Monday, May 23, 2016

Now aged despise Jay reminds me of him on the same stage with Aoi

Where the customer of brilliance in 2012, where the customer's annual meeting invited Aoi, aged more play Free Dora Games brilliance embraced Cang teacher. At the time where the customer is open, even if the show is open to show attitude. No culture never compete. When a person, a company, or even one country can have an inclusive attitude, then he must go up in the channel. When mentality really into self-positioning, or into contempt chain, is the real mountains and rivers Kusakabe. A few days before the big legs Li asked me: "into the title of the Song Joong Ki to do is not to increase traffic?" I'm a little stupid expression: "? Song Joong Ki is who" In fact, as the Friends of Women, of course I know who Song Joong Ki is that the majority of female compatriots coming husband say, "descendants of the Sun," I also saw twenty-three set yet. The reason to pretend not to know him, and without him, loaded to force the ear. Literary middle-aged like me, you know also know Woody Allen, but also to talk the talk Tarkovsky, which is conducive to mold me, smoking a pipe, and looked solemn image of intellectuals. Song Joong Ki talk to me What are the benefits? Talk him down more accent. Our intellectuals and business culture is to keep a distance, is to a small minority, to always stand on the side of the egg. I alone all the world straight rot, rot all the world, that I may have diverted the straight man. Understand this logic, it may help you understand why the old saying "over and Mu Dan, Jay is garbage." Not only is selling vintage clothing entrepreneur, also published novels, is clearly a literary middle-aged. Since the art, it is inevitable loading force. He Mu Dan is love, which I believe; but I also believe that the camera confession of true love, it is inevitable with a trace component performance. Now aged despise Jay reminds me of him on the same stage with Aoi Now aged despise Jay reminds me of him on the same stage with Aoi Performances and love blending together, this is not contradictory, because the show is human nature, Cao Cao in Chibi war so nervous when they are not forgetting cross-lance poetry, Hamlet killed his father and marry his mother suffered great hatred did not delay acting . Human love performing. More common example, girls are eager to have a play Bubble Shooter Classic courtship ritual surrounded by the audience, regardless of male votes performing many bad girls is mostly moved Wuzui cry - this is compulsory exercise, cry not satisfactory. Old "junk" theory, is one pair of Mudan love performing. However, life is like a play, thanks to acting, someone like Robert De Niro, and some, like the "old gun" in the Wu Yifan. Like me, he does not recognize Song Joong Ki, on the very sense of proportion, and the old teacher Jay take into account, play a bit too. There must be at ancient wells Liu word, Jay hottest time, there are places you can hear the sound of his voice vague. Hum ha Hey, is simply one or two generations of youth memories background music, he says Jay is garbage, that is to say one or two generations of youth are not worth the money, it is no wonder netizens went curse on the street vintage microblogging. In fact, the old teacher is imminent, had hair - he was into the classic situation of the contempt chain. Despise chain in any field are present, such as music despise chain circle is this: vocal contempt ballad despise popular, popular contempt network Divine Comedy, Rock despise everything. There are disciplines despise chain, which is in Qian "Besieged City" summarized: "In college, liberal arts students science students look down, look down on students of Foreign Languages ​​Department of Chinese Literature student, Chinese literature student despise philosophy student, Department of Philosophy students despise sociology student, sociology student despise Department of Education student, Faculty of Education students who can not look down on them, and can only despise Mr. lines. " Media summed up a lot of contempt chain: Game despise chain: Single Host> Stand-alone foreign PC> foreign online games> the domestic online games> web games, QQ games Movie contempt chain: popular national literary film> European art films> South Korea Taiwan small fresh piece> old Hong Kong films> Hollywood> Mainland sheet TV contempt chain: British drama> drama> Drama> Drama> Gangju> Taiwan Drama> Mainland drama> Thai drama ...... Pure literature and popular literature, also constitute contempt chain on two adjacent ring. Moderator below the belt, vintage lure compare Mu Dan and Jay, in fact, is the antithesis of pure literature and popular literature up. This is like a pair of natural enemies put them in a cage. At this point do not Tucao old Jay, do not just give up the opportunity to question the loading force, is simply giving up the dignity of a young artists, young artists dignity is underwear, underwear and Superman, of course, is not better to die off, only Great special contempt and contempt. Life is like a play on the stage far more than the aged, those in his message microblogging abusive users, also played very hard, they hustle and bustle of swearing, and would marry the girls cried when receiving the same, in large part, perhaps However, the provisions constitute a complete action drama Bale. They just did not know it. In fact, if the drama on stage aged just contempt chain, I would think that nothing harmful. After all, in addition to today where the customer has failed to play Nail Games talk about aging, can be difficult to find others to send their own headline topic, Jay stepped foot, whatever the outcome, there is a sense brush. But if aging is from the heart of Jay garbage, which the already precarious where the customer, should be a dangerous signal bars. Where the customer of brilliance in 2012, where the customer's annual meeting invited Aoi, aged more brilliance embraced Cang teacher. To the left there was a laughing shame also said Lei Jun (microblogging). Now aged despise Jay reminds me of him on the same stage with Aoi At the time where the customer is open, even if the show is open to show attitude. Aged no brow screw from the big lump, not the little old who put together than someone, say who is garbage. No culture never compete. When a person, a company, or even one country can have an inclusive attitude, then he must go up in the channel. When mentality really into self-positioning, or into contempt chain, is the real mountains and rivers Kusakabe. Like Tang IMC to celebrate, and the late Qing seclusion. I recommend that users indignation, may wish to aging, then at best think. She says Jay is garbage, that he knew at least understand Jay, this treatment stronger than Song Joong Ki. "Swordsman", the wind took that look the world, people have to admire his three and a half, have not admire the three and a half. Let him admire, of course, difficult;play Hair Games so that he does not admire, is also leading figures. Qingcheng head of Yu Canghai like such a master, shall be eligible to enter the wind took no vision.

