ 1 billion in Silicon Valley, engaged in the research and development of artificial intelligence and unmanned vehicle technology. Radical Uber has successfully lured away from Carnegie Mellon University robotics department more than 40 researchers and scientists. "My vision is to launch several low-cost unmanned taxi." - Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick And when I asked the person in charge of Google automatic driving car project Chris Urmson, long road to real time. He said: "I personally hope that my 12 year old son will not need a driver's license." The arrival of self-driving cars is pushing its objective factors, such as the development of machine learning to break, let the car through an inexpensive sensor technology to "see" the surrounding environment, in addition to mapping the development of technology and the success of electric vehicles and other factors . But the biggest factor may still be in the car itself. Self-driving cars represent the future it We know that the car is in the late 19th century invention, but we have come to the 21st century, in the 100 years time, everything in the world are undergoing changes, except cars and did not change a lot. But that will come sooner or later, the technology company finally tentacles out into the automotive sector, including Apple. As previously an Apple executive said: "Self-driving cars is 'the ultimate form of mobile device'." Back to Modern car rental points, the first thing I noticed - most humans are more drivers did not grace - would play Elsa Games not look out of the parking lot directly to the foot throttle, he was walking on the crosswalk pedestrian "stopped" down. "Google car will not drive this." - Chris Urmson One study predicts that by mid-century, self-driving cars can be reduced by up to 90 percent of traffic accidents. "We really need to recognize how important it is self-driving cars. We are talking about people's lives and the nation's 30,000 things, zoom in to the world, then it can be is 120 million people. This potential opportunity costs actually very scary the "-. Chris Urmson In fact, in addition to many other potential benefits. Automatic driving under cars more cases are launched by electricity, which will promote the rapid development of the battery industry to reduce pollution and climate change mitigation. These cars may become smaller, more light, higher than the value of the older generation who Cadillac Yen. And the way they have not just limited to the purchase, may be just the time you need to put it through the iPhone can be called up. The road will also open with autopilot technology matures slowly exit the stage of history. There was even a robot experts speculate that this village like Colorado may eventually evolve into a "car park", where only humans can themselves drive a car. In other places, once the computer out of a little bit wrong, people could therefore night in the rain hit the tree died. Hackers can also hack into your car to kill you. If you can not provide a sufficient guarantee data security protection, the car may become a "monitoring tool", your boss may be a way to monitor your every move. Automatic drive or secondary drive, which is a problem The development of self-driving cars will bring what the result is still far from clear. Companies such as Google and Uber developed car is fully automatic and does not require the steering wheel, the owner only needs to inform their travel destination. Tesla and Toyota and other companies developed the technology is much more robust, they believe that the next step should let the car to take over driving duties more mechanical, but should not be completely excluded from the system of human control. "What is clear is that driverless cars will soon be out of the lab and into the real world." - MIT Professor David Mindell AI Revolution special edition: the decision to the car, then human beings? Chris Urmson in less than 2 miles from the Google office place to live, he will usually choose to ride a bike to work. He is 39 years old, conversation a bit shy, it does not look like a capable world-class technology giant Google this enterprise as a leader of people. He wore an antique sports jacket, with a 5 horse, he usually likes to open car minivan. Because this car he could have two children away from the sliding door on the seat. Urmson self-driving cars and the entire project staff are working in the new building X (that is, after the Google X), this is a distance Googleplex (Google headquarters) two miles. X is the most mysterious of Google's innovation lab, operated jointly by scientists Astro Teller and Google co-founder Sergey Brin. According to Teller's description of view, it is converted from an old shopping center, has a strong atmosphere of the post-industrial era - there is a conference room with concrete floors, glass walls constructed, as well as to provide organic food canteens. X is a gathering place for Google pilot project, Google Glass, VR head-mounted helmet, Loon planned R & D and so on here. In this one, driverless car is closest to commercialization projects. There are 105 sets of self-driving cars registered in California, which has 73 stations belong to Google. Although Google did not invent the driverless car, but it was enough to claim to create a driverless car industry - the acquisition of start-up companies that hire industry experts to develop maps and navigation technology. And Google in stark contrast, Apple is still only a rumor began to design and manufacture cars, and Google has already made it clear that they have no intention to enter the automobile manufacturing business. It just wanted to make a fuss at the software level, allowing the robot to operate the entire steering system. According to reports, Urmson is the beginning of self-driving cars became fascinated in 2003, when Carnegie Mellon University was about to try to build a car to attend the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Challenge the next year. DARPA is the Pentagon proposed a research activity, the deeper purpose of the aid is to be able to explore the power of the Internet to enhance the military aircraft stealth technology. From the results point of view, DARPA plans may be unintentional on: The first year, a total of 15 cars participating, the stadium is located in the California desert, the whole 150 miles long, the winner obtained $ 1,000,000 in prize money. However, the end result is: The best car was only opened only 7.32 miles was trapped and fire. The next year, the race result is more depressing: Although there are five cars to complete the 132-mile journey, but it took nearly seven hours. Carnegie Mellon University won the second and third cars. "Thus, the technology is developing rapidly." - Car Team technical director Urm-son Google 2009 plan was launched in self-driving cars, as part of a project to map and street self. If you can play Olaf Games only do a large and detailed maps, driverless cars will be able to make research and development more effective. Urmson is also entered in that year Google work, Sebastian Thrun men working at the time Google engineer, who has already left Google co-founder of online education business Udacity. Google first team through to the Toyota Prius installation of cameras, radar sensors and a rotating laser to test unmanned vehicle project. This transformation is actually quite expensive, it is said will light a laser radar $ 75,000, if this is true, then this camera has been liked Prius price of three. Urmson in the years that followed constantly try new ways of designing and improving technology.

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