Sunday, March 20, 2016

Depth analysis behind the popularity of the Internet in India parties wrestling

According to the British "Financial Times" reported that in India, a small town in the northwest,play Frozen Games a woman wearing a sari positive threw in a clearing exercise bike. After the bicycle rack tied a box, put the pizza is not, nor is e-mail, but the Internet. Bicycles are Google (microblogging) free gift, the company for rural India provides thousands of gifts, in addition to bicycles, the rear frame of the box also placed two Android phone and two tablet, Google is also provided for these devices mobile data connectivity support. Receive the gift of women to learn how to use the Internet, then the skills of the modern bike will spread to other villages. Ni Lama is tailor Joe Kane came from India, and she was only 22 years old, came to the village today is a reception room in order to receive a half-day Internet training, which was previously the village reception rooms for religious activities organized by the Holy Land. Since young, Ni Lama learned quickly, her life has just completed the first Google search. "I learned from the Internet the latest fashion trends, so that you can be better just crazy." Ni Lama said. Gujarat is the home of Mahatma Gandhi, in 1930, he led the Indian people is the beginning of the anti-colonial road. Today, Silicon Valley technology companies, including Google and Facebook with the most important resource in the 21st century - the Internet has returned. Many critics believe that these Indian companies is to rebuild the "digital age Colony" in India. Indeed, India has a population of 1.2 billion in the development of the Internet has great potential, after all, in 2014 the latest statistics (from the International Telecommunication Union) shows that there are 10 million people in the country are impossible internet. India's current situation so that Google and Facebook and other technology companies broke out missionary zeal, in order to help the Indians out of poverty, improve education and job creation, they are vowing to fire the Internet Sabian country. But their motivation is very complex, the Indian market has become the meat and potatoes of technology companies because it is a "winner takes all" markets, the more people use the service, they are more dependent on technology companies can easily a monopoly position. Last month, Facebook's Free Basics free internet service was halted precisely because of this, the Indian government do not believe there are any free dinner. Google and Facebook in India to speed up the layout Time fell back in 2013, Facebook founder and CEO Zuckerberg released a report entitled "Internet access is a basic human right? "White paper. In the white paper he wrote:. "Gives everyone on the network can not only solve the problem of millions of people's livelihood, but also allow us to explore endless creativity from them." So in the past two years, Zuckerberg visited India twice, exchanges with young people, and invited Indian Prime Minister visit the company's headquarters, he tried to "" plan to connect the world. India is also Google "next billion" plan an important part of the program will focus on developing markets in developing countries as India, Indonesia and Brazil. Google India director of division, like Zuckerberg as confident, he said:. "Indians want to realize the dream, we will let everyone spend the internet." And India with their "Digital India" program compared to the pace of Silicon Valley technology companies step faster play Anna Games the United Nations Sustainable Development Plan 2030. In the consolidation of the Western market, Google and Facebook have invested heavily in the Indian market to create a unique program. Take Google, they pull up the Indian NGO Tata Trust, ready at the end of this year will use the Internet to promote bicycle to 100,000 remote villages in India. In addition, Google's "Project Loon" Internet is also likely to balloon this year, the official visit to India. Recently, Google has reached an agreement with the Indian Railways, this year they will deploy high-speed Wi-Fi in India hundreds Station. Facebook is largely dependent on free internet service Free Basics, users can download the free use of the Internet after the application, but they can use only Facebook, Wikipedia, BBC News, and some weather and health information site. Free Basics was born in 2014, now it has been extended to 38 countries. In addition, the company so that the local operators approached, hoping to Internet to remote villages. Facebook Google has a similar plan in-flight Internet, but they are not using a balloon but UAVs. A spokesman for the Indian think tank, said: "Over the past decade, the government building on the Internet always belated, so we should take the initiative to take up the task, so that the people of India as a new citizen of the Internet era, and the most powerful complete this item is great cause Google and Facebook. " This idea median Google and Facebook play into the hands, they can eat hundreds of millions of new smartphone users free internet, just those users access to the latest technology, they are forming a preliminary Internet awareness. In this competition, Google and Facebook have their own advantages, the former has an unparalleled Android system, users can successfully seize the entrance, but the latter has the most popular chat tool WhatsApp. In addition, both of the future will be through mobile ads in India earn pours. Free Basics Why would sink like a stone in India? Gilan is a 37-year-old Indian software engineer, he was smartly dressed, carry a variety of the latest electronic equipment, in Bangalore, an upscale cafe, he tells us why Facebook is seen as a new digital public colonists . "From an economic point of view, the last colonists would go from raw material to colonized countries plundered local residents dumping of goods, and therefore can not produce local colonial bourgeoisie," Gilan said. "The settlers from the colonial plunder raw digital data and personal information, and then re-use of data and information to strongly push their own services, the process of local technology companies are also colonial victims, they can not grow." In the eyes of Gilan, India's technology hub of Bangalore is the biggest victim of the digital colonial era, where this should generate a lot of Indian technology companies, but now it has become Western technology companies outsourcing service center in India's technology professionals to others work. Gilan is one of the Internet organizations to save four sponsors, it is the organization buried Zuckerberg Free Basics service. The organization considers local telecom operators are ill, they provide free Internet services division of the Indian class, intensified the conflict. In addition, the organization has also resorted to the Internet to save the "network neutrality" banner, this