Oracle and Google lawsuit so that the entire technology industry jittery

In this coming Monday, a US jury trial date will be on between Oracle and Google (microblogging) hearing play Baby Games the closing arguments. Recently, Oracle accused Google Android to claims of infringement regarding the $ 9 billion, so that the entire technology industry nervous. Oracle alleges that Google will at some of the key Java technology integrated into the Android operating system, a move that violated Oracle's patents. Now, Android system on the market has been sold smart phones, account for approximately 80% share. Of course, Google in its defense claimed that the company has been in the "fair use." This time the dispute Oracle and Google, the core difference between the two sides recognize that the problem still exists in the "open" areas, is both fundamental conflict in this culture. Open source software is no copyright issues, it can be used for any user to obtain such software free of charge. Open source software is the central pillar of industry, a large number of developers and businesses rely largely open. Even since a very long time been opposed to the open policy of Microsoft, now also changed his attitude, began to support the open source policy. However, no matter what the jury verdict, Google and Oracle's such a dispute may be the way to build software and marketing have a huge impact, even undermine a central pillar of the software industry - the "open source" policy . What is open: As a former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) said, the core concept of open source something like "communism" in this policy, including Google, Netflix and Apple and other companies, including employees the developer will be developed to the world to share their software code. In return, these initial developers in other developers improve after the software, but also they should be able to obtain the corresponding improvement method, in order to benefit. If you live long enough and open person, then you will certainly hear the words - "all of us better than any one of us smarter," because play Dog Games a successful open-source projects tend to have dozens, hundreds or even thousands of programmers from different angles to improve the same code, so, this developed software will get better and better, the speed will be faster, much better than any of the patent Tool of. This is why open source policy by many technology companies welcome reasons, these technology companies find themselves forced to accelerate the development and updating their products, or their products will soon be weary consumers, they must finish before consumers tired of their products and innovation. For example, the use of open Mesos Apple software to manage the large number of requests Siri receive each day. Mesos originally developed by Twitter is a tool for advocacy and Airbnb. In addition, for businesses, especially start-ups, access to open source software, and serves as the foundation of their actual sales of commercial products, which is extremely common fact. Open means opportunity, can help companies reduce duplication of investment, which will create more focus for a variety of products. For example, Google wrote in a 2003 scientific paper became the origin of Yahoo launched in 2006 Hadoop data analysis software. When Yahoo Hadoop as open source product launch, which became the basis of a series of popular technology start-up companies, among them many of them as startups Hortonworks, Cloudera and Platfora the like. Next, let us go back to Oracle's dispute with Google. Trouble Google Where: Related litigation testimony to showcase the whole incident. Google initially in 2005 and 2006, the first to create an Android product, when Google already know that Apple is building something good, which is later iPhone smartphone. In order to quickly launch its own operating system, Google decided not to build its own scattered some key components, but the direct use of Java technology - a technology has been more mature, and it was about to become a lot of Android app developers engineers are familiar with. Alphabet Group, the former chairman and Google CEO Eric Schmidt (Eric Schmidt) confirmed that in this case, when he had been to the Sun (that is,play Cat Games Java technology, the initial developer, and now the company has Oracle arm), trying to agree to Java to pay patent fees of $ 30 million to 40 million US dollars in exchange for the use of Java technology in the Android system, but then, that the negotiations failed, the reason is Sun's fears will therefore lose their mobile control of the area. Google co-founder Larry Page (Larry Page), said in testimony, Google does use some of the Java technology in Android system, but did not say "they think only Sun the company was entitled to receive royalties." However, Page said Google has been able to use Java technology, because this is an open technology. Android co-founder Andy Rubin (Andy Rubin) also confirmed that Google believes that part of the Java technology they use is not infringing. At first, Google has claimed that Oracle did not get APIs (application programming interfaces) copyright. APIs allow software and Web sites with each other "dialogue." However, after a judgment of the Court ruling, in accordance with the provisions of the law, part of the program Google used Oracle's patented product is in fact, Oracle's intellectual property. Therefore, today's Google resorting to "fair use" defense, acknowledged that Oracle owns the copyright on Java technology, but claimed that Google should be permitted to use these programs in a commercial mode. The implication: If Google's fair use defense is invalid, then the technology industry which will open a shocking precedent. Open a large number of technology companies respected the way. Oracle raised the issue of the API procedure is a technology that allows the use of a large number of technology companies in the software the way, this is not very common, but it is the closest. Google may oppose the ruling would mean, like Oracle, this mature technology companies to find a new source of revenue: the look for those start-ups and developers using Java or other techniques, ask them for patent indemnification. If Google can not be defended successfully, then any other companies have had such encounters would not have any luck. There is no doubt that this innovative software play Girl Games industry is certainly not good news. The thrust is to open free open communication and collaboration. If developers fear they might be sued, then the next best open source software project probably would never appear.

Putian Department of the storm is not flat, P2P payment platform doctors purchase loans kept hidden

"Wei is West event" Let Putian Department of the hospital at the cusp, and provide lending services to the Department of play Angela Games Putian hospital P2P platform also will be a crisis. Recently, the medical community Putian-based platform loans after being openly questioned, another P2P-based platform Putian Medical purchase loans have surfaced, and the medical community to provide liquidity loans to different hospitals, medical purchase loans platform designed for hospital equipment purchase loan . According to "China Business" reporter survey found that doctors purchase loans and a number of directors, chairman of several roles at the same time, a plurality of part-time medical director, the person in charge and have the status of Putian related health industry associations, in addition to borrower information Many local people found Putian. Reporters call the customer service doctors purchase loans, asked the Department of Putian storm related impacts on the internet cash funds, but the other said, "do not respond to questions." Shareholders Department of Putian Medical Loan purchase official website information display, on-line platform in November 2014, under the Nanjing million Connaught Financial Information Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Connaught Finance") operators, to raise a total size of more than 500 million yuan, more than 30,000 registered users By the end of 2015, overdue platform zero, zero bad debts. National business credit information publicity system shows financial Connaught million registered capital of 40 million yuan. According to the reporter, the three German medical equipment (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "three German medical") is the controlling shareholder in Connaught finance. Legal representative in Connaught financial Zhuo Dexing is one of three German medical company shareholders, as well as any Putian (China) Health Industry Association Deputy Secretary-General. Medical Loan purchase official website noted that "co-founded by a group of eight medical, health industry segments focus, to buy Ella Dress create medical devices industry chain professional platform. Medical loans available for the national private hospitals, medical equipment manufacturers and traders to provide quick and easy financial services. " According to the national enterprise credit information system query information display, March 14, 2016, doctors purchase loans have been changes to shareholders, after the change, three German medical, Shanghai Hao Lung Hospital Investment Management, Shanghai Kang Zhen Hospital Investment Management, Zhuhai Jiuding Medical health industry investment Holdings, Shenzhen Zhongtian medical investment, Jiang Su Taiyou investment, Guizhou Sheng Qiang Albert investment management, investment Yichun Rende, Jiangsu Yuan investment management Germany, Hsueh (Beijing) Electronics Co. and other shareholders with 10 companies. Reporters in the query data found in the medical purchase loans list of shareholders, the number of shareholders of the Company, head of the Department of Putian and related medical industry. One shareholder loans to purchase Medical, Healthcare Industry Zhuhai Jiuding investment holding company, for example, a shareholder within the company to serve Putian Wu Yuan, Ren Putian (China) Health Industry Association executive vice president. In addition, Jiang Su Taiyou Investment Co., Ltd. Corporate and shareholder Wang Yousong, while serving Putian (China) Health Industry Association executive vice president, one of the shareholders of Guizhou mightier Albert Lin Qing new investment management, while serving Putian (China) Health Industry Association Executive Vice President. Can be seen in public information, medical purchase loans management members, chairman Zhuo Dexing, director and director Andrew So Wangyou Song et al., Are associated with a plurality of concurrently Putian Department of Medical Investment Group, the private medical hospitals and medical equipment providers and other enterprises post. A 360 financial analyst, told reporters that "after doctors purchase loans have multiple lines and Putian related news, there have been omitted." Previously, doctors purchase loans platform "news" column have been disclosed signed "to help the private healthcare industry in Jiangsu, medical loans for the purchase of 14 Putian (China) Health Industry Association members, Jiangsu Branch of credit one billion yuan," the Related news now official website is no longer visible. Payment uncertainty As of May 19, 2016, the medical official website accumulated purchase loans provide 613 hospital equipment procurement project loan, the borrower of a single item in the amount of about 100 million loan for a period of 3 to 12 months, about 10% of annual revenue. Reporters at the relevant purchase mortgage loan project Medical discovery platform, the platform for the borrower to disclose information is not sufficient. Borrower risk control project in the Resources section, to May 19, 2016 release of "613 - Shaoxing purchase a number of areas in a hospital equipment loan" for example, provides a loan business license,play Barbie Cooking Games tax registration, financial service contracts as well as some information on the rental contract, etc., but not all borrower information disclosure. It is worth noting that the use of funds of the loan project shows that "the hospital not long hours, increasing the number of patients, a significant increase in the latter part of equipment supply to meet the business needs of the hospital, the number of loans for the purchase of equipment, earmarking, clear use of funds. " ID card issued by the borrower display unit is "Putian City Public Security Bureau, a branch." Read May 18, 2016 release of "612 - Anqing purchase a number of areas in a hospital equipment loan" project, the borrower identity card issuing unit also appear as a branch in Putian City Public Security Bureau. Reporters in search of doctors buy medical equipment loan mortgage platform multiple projects found that per capita loan Putian people. The use of funds by the "expansion of business scale, loan procurement of equipment" based. In previous media reports, the hospital system have been disclosed Putian person perspective, hospital management can be profitable after a year and a half. In the past few weeks, "the West Wei incident" continuous fermentation, Putian Department of the hospital behind the surface. Media and public pressure, while the top, "How to identify Putian Department of Hospital" "These ten million can not go to the hospital" and other articles was quickly reproduced, and such content will have some impact on the operation of the hospital's department of Putian. May 5, the medical purchase loans official website has announced that "due to some public opinion in the community, leading some customers to the platform operators are more concerned about public opinion storm in the individual units, not an object of our services, the majority of financial reassuring . " Currently, doctors purchase loans to raise funds rate lower published article, on May 18 release of "612 - Anqing purchase a number of areas in a hospital equipment loan" project, ended at 9:00 on May 19, the tender schedule 30%. Internet financial industry source said, "affected by the recent turmoil in Putian Department issuing full-scale project time slow-speed platform to raise funds, payment platform facing due items, net capital outflow may be greater than the net inflow of the borrower payment possible affected." In the project loan risk control section Medical purchase loans official website shows, the show "equipment warranty, UNPROFOR hospital", ie after the purchase of play Barbie Games equipment for raising collateral, the borrower hospital for UNPROFOR. In addition, the platform shows "commissioned third party funds management for user accounts," when did not disclose the specific name of the third party.

