Sunday, March 20, 2016

Which new domestic energy vehicles will eventually have the last laugh

Each show, car prices of new energy vehicles will be placed in a prominent position baby games Build new energy vehicles, making the smart car has become a trend. According to the plan, by 2020, establish national targets 4.8 million charge pile. Internet companies believe that they have an advantage in terms of intelligent vehicles. In the past seven or eight years, Speaking of new energy vehicles, SAIC FAW Dongfeng think must be the Guangzhou Automobile, Geely, BYD and other traditional car prices, no doubt. Since last year, the situation began to have a little different - music television, Wei, the harmony Fortum and other Internet companies have announced ambitious plans to build cars to attract many eyeballs. That's not all, have nothing to do with the car's traditional home appliance enterprises have also joined the fray, intends to cross-border repairer. New energy vehicles into battle "Three killed," is an indisputable fact. Regardless of the Internet business, or home appliance business, for new energy vehicles, have a strong interest and determination, this is a no one wanted to lose the war. Special Exhibit / Guangzhou Daily reporter Zhou force New energy vehicles cake How tempting? Cycling average subsidy of up to 120,000 yuan New energy vehicles cake tempting reason, of course, with the Chinese governance haze and ease the energy crisis demands related, but more opportunities fancy cars behind the wave of upgrading and come with lucrative opportunities. According to "Thirteen Five Year Plan", to 2020, China's new energy vehicles to reach annual sales of 5 million, and in building a nationwide 12 000 charging stations and 4.8 million charge pile. By 2015, China's new energy vehicles in annual sales of 33 million. In other words, the next five years, China's new energy vehicles will achieve from 330000-5000000 huge leap, the average need to add at least 930,000 new energy vehicles sold annually, which is a fund size of up to one trillion yuan huge market . With the huge sales come, and high subsidies. According to rough estimates, in 2015, the average subsidy cycling up to 12 million, while subsidies for a pure electric bus even up to hundreds of million. According to regulations, state and local subsidies for 1: 1 matching ratio, the final amount of subsidies will be doubled in the central standard basis. By 2015, BYD sold 61,700 new energy vehicles, the company's revenue over 80 billion yuan, an increase of 37% profit over 2.8 billion yuan, an increase of 552%. After the acquisition of Zhuhai Gree Long silver, silver if Zhuhai Long reach annual sales target 33,000 per year will be able to get about 33 billion yuan of financial subsidies. Despite the financial subsidies will gradually "back slope", but in 2020, remains considerable. Calmly, by means of play baby hazel games high subsidies, to achieve in the field of new energy vehicles based on the purpose of which is the Internet and consumer electronics companies like to see. Three race what the weak strong Traditional car prices: Conservative as the biggest obstacle Over the past five years, the traditional car prices released grand vision for new energy vehicles at the same time, research and development is still the focus on small-displacement turbo-led traditional powertrain. Initially planning including BMW, Volkswagen, General Motors, Ford, including traditional car prices, new energy vehicles are popular in 2020 after the thing. Traditional car prices did not expect: after 2015, China's new energy vehicles policy intensive introduction, sales booming. The result hastily implemented a new energy car project could not fully meet the market demand, a large part of the market share to local businesses. "After 2015, new energy vehicles in 2015 could continue the madness, is still unknown, but the companies have to pay attention to any new energy vehicles, even if not sold, in order to limit fuel standards in 2020 has to be done." Qoros sales and marketing Executive Vice president Sun Xiaodong said in an interview with reporters. Fear and unreasonable. In January, sales of new energy vehicles appeared cliff-style decline, the chain fell more than eighty percent. Future market will belong to the new energy vehicles, but a long time, the car will still be the mainstream tradition; China's new energy vehicle sales reached 5 million in 2020, even if the remaining 25 million are play Dora Games still the traditional car, has enough living space - this is the general view of the traditional car prices. Internet companies: not just "cool one" Traditional car prices conservative given the opportunity to newcomers, Internet companies are the first to see this opportunity pursuers. So, in recent years, we often see Internet companies to invest heavily in the automotive sector, foreign Google (microblogging), Apple, Microsoft, China's Huawei, Tencent, music, as, are true. Previously, the reason why the high threshold car, the key lies in the powertrain. Pure electric drive, so that the high threshold disappear overnight. Tesla is a good example of good design coupled with pure electric drive, to attract a large number of consumers. Internet companies do not even have put the establishment of automobile production line and procurement system, as long as there are ample funds, will be able to find enough good traditional car prices partners. Internet is more than a car of foreign claims, to show them the traditional car prices have never had an "open cooperation" attitude. How strong is the traditional car prices to defend its position determination Internet car prices will have much ambition to subvert the car. Ranger car is said to have eaten a farewell dinner, but as music, Wei, the harmony Fortum still "burn." It now appears that Internet companies are not "cool one" so simple - they intend to use the five-year period, the end of the traditional car prices centuries to finish the journey. Household electrical appliance enterprises repairer: do not fly? The biggest suspense in the home appliance business body, the advantages and shortcomings are the same: to understand the Internet, but also understand manufacturing. Play well, to set the director of the two. Integration was poor, is not faced with two dock embarrassment. Household electrical appliance enterprises repairer, not the only one. In addition to the acquisition of Zhuhai Gree Silver Lung, there Skyworth, Chunlan beauty. Before cars, home appliances have started to get involved in the mobile phone industry. Now most worrying is that, multi-line operations of home appliances business, whether on the chin? In fact, household electrical appliance enterprises are transboundary repairer predecessors. Back in 1997, Chunlan Chunlan Automobile Co., Ltd. will be established. In 2003, the Oaks acquisition of Shenyang two-horse car, SUV and pickup production obtained permission to serve the market in small quantities too. Bird, Amoi, a new fly, Shandong Xiaoya, Anhui Yangtze Yangzhou Gelinkeer, the United States and a series of household electrical appliance enterprises set up one after another car division. But, the impact of the above appliances business car market failed. Who can have the last laugh? 50000 is a channel threshold The latest data, after the decline in sales in January cliff-style, new energy vehicles in February began to rise. Two months ago, the new energy automobile production 37 937, 35 726 sales, an increase over the same period were 1.7 times higher than in 2015. The reason is that in 2015 caused a new energy passenger subsidy of $ 50,000 in 2016 dropped to 35,000 yuan, many manufacturers in order to get higher subsidies and evade investigation cheat up a storm in December 2015 in the first invoicing details "Yaku" higher subsidies, waiting to check in January cheat up the limelight after February sales and Gujichongyan. Internet objects and household electrical appliance enterprises can refer to Tesla. Tesla in 2015 global sales of more than 50, Barbie Games Even so, Tesla is still not profitable. Now it seems that the traditional car prices greatest chance of winning. This can be discerned from the sales, Geely and BYD can not wait to represent, to 2020, its majority (over 90%) models are new energy vehicles, a rough estimate of between 90 million to 1.1 million. Dongfeng, FAW, SAIC, Changan relatively rational, namely, 800 000, 750 000, 600 000 and 400 000. Huatai goal is 500,000, Chery and Guangzhou Automobile is 200,000. If these traditional mainstream car enterprises can successfully achieve the target by 2020, China's new energy vehicle sales will easily surpass 6 million, far exceeding Thirteen Five Plan "five million." In accordance with past practice, the sales target for the traditional car prices will be announced closer to estimates, once published, will spare no effort to fight.

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