principle is born in Facebook's home - the United States. They think that all the network traffic should be treated equally, and the Free Basics limited access that violates this principle. Free Samar is one of the opponents of the Basics, the 37-year-old mobile payment company executives believe that Facebook provides is baby-like the Internet, they think they weed out the "racy" content. "Speeding car on the road can call it fly? Flying aircraft that should sit, Free Basics free service can not restore nature of the Internet." Samar said. Faced with opponents resorted to "network neutrality" banner, Facebook never rebuttal, after all, the company in the United States has been a supporter of this principle, and if this principle is broken, I am afraid that in the world of life is not WhatsApp better, after all, the service almost ruined the operator's SMS. Project Director Dennis said favorable Free Basics are presented to the user side of the Internet, Facebook serves as the user's reviewers. "Our service is to develop the culture and awareness of the challenges users After getting familiar with the Internet, they will naturally take the initiative to discover the unknown world, these users will then put up real money to operators ordered a complete Internet services, our role is a guide for the Internet. "Dennis said. Free Basics in operation in other countries are very normal, except India became a special case. Many protesters believe the adverse Facebook provides limited access motives. But Facebook may not admit the allegation, they bought a lot of big newspaper pages to refute protesters remarks, moreover, Zuckerberg also wrote an open letter called on Facebook supporters save Free Basics. The company believes that the original intention Free Basics Free Internet service is good, they want to have more poor people to benefit from the Internet, rather than to rely on the service profitable. But fail to beat the thigh arm, Free Basics eventually mobile telecommunications administrations ruthless strangling, but not on charges of violation of the principle of network neutrality, but "differential pricing." After the Free Basics forced to shut down, Facebook Indian government expressed disappointment, but they also represent the play Elsa Games future through other ways to help the Indians connected to the Internet. Facebook board investors Anderson tweet said: But "? Past few decades the prevalence of anti-colonialism, India's economy has brought great disaster, yet it still continues," This one stone excites a thousand tweets layer waves, Zuckerberg had condemned Anderson's wrong attitude. Although Anderson then a public apology on social networks, but many people more determined to Facebook digital colonists views. Gilan said: "Anderson did let us see the truth, that the commercial interests of Facebook with India's national interests can not coexist." Government slow to make the Internet popular struggling India's 1.2 billion population, fewer than 300 million people access the Internet normally, most of them living in the city, living a middle class and more affluent life. Bangalore technology industry can thrive also by the efforts of a large number of technology start-ups, most of them have a background of working in corporate America. In addition, many Indian technology professionals in the United States but also through the efforts of a name for themselves, such as Google's new CEO Sandahl · Pichardo Iraq (Sundar Pichai) and Microsoft CEO Nadella. ITU data show that since 2010, the annual growth rate of Internet penetration in India is only 2% to 3%, and poor growth mainly by means of economic growth in the country's east and smartphones price. The latest data show that in 2015, India has surpassed the US as the world's second largest smartphone market. Deloitte (Certified Public Accountants, one of the four) report shows that Internet penetration in India if you can reach the level of developed countries in Europe and America, the country's economic growth rate will double the per capita GDP will increase by $ 500. Although now the Indian government, service providers and non-governmental organizations are vigorously promote the popularity of the Internet, but their pace is still too slow, can not meet the needs of the people, so we are more optimistic about technology companies or projects. Google did a good job in this regard, they provide complete Internet access for users. A New Delhi school joined the program, called "Digital Equalizer", the program has been successfully running for 14 years. However, with the present point of view, this plan is really too old. Students will gather looked projector computer knowledge in the courtyard, but also the stage of the computer actually running over the old version of Windows, the school teacher in charge of the program said the government assigned to the computer is too old some viruses too, even not at all necessary software. According to school teachers describe, 12-14 year-old students are very eager to learn new digital technology, but because many people outside the classroom had contact with online games and social networking platforms, such school curriculum is too boring for them and outdated. Silicon Valley investment in human and material resources to developing countries will greatly promote the popularity of the Olaf Games Google and Facebook and other technology giants have the strength to promote such projects, investment satellites, drones and balloons for them is simply a drop in the bucket. Market research firm Pivotal Research, said: "Google and Facebook investment in such projects, compared with other R & D projects is not worth mentioning, even without the Board of Directors are alarmed." Google director of product management Caesar said that the popularity of the Internet to help India project, Google also benefited, they learned how to smart phones as the main user of the device to create a network experience. These valuable experiences not only help Google to open new markets, but also continue to improve urge Google applications and services in developed countries, after all, the new generation of Internet users has shifted from the desktop to the mobile terminal. "The importance of smart phones are constantly highlight the future it will become the dominant Internet entrance." Caesar said. In fact, it is Free Basics of mortality for the first time make the network become an important political issue, the Indian government finally came to their senses, they realized the importance of the Internet. Urban residents are more affluent, for whom the Internet is not a new thing, so they did not realize its potential value, which is part of the elite there is no incentive to promote the popularity of the Internet. The Free Basics banned the first time to the popularity of the Internet has become the talk of the town explosive topic.

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