Fighting the domestic mobile phone market, Samsung seize the Southeast Asian market promise

Domestic competition environment has become increasingly severe, many domestic mobile phone manufacturers began play Olaf Games turning to overseas markets. The past two years, Huawei, Coolpad, ZTE, OPPO, VIVO are in Europe, America, India, Southeast Asia and other regions and countries fall flowering, domestic mobile phone to the world is taking shape. But compared to the domestic market, domestic mobile phone manufacturers going out is exploring a suitable for local development. Overseas markets running forward "The domestic market is the first one, we can not lose, how to how shopping shopping, but must be large overseas market development, otherwise, there is no real future development of space", May 16, held in Jakarta, Indonesia Indonesia + Vietnam flagship Coolpad MAX flagship joint conference, Li Bin, president of Cool accept the "communication World" magazine reporter interview said so, in his view, the expansion of overseas market has not minor, but to make great strides . Cool expand overseas markets for many years, but the real force since 2015. Southeast Asia is an important market for overseas distribution Cool, Cool May 2015 officially landed in Indonesia and Vietnam, publishing Soar, sky, shine, fancy, roar, eight mobile phones. According to Li Bin, within one year, Cool distribution network has spread to all regions in Indonesia,play Talking Angela Games with more than 2,000 people in the sales team in the country 25 regions set up their own sales outlets, and have achieved good sales results; in Vietnam Cool with more than 1,600 distribution outlets to cooperate. In addition to the Southeast Asian market, Cool in India, the United States and Eastern Europe are also a breakthrough. Cao, vice president of Wells liter Cool revealed that this year the market is expected to cool 10 million mobile phones overseas. Well Cao Sheng said, and now the domestic mobile phone market in the overseas expansion, has been different from the previous era of mobile phone firms, cottage before the price war, it is now doing user experience, users concerned about the quality. In Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, Vietnam and other domestic mobile phone market has been recognized, users began to focus on the quality of the phone. The release of Coolpad MAX in Indonesia flagship product is a high-end product. It is understood that the Indonesian market is the main mobile phone brand Samsung, Huawei, Cool and OPPO, where a higher proportion of Samsung's mobile phone market share. Well no secret liter Cao said Cool flagship Coolpad MAX price in 1500-2500 yuan (RMB) file, the main contention is that Samsung's market share. "This year is a critical year, we will expand local sales force, expanded from the current 2,000 to 6,000 people, so that Indonesia three." Overseas Markets 2.0 era: brand, high-end, localized Campaign overseas domestic mobile phone market, the first model is still "cheap win," continued the path of the original cottage. But two years down, this strategy has been shown to prospects. Today in overseas markets grappling domestic mobile phone manufacturers, either take the open channel, channel operators or electricity supplier channels, the most important task is to build brand. Huawei in this area is the most successful. Huawei's mobile phone brand advertising can be seen everywhere in the major European airports, and hit heavily early sign Messi make this phone Huawei spokesman. Strong input to allow Huawei brand market influence is growing rapidly. In the southeast market, earlier rush into the OPPO phone has become a well-known local brands, in Bali, Indonesia Scenic everywhere OPPO figure. "China-made phones to send forces overseas markets, now upgraded from 1.0 to 2.0 mode mode to brand influence increasingly more important," Li Bin said. For this reason, Cool force overseas markets in order to "focus, deep plowing, brand, quality," its new business strategy, younger face of the Southeast Asian market, personalized, fashion-oriented consumer users, test the water cool daring entertainment marketing, and established entertainment marketing aggressively to enhance brand awareness, brand strategy to optimize the layout. The new aircraft made in Indonesia, Vietnam Cool exclusive title by a large variety of people show Nguoi Bi An, and signed local popular artistes Miu Le Coolpad MAX spokesperson for the Indonesian market by Chicco Jerikho King superstar endorsements, to attract more more consumers are concerned. Southeast Asian market is the growth potential in the coming years the largest mobile phone market, in order to stand firm in this market, Cool enhance play Barbie Dress Up Games the brand influence at the same time, increased localization efforts. In addition to the well-liter Cao position to expand beyond the local marketing team, we have begun to cool in the Indonesian factories producing mobile phones. Bin at the press conference of the agency and media from Indonesia and Vietnam's position, "in Southeast Asia will increase R & D and production strength, to bring more color high value consumers in Southeast Asia, high-tech, high-experience products. " Skills needed to sea Domestic mobile phone manufacturers collective sea, although each are confident, but can not stand more overseas. Domestic mobile phone the ability to obtain substantive breakthrough in the international market, this market has been full of questions. Huawei as an example, IHS data show that in 2015, Huawei shipped 108 million mobile phones worldwide, shipments of 63 million Chinese market, Chinese market sales accounted for 57.8%. As the domestic mobile phone leader, Huawei are so dependent on the domestic market, not to mention other brands? In fact, overall sales aspects of domestic mobile phone brand in 2015, domestic market sales accounted for more than eighty percent, than in 2014 accounted for 78% of which had been raised, which shows the rapid growth of the domestic mobile phone brand sales in the domestic market with their location advantage is an important relationship. After leaving his home, the phone can also be like China in the domestic market as a duck? The answer is clearly no. But the domestic market competition, profit margins narrow, so that domestic mobile phone manufacturers have turned to overseas markets. Yang Yuanqing, chairman of Lenovo Group had made it clear: If only the domestic mobile phone manufacturers set their sights on the domestic market, sooner or later be a dead end. As for the overseas market development, said Li Bin, Cool do have great confidence in the future market share in the overseas market share will exceed 50%. This confidence stems from 23 years in development, Cool accumulated 7,000 patents, the establishment of five research and development centers and improve the supply chain and quality control system. January 7 this year in the United States CES show, Cool Cool released a new LOGO. But with respect to the domestic "barbaric" growth, domestic mobile phone manufacturers in overseas markets will encounter intellectual property, legal regulation, market access, brand, social environment and many other issues. Protection of intellectual property in knowledge, except for a very few companies have the strength and the patented foreign negotiations, almost play Cooking Games all other manufacturers are experiencing this problem. Millet is one example of intellectual property litigation experience in India. Phone as an integrated product, including communication technology, display technology and many other aspects, the semiconductor chip technology, human-computer interaction technology, application software. So therefore the domestic mobile phone abroad in order to gain a foothold Lianhaoneigong is critical.

Foreign media said the first decline this year will be millet phone OEM Foxconn millet volume will shrink by 10%

Millet was in China invented the "high cost of Internet sales phone" concept, but continues to this day hunger play Elsa Games millet marketing, advertising and other operating systems forced bundling practices, so that many consumers are dissatisfied. Millet's market position also was shaken. According to foreign media news, millet 2016 shipments fell the first time, the order of which have been major foundries have shrunk. Nikkei News May 22 citing industry sources reported the news. An industry source said that this year, millet phone will be the first annual decline year on year again. Informed sources said that in 2016 to Foxconn OEM millet smart phone shipments will be reduced by 10% compared to last year. In addition to Foxconn, millet phone foundries is another British industry companies. Another source said, millet company has reduced the British industry in the second half of OEM orders to reduce the rate still unknown. For the first time this year, shipments shrinking news, millet did not comment. An executive of the British industry, said market demand for millet phone still exceeds the supply, but the executive did not provide detailed data to prove. The British industry executives also said, "If there have been millet phone shipments in question, the reason should be the parts play Baby Hazel Games suppliers in the supply of products in trouble." Former head of Kingsoft Lei Jun (microblogging), the Chinese invented the "high cost Internet phone" concept, and caused almost all mobile phone manufacturers to follow suit. Which imitated millet Huawei launched the "Glory" brand, greatly increasing market share. Foreign media pointed out before, Huawei in the global mobile phone market rising status, can not be separated for millet model imitation. Millet mobile phone market in China has become a dark horse. According to the US technology consulting firm IDC, in 2014, in the Chinese market for more than millet Samsung Electronics, Lenovo, Coolpad and Huawei Group, becoming the smart phone shipments in the first place. Nikkei said, millet phone's success is heavily dependent on the social network "viral marketing", rely on the Internet as well as the main sales channels. According to IDC, by 2015, shipments of millet mobile phone market in China is 64.9 million, slightly more than the 62.9 million Huawei, still retained the title. But in the global market, Huawei shipped more than millet (international level Huawei cell phone far more than millet). However, according to Lei Jun originally conceived in 2015 handset sales target of 80 million to 100 million. Millet did not achieve their goals. According to IDC, last year only three companies worldwide shipments exceeded one hundred million, respectively, Samsung Electronics, Apple and Huawei. Nikkei quoted the Chinese mobile phone League Secretary General Yanhui saying millet in 2016 will face challenges. Wang Yanhui said the main problem is the lack of millet operators a good working relationship, in addition to the lack of in-store sales Girl Games In addition, in terms of hardware configuration, millet even weaker than Huawei. The industry, said Huawei is unlikely to replace millet, became the first Chinese mobile phone market, but the millet will continue to be a first-tier Chinese mobile phone manufacturers. In addition, a market research firm Strategy Analytics data, Huawei and millet gap is widening. The first quarter of 2016, Huawei shipments of 16 million, millet shipments only 12.8 million. IDC's first quarter report also shows that the global handset market, millet and other a "loser" Lenovo Group, has withdrawn from the world's top five mobile phone position, the position of the two companies are two great importance to China's Guangdong brand store sales away . It is well known, the growth potential of China's mobile phone market is shrinking, even a year after shrinking. So all first-tier manufacturers have been aimed at the overseas market, which began millet in India, Africa and other regions sell low-cost mobile phones. However, due to lack of patent accumulation, international strategy millet conservative movement, such as in the US market, so far not on sale millet phone, millet sells some minor hardware, such as headsets, mobile power, recently released in the United States the US version of the network set-top boxes. In contrast, Huawei has a strong patent accumulation, so its smart phones internationalization strategy can be more daring rapid advance. Generally believed that play Barbie Games international differences in strategy, Huawei will help continue to expand and lead millet.

Speed drop fee none 40 billion, why carriers also scolded dog

"Speed ​​drop fee" policy implementation more than a year, from the industry point of view, the three operators have play Anna Games made great contributions. Ministry data released, speed reduce costs in 2015 more than 40 billion yuan a year will benefit its customers. As of the end of October 2015, fixed broadband unit bandwidth tariff levels down from 50.6% last year, the average tariff level of mobile traffic decreased 39.3%, exceeding the annual target speed reduce costs. This year, the three operators will continue to implement this policy, to allow more users to enjoy the benefits of speed drop charges brought. Arguably, one year 40 billion yuan, the speed also improved so much, we should give the three operators collective thumbs. But on the contrary, users do not sell the three operators account, they said in unison: do not feel carriers reduce costs, enhance the speed did not feel much, but the feeling of spending more. Why reduce costs 40 billion in exchange for the user's "no sense"? Operators did not do the job? No, look at the data we know that the three operators in speed reduce costs has indeed done a lot of work. As of December 2015, China Mobile (microblogging) published in 2015, have all eight initiatives reduce costs and on-line promotion, covering customer base of 123 million in 2015 annual mobile Internet tariff decrease of 43% compared with 2014, exceeding the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and annual rates dropped by 30% target. China Telecom (microblogging) 2015 average flow rates over the previous year fell 31%, fell to 0.082 yuan / MB, down 30% ahead of the annual target; wired broadband unit bandwidth prices fell 58.8%, down from 4.9 yuan / Mbps to 2.02 yuan / Mbps, exceeding the annual target of 35% decline. As of the end of December 2015, China Unicom (microblogging) mobile data traffic integrated unit fell 27.0%, the average price per unit bandwidth of fixed broadband fell 49.6%, to complete the "Mobile data traffic decline integrated unit not less than 20% of fixed broadband unit bandwidth tariff year decrease of 30%, "the social commitment goals. But why feel the gap between data and users so big? A major reason is that the speed of speaking operators reduce costs, focus on the "network speed", price per megabyte of bandwidth did not drop. Operators means: my speed to go up, the price has not changed, then the equivalent of the average cost per megabyte drop down. But users do not think so, since you say "Speed ​​drop fee", it should be not only speed, but also to reduce costs, but also to the absolute value play Dora Games is not playing word games. Moreover, according to the Ministry data, down 400 billion, the average of each mobile user who also 2.6 yuan per month, this amount of money you have the nerve to say the fee reduction? In the carrier wide opinion, a broadband speed into a huge, definitely talk about cost, speed is not the price we are at a loss; the user's perspective, said a long time speedup reduce costs for operators and original "Fudge." Therefore, operators feel wronged, users feel cheated. Speak the same language, the two sides on the channel is simply not a speech. So how to resolve this conflict? Speed ​​drop fee on the basis of good work, I think the key is to do publicity. Operators must boldly promote its positive effects on Speed ​​lowering costs the national economy, to let the people generally perceived. Chinese carriers have been burdened with the monopoly of infamy. In fact, China's network operators from building capacity, service levels, in the world are well advanced, and compared with the global tariff levels are also relatively inexpensive. Statistics show that, after several years of price acceleration, the domestic telecom tariff level has been lower than the major developed countries. According to the ITU (ITU) 2015 release of "Measuring the Information Society report," 2014 China's mobile traffic rates decline significantly, 500MB traffic charges only $ 4.88, the average tariffs in developed and most developing countries are higher at $ 15. 164 countries in the global and regional markets, there are flow rates 151 countries and regions, higher than China, only 12 developing countries is lower than China. From mobile traffic charges per capita GNI ratio point of view, the 2014 China's ratio of 0.89%, ranked 164 countries and regions in the first 121 (in descending order, the lower the rates after sorting); United States compared to 1.47%, 65% higher than China, ranked No. 97. National Bureau of Statistics data show that in 2015 per capita disposable income of more than 10 years ago, improved by 165%, while mobile data traffic unit price decreased by 97.3% compared with 10 years ago, mobile communications consumer spending in the proportion of people's income in the rate of decline It exceeded our expectations. In China Mobile, for example, China's current flow rates both in absolute terms and in proportion per capita GNI, have been play Cooking Games lower than the United States and other major developed countries or flat. Before there is a view that, although the absolute value of the domestic telecom tariff is low, but the per capita gross national income (GNI) ratio remains high. That is, indeed lower rates, but with respect to people's daily income is concerned, China is still high. But the data speak, very direct dismissed the idea. Domestic carriers in recent years, so that "monopoly" held hostage hats, what do have to look at the face of public opinion, the competent authorities and based on a "customer service" as the first, the user a trouble, the result rational things are finally inflicted unreasonable. In the Speed ​​drop fee of publicity, the operator is necessary to trumpet the achievements, which requires three together, a loud speaker, the results can not be denied; the second is to be propaganda, in addition to speak with data, but also with an original form so that people acceptance, approval, can not complain that people do not always understand. I do advertising for Apple's impressed with all the different domestic mobile phone manufacturers, Apple iPhone, in advertising, and from their phones would not say how cattle performance, on the contrary, the fact that he used to speak , such as Apple's mobile phone camera ad, with a series of high-definition pictures, last slogan is: What is the iPhone shot. This ad is simple, allowing users to feel very intuitive, Apple's mobile phone camera effect is good. Are the three operators can draw down by way of contrast, some users their own experiences, to show the results and effects of speed reduce costs, rather than doing something paradoxical image ads, and these ads will not resonate with users, do more useless waste of money. In addition, the speed drop fee of publicity, can not list a bunch of data, but to tell the story behind the numbers is clear. Numbers in there, seems to reflect the operator's achievements, but for some non-professional media unknown to the interpretation of a communication disorder, became negative carriers. For example, speed reduce costs by one year to benefit its customers more than 40 billion yuan, some networks in order to attract media attention, a number of positive energy abruptly interpreted as: operators tears, Speed ​​drop fee income of 40 billion yuan less year. All of a sudden the carriers placed in the user's antithesis, with predictable results. To promote its highest level, through advocacy, so that others agree with your point of view, recognizing what you do, this is the soft power. Advocacy is through communication,play Baby Hazel Games so that others agree with you instead press release, put credit. How to make people agree with what you do on the speed reduce costs, reduce costs and speed realized the long-term effects of the three operators in the propaganda still have to work hard at.

Google to do the chip, Intel how to do?

Google want AI to a new height, and therefore a need for a lower power consumption, more work done in less time chips. But the influence of this chip far beyond the Google empire itself - its commercial chipmakers Intel and NVIDIA such a threat when you see Google's vision of the future, the feeling will be more intense. Google global data center network director Urs Huole Ze (Urs Hölzle) said that in the future they will develop more such chips. Google will not sell the chips to other companies, does not directly compete with Intel or NVIDIA. But Google has a huge data center, the two companies are by far the largest potential customers. At the same time, as more and more businesses use Google to provide cloud computing services, the number of servers they buy their own (and chip) will be less and less, will bring a further blow to the chip market. TPU chip: Designed for Custom Machine Learning In fact, Google put this new chip as a cloud service to promote their AI selling point, businesses and programmers can use a cloud service Google's AI engine, to integrate into their application software. Google vigorously sell to other companies own AI ability, claiming that their AI has the best hardware support, and other hardware companies do not. Google's new chip, called Tensor Processing Unit, called TPU. This name is because it facilitates TensorFlow operation. Google deep neural network software engine is driven by the TensorFlow (deep neural network is a network of hardware and software, you can analyze large amounts of data to learn specific tasks network software). Other technology giants run with the graphics processing unit (GPU) deep neural network is designed to help --GPU games and other graphics-intensive applications to render images, driving deep neural networks that use GPU computing class is more suitable. But Google said it designed the new chip is more efficient in that class computing. According to Google, he said, TPU is tailored specifically for machine learning, so it performs fewer number of transistors required for each operation. This means an increase in the number of operations executed per second chip. The GPU out of office? For the time being, TPU and GPU Google deep neural networks will also be used. Huo Leze reluctant to explain in detail the use of Google TPU way, only that with TPU to deal with "counted as part of" Android phone voice recognition needs. But he said Google will release a paper explained the benefits of TPU, and Google will continue to devise other ways to promote learning machine chips. It looks, GPU seems finally to be squeezed out. Huole Ze said, "GPU has been a little bit out .GPU too common, and for machine learning pertinence. Machine learning was never GPU is designed." NVIDIA did not want to hear the case. As the world's largest manufacturers of GPU, NVIDIA is driving the expansion of its business to the field of AI. As Huole Ze pointed out, NVIDIA's latest GPU has a specific machine learning models. But clearly, Google hopes progress can be even greater. Programmable chip FPGA Meanwhile, other companies (most notably Microsoft) is exploring another chip: field-programmable gate array, referred to as the FPGA, you can reprogram the chip, in order to perform specific tasks. Microsoft has been in machine learning was tested on FPGA, Intel also recently acquired a FPGA vendors. Some analysts believe that this is a more intelligent approach. Closely chip business Moor Insights and Strategy, president and chief analyst Patrick Morehead (Patrick Moorhead) said, FPGA provides more flexibility. He felt Google new TPU seems a bit "too far", because such a chip would need at least six months to develop successfully, and this is a very competitive market, the largest Internet company in which you scramble for 6 months for them it is quite a long period of time. However, Google does not need that kind of flexibility, it is most important is speed. When asked why Google developed the chip to start from scratch, instead of using an FPGA, Huo Leze replied: "because it will be much faster." Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari Core Business Huo Leze also pointed out that Google does not replace the chip CPU (central processing unit, a computer server in the heart). Google data centers still need to run on the CPU tens of thousands of machines. CPU is Intel's main business. But since Google is willing just to AI research and development of an area on their own chips, people will think it will inevitably develop its own CPU future. Huo Leze played down that possibility. "You want to solve those outstanding issues," he said. Means CPU is already a very mature technology, there is no problem needs to be improved. But he also said, Google hopes the presence of healthy competition in the chip market. In other words, it wants to buy products from a large number of sellers, not only a seller is optional. After all, the more competition for Google, it means lower prices. Huole Ze explains that Google is working with the OpenPower Foundation, is to expand the range of options. OpenPower Foundation chip design anyone can use and modify. This approach to the world's largest chip maker poses a potential threat. Research firm IDC analyst Shane Rau (Shane Rau) estimates that global sales of all server CPU, about 5% are bought by Google. In the most recent year's time, Google bought about 1.2 million chips, most of which may come from Intel. No matter what Google plans to CPU side, the company will continue to study particularly suitable for machine learning chips. To really find out what worked well and what is not feasible, it may take years of time, after all, the neural network itself is constantly evolving. "We have been studying," he said. "I do not know what the final answer." Of course, the global chip maker will certainly pay close attention to their learning situation.

The future we will be like training a puppy tuning computer

Before the invention of the computer, experimental psychologists believe that the brain is an unknowable black Frozen Games You can analyze the behavior of an object - such as the bell rang, the dog will salivate - but how do you go analytical thinking, memory and mood it? These things mysterious, beyond the scope of scientific research. Thus, behavioral scientists to study a range framed in the stimulus and response, feedback and reinforcement, and did not try to understand the internal mechanisms of the mind, this period lasted for forty years. Then, in the mid-1950s, a group of psychologists, linguists, information theorist and early AI researchers have proposed a different concept. They believe that man is not just a collection of conditioned reflex, but also to receive information, process it, and then act accordingly. People have a system that can write information to memory, stored in memory, and call information from memory. This is achieved by a logical, formal syntax performed. The brain is not a black box, it is more like a computer. This "cognitive revolution" is the beginning of budding little bit, but as computers became standard in laboratories across the United States psychology, "cognitive revolution" gained wide recognition. By the late 1970s, cognitive psychology subversion of behaviorism, it uses a new language to describe the mental activity. Psychologists began to thinking likened program, ordinary people have begun to use "memory bank" like metaphor. Control of the code, control the world? The digital revolution penetrated into our lives, but also penetrated into our language, and our basic views on the matter being. Science and technology is one such. In the Age of Enlightenment, Newton and Descartes to inspire people to think of the universe is an elaborate clock. Industrial era, with the piston machine gave rise to enlightenment, psychodynamic Freud would draw the steam thermodynamic mechanism. In this day and age, computer modeling from a fundamental mindset of the people, because if the world is a computer, then the world can be programmed. The code has a logic, it can be modified. This is the core principle of the digital age. Software is everywhere, as a venture capitalist Mark Anderson (Marc Andreessen) said, our exposure to the jungle machinery, machine our behavior, thoughts and emotions converted into data - and data is a raw material, can be used for coding engineers carried out. We look upon it as a regular thing, it is a series of rules can be found, utilization, optimization, and even rewrite instruction. Technology companies use the code to understand our most closely linked, even some inspirational article also said that you can modify your own source code, and for your love pattern, sleep habits, consumption habits and reprogramming. In this world, the ability to have more than just an ideal programming skills, but also become a language, if you speak the language, you are a "insiders", with the sexually explicit avenue. "If you control the code, you control the world," futurist Marc Goodman (Marc Goodman) said. Paul Ford (Paul Ford) wording is more cautious: "control code even if the person does not control the world, and also control the things you can control the world). Now, whether you like it or hate it situation, whether you're familiar with the programming, do not obsessed with it. Since the beginning of our machines speak a completely different language, and even the best programmers can not fully understand the language. "Machine learning" and Deep Neural Networks Over the past few years, Silicon Valley's top tech companies began to develop a computational method called "machine learning."play Barbie Cooking Games The traditional way is to write a program step by step instructions, let the computer comply. But in machine learning, programmers do not write instructions for the computer, but the computer training. If you want to church neural network kitten, you do not tell it to find a beard, ears, fur and eyes. But to show it a lot of cat photos, eventually it will be able to learn. If it is the fox wrongly classified as a cat, you do not need to rewrite the code, as long as it can continue training. This practice is not new, there will be a few decades ago, but recently there have been leaps and bounds, thanks in part to the rise of deep neural networks. Deep neural network is a large-scale distributed computing systems that mimic brain neurons multilayer connection. We have a lot of online activities are based on machine learning backing, such as Facebook use it to determine what content appears in your news stream, Google (microblogging) Photo Services use to identify faces, translation Microsoft Skype also uses machine learning, real-time converting content into different languages. In addition, unmanned vehicles also use machine learning to avoid accidents. Even the Google search engine also has begun using deep neural networks: the company was appointed in February this year, machine learning expert John(John Giannandrea) as the search for department heads. Google has launched a major program for qualified engineers to master these new technologies. "By learning to build the system,"he said, "we do not have to write the rules." End of an era The issue here is: the use of machine learning, computer engineers never know how to complete the task. Mechanisms of neural network is largely opaque, mysterious. In other words, it is a black box. As these black boxes begin to take on more tasks daily figures, they will not only change the relationship between us and technology, but also change the way we look at ourselves, look at the world, and its own way in the world position. If the former, the programmer is like God, developed a computer system to run the rule, so now, they are more like parents or dog trainer, this is a more elusive relationship. Andy Rubin (Andy Rubin) is an experienced programmer, participated in the Android operating system structures. "When I entered this line of computer science is still very young ...... it is a blank canvas that I can create something from scratch," he said. "For many years, this has brought me a great sense of control." But now, he says, this era coming to an end. Rubin interested in machine learning, his new company Playground Global is the field of machine learning start-up companies, the main popularity of smart devices - but these things make him a little sad, because the machine learning has changed "when an engineer" connotation. "People do not write programs with a linear fashion," Rubin said. "Neural networks learn later how to make voice recognition, the programmer can not see what's deep inside. It's like your brain as you can not cut off a man's head to look at what he was thinking." If the engineer determined to see what deep neural networks is that they will see is a sea of ​​mathematics: a huge, multi-layered structure calculus problem through continuous billions of data points derived relation between the results of the world guess. Just a few years ago, the mainstream AI researchers also believe that, in order to create intelligent, we must instill the correct logic to the machine. Prepared to wait until a sufficient number of rules, we will ultimately create a kind of sophisticated enough to understand the system of this world. They largely ignored machine learning some early supporters, these supporters believe that the data should be poured to the machine, let them draw their own conclusions. For many years, the computer has not been developed to the extent strong enough to really prove the merits of these two methods, so this argument has become a philosophical proposition. "Most of the debate have been based on some of the firm belief: how the world should be organized, how the brain works," Google's driverless car research and development, the former Stanford University professor of artificial intelligence Sebastian Thrun (Sebastian Thrun) said. "Neural networks do not sign, no rules, only numbers. This makes a lot of people at arm's length." Programmers do not unemployment A non-analytical machine language, this is not just a philosophical idea only. In the past two decades, learning program has been one of the most reliable ways of employment - so some parents that their children go to after school programming remedial classes. However, deep machine learning neural network is connected to another world,play Angela Games another employee is needed. Analysts have begun to worry about the job market will have artificial intelligence and what impact the. Like some of the equipment after the invention, a number of jobs before the meaningless, the programmer may soon enjoy the taste of this. When asked about this change, Tim O'Reilly (Tim O'Reilly) said that the traditional coding will not completely disappear, but in a very long period of time, we still need programmers - but needed The number may be reduced programming skills will be one yuan (meta skill). According to Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence) O'Neill, CEO Oren (Oren Etzioni) saying, machine learning needs "scaffolding" to run, and set up "the scaffolding" needs to be programmed. Not because of quantum mechanics, Newtonian mechanics will be abandoned. Programming will continue to be a powerful tool to explore the world, but other people may also need more tools. However, the specific functions of the drive, the main work is done by machine learning to perform. Of course, people still want to train these systems. This work requires both mathematics have a very deep understanding, but also need to have a teaching on intuition. "It's almost like an art, these systems lead to the best side out," Google DeepMind AI team leader Dai Mies Hasa Bies (Demis Hassabis) said. "There are only a few hundred people can do it well. World." However, even such a small number of people, but also enough to give just a few years the technology industry has brought change. Influence of Culture Whether this change will impact how employment, impact on culture will certainly be even greater. If human beings write software engineers led people to worship, so that we feel that the human experience can eventually reduced to a series of instructions can be understood, then began learning machine in the opposite direction to promote. The operation of the universe laws, may not be of human analysis. European antitrust investigation, said Google's search results exerted undue influence. However, even if the company's own engineers could not say exactly how search algorithms play a role, then such allegations will become a legal case without a head. Uncertainty is not news, even simple arithmetic, may produce sudden and unpredictable behavior - this argument can be traced back to chaos theory and the random number generator. Over the past few years, as networks become increasingly intertwined, functions become more complex, the code seems increasingly like a god alien behavior of the machine becomes more elusive, difficult to control: the stock market appeared a series can not prevent sudden collapse; inexplicable blackouts occur. Due to the rise of these forces, technical expert Danny Hillis (Danny Hillis) announced the "Age of Enlightenment" has ended. For centuries, our logic, certainty and control over natural full of faith, this era is now over. Hillis said, "entangled age" (age of Entanglement) began. "We created something in the techniques and mechanisms become more complex, our relationship between them has changed," he wrote in "Science and Design" (Design and Science) magazine. "We are no longer the masters of what we create, we learn to negotiate with them, cajole and guide them forward toward our direction. We have created our own jungle, they have their own life." In this article on the road, machine learning is the rise of a new development, just might be the last one. The prospects worrisome? This may make people feel terrible. After all, after ordinary people participated in short courses, how many will have some programming skills. Programmer or at least human. Now not only scientific and technological elite circle narrowed, and create something for themselves, their control also reduced. Companies create these things that they find difficult to control. Last summer, Google's photo-identification engine picture the black flag gorilla. In apology while, immediately took a correct approach: let the system do not put anything marked as gorillas. Some people think that this means that the machine will take away the authority of the era of human arrival. "It is conceivable that the technology to overcome the financial markets, the researchers better at than human inventions, more adept than humans leader in surgical manipulation, but also developed a number of weapons we can not even understand," Stephen Hawking wrote, " Although the short-term impact of AI depends on the control of its people, but its long-term impact will depend on whether it can be controlled in the end. "elon Musk and Bill Gates, who agree with him. But it should not be too afraid. And we are just beginning to learn a new skill, "entangled" rule. Currently, engineers are studying how the process of deep learning system's visualization. But even if we can never fully understand the idea of ​​these new machines, this does not mean we will not do anything in front of them. In the future, we will not be too concerned about the root causes of their behavior, but to learn to focus on their behavior itself. The importance of the code will be reduced, we used to train its data will become more important. Regain behaviorism You may think this seems a bit familiar, it is because it is the 20th century and is very similar to behaviorism. In fact, the process of training a machine learning algorithm is often likened to the early 20th century, a great behaviorist experiments: Pavlov with bells let the puppy drool, it is not derived from a deep understanding of hunger, but over and a play Dora Games routine over again. He provided data over and over again, until the code rewrite itself. Whatever your views on the behaviorist, who is to have the ability to control subjects. Thrun said that in the long run, machine learning will bring a democratizing influence. Like now you do not need to learn HTML website will be able to build, finally, you do not need a PhD, you can take advantage of the enormous power of deep learning. Programming is no longer the exclusive territory mastered a series of mysterious language programmers. As long as you have had puppies church roll, you can do the job. "For me, this programming is the coolest thing," Thrun said, "because anyone can be programmed." In the history of computing, how machines work, many times we have adopted a perspective from the inside out. First, we write the code, and then express it by machine. This outlook suggests a plasticity, but also reflects a decision based on the rules, in a sense, the underlying instruction is everything. Machine learning on the contrary, it represents a Perspective from the outside: Not only code determines behavior, behavior also determines the code.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The impact of the rise of smart phones to Google (microblogging) the advertising revenue engine, the Internet giant play Free Dora Games took many years to adjust to the new mobile world. But for Google, the next wave of computing will have a greater challenge. In the I / O developer conference this week, held near Google headquarters in Silicon Valley, the company demonstrated a new technology. The technology at the time of transmission of information and services to consumers through the screen, the physical device dependence getting low. An executive at Google, said Google hopes to promote these technologies to the user first, and then consider if money through these technologies. Google Home can gather in the living room to the user's voice question and answer user questions through artificial intelligence "Google assistant" voice. Google will work together to launch next year, Levi's Commuter Jacket. The jacket is connected via wireless and smart phone, the wearer simply by touch jacket cuffs "Jacquard Tag" fabric gesture sensor can reply teleconference, Google Maps by various operations to the navigation. Google Project Soli Taking a mini-radar enables typing, the project aims to design non-touch user interface that enables users to take advantage of micro-electronic control radar equipment. Even Google's latest smart phone design Ara, is no longer such a device, but rather a framework for mobile phone accessories can be inserted and removed in. Google CEO Sandahl · Pichardo Iraq (Sundar Pichai) said the technology called "environment" computing, consumer wherever, calculations can always surrounds them. Pichardo Iraq in accordance with the vision, it will be one of the next decade the most important change in the technology industry. But it is not clear how Google will generate revenue. By showing text ads on search results computer and smart phone screen, Google's main business - keyword search advertising play Bubble Shooter Classic business - the current annual income of over 40 billion US dollars. But when the search results provided by Google AI voice assistant, the existing advertising model will not work. "If Google's technology vision to become a reality, then the company's keyword advertising business will go from here? Now ubiquitous keyword search advertising business will die out," Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Carlos Cornavin (Carlos Kirjner ) indicates. "If the mobile Internet is a major transformation of Google, then this one is far more than that." Fundamental change When the phone screen began to show search results, Google can display the list next to the search screen space ad had been severely diminished. This triggered a deep reflection and investors questioned, leading to a prolonged slump in the company's share price performance, and ultimately forced the Google search results and ads for a thorough adjustment. Today, more regular paid results appear in mobile search results at the top, some advertisers have become more like a transaction, whereby Google charge a certain percentage of commission, not like in the past to charge the user clicks on a link to the advertiser's costs . Cornavin believes that computing environment will force Google to consider more significant way to make money. The analyst report to investors that "will make computing around Google's business model has undergone enormous changes, you may need Google transactions rather than advertising to get more value compared with surrounding computing, mobile Internet is nothing in Seeing the witch, and the user interface will be completely adjusted. " Google search and artificial intelligence, the new head of John(John Giannandrea) Friday Developers Conference first public comments that Google will be the first development of artificial intelligence personal assistant, and then only concerned about how to get money problems. When asked about the earnings outlook for the product, he said: "We currently do consider is the development of a user willing to use technology Google has a history of long-term development of the practical applicability When users find these techniques useful, they will be large quantities. them. then, we will consider the problem of how to generate income. " In the world around computing, users will rarely interact with the ad. According to sources, Google's future will be more targeting play Nail Games of marketing messages, it is possible to bring more value to the advertiser. Fuzzy boundaries Although Google's artificial intelligence system is still in early development, but it will blur free and paid Google search results boundaries. Even AI news Google's new application Allo, do not know how it should present the user with advertising and other payment information and services. Cornavin said, "When a user requests Google's personal assistant to complete a specific transaction, what happens?" Whether the system will not pay in the case of business to Google, the user choose the best items? Or in the case of the user's knowledge, selected businesses to pay, but the quality is not the best product? He said, "We are not smart enough to be able to determine the extent of these problems." said, "We, as a general rule, clearly determine what is sponsored and what is organic. Similar to Google Home such products not yet released, Google still considering how to launch such services to users of the problem." Make such a decision, because the artificial intelligence efforts Google is still in its infancy. In the past four years, Google AI development work is still focused on solving computational science, "the big problem is not resolved," such as the user's language understanding and dialogue. For Google, the design of new ad formats and change the business model, still long way to go. Google is currently one of artificial intelligence to make money, is the artificial intelligence technology as a service over the Internet to other companies. Earlier this year, Google through its own cloud computing service provider visual recognition technology to the user. said, "our natural language application program interface has become part of a cloud platform, users are experiencing this service, it is important to us." He also added that Google plans to launch more artificial intelligence cloud services . Of course, Google also need more cloud subscription fee to replace the revenue and profit from the text search advertising. With the gradual disappearance of "equipment" of play Hair Games the concept, Google must find less and less visible from the business to the new path to profitability.

Baidu open letter in response to the Housing Zhong: Trademark and user experience both

Baidu responded that Baidu brand area depends on the trademark ownership of the home, while natural play Baby Games search result ranking is determined by the needs of users and the site quality and content richness, has nothing to do with the price. It is reported that, in SouFun CEO Zhong "To Li Peking University students in an open letter," Zhong stated in the founding of the company and Hodges Road SouFun Holdings Group for the "search room" trademark ongoing tug of war a decade and has made "search room" trademark the process of Baidu brand area of ​​the charges questioned, and Baidu search for "SouFun" appears in SouFun Holdings room in the world ( the result of dissatisfaction that Baidu suspected of partiality room world. In this regard, Baidu clarified that in response, Baidu brand area very strict review. A look at whether a company owns the trademark words, look at the needs of the user's home, whether it is looking at the contents of the registered trademark of the brand, two conditions are indispensable. Hodges Road term hold "search room" trademark, so Baidu, at their request, the "search room" area open to the word brand channel Hodges company SouFun ( branding impressions. And because "SouFun" word trademark does not belong to any company, so "SouFun" term brand area not open to any business promotion, and therefore can not meet the company and Zhong Road Hodges promotion demands, nothing to do with price. For Zhong questioned in the Baidu search results, your search Room ( the number of pages and ordering room far below the world ( concerned, Baidu side responded that the situation is completely depends on the user search needs and the quality of corporate websites and other natural factors. The fact is: SouFun Holdings room in the world ( Alexa ranking of more than 1,000, while Hodges Road home search ( is ranked more than 60,000. Is reflected from the tendency of Baidu users search index, "SouFun" Searches are also several times in the "search room." Therefore, in the search results, "SouFun room world" the odds will naturally be higher. In fact, reporters search found in Google (microblogging), 360 other sites search for "SouFun", "search room" and other words, ranking is room in the world ( Thus, users of the "search room" brand awareness and demand, tend to house the world, "SouFun." In addition, Baidu also clarified in response, "Li individual companies involved in SouFun Holdings backdoor listing" of the question raised by Zhong. Baidu side pointed out that the investment house world Baidu Penghuan Asset Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Baidu, Robin Li is not the private sector. The following is the Baidu "search back room, Mr. Zhong book" full text: Dear Mr. Li Zhong, Have read the open letter, thank you to miss. Read "To the students of Beijing University Li letter" v "search room" of the protest, citing Mr. Qian Liqun words,play Dog Games insert "Ma object" language, eloquent thousands of words, sloppily, paper is punctured. SouFun trademark dispute, after ten years, and finally to the other side and renamed victory. However, this is still the United States listed the other side fast, given that you think Mr. multi-night, deprived of a few packs of cigarettes or will, choose good only when plugging in the pouring Mr. chest anger, or is unwilling to? Unwilling this silence, unwilling to forget the times? However, I do not know either of the article, Mr. resentment ease a bit? You will be able to calm slightly see the pros and cons? The respect Mr. Li Zhong of entrepreneurial courage, then read the text today, Mr. self-proclaimed "Eupolyphaga long removed from the sludge green algae," Ziqi heart releasable, and a lot of misunderstanding and Baidu and rancor, I heart Huangran. Several complaints to the President, today slightly to say, Mr. Ping hope to the hearts of unpleasant. First, the product is designed attribution, trademark and user experience both Mr. Yan, got the "search room" brand zone, but take no less than "SouFun" brand zone, and "Baidu called 'main demand dispersion', 'customer experience' like a noble lie, knowing where the transmission of the disease, - is not it more people out of money "? Jun words this "trick", really do not know and for the regulatory compliance. Baidu brand area extremely rigorous review, to see whether a company has a trademark of the word, look at the needs of the user's home, whether it is looking at the contents of the registered trademark of the brand. Two conditions are indispensable. Trademarks decade fight to win the title of Mr. "SouFun" trademark, and the other one was renamed as "Housing the world" website owns the registered trademark "room world". Accordingly, the "search room" brand zone is Mr. "search room", "room in the world," the brand area belongs to SouFun Holdings "Housing the world", which is consistent with their trademark destination, and the registration information is displayed, "SouFun" trademark and does not belong to any one of two home search, so we are not in accordance with the rules open to any business, but who does not exist the question of who gave more money, please Mingjian. Second, natural search rankings, depending on site quality and relevance Mr. words, if you want to show on their own Baidu, you have to be forced to buy their own brand of "brand zone", if you do not buy, you can display a large pile of other sites. Actually not. On the trademark, you struggle a decade, our respect for each individual to protect their own interests, then you are undeniable, users on the "search room" brand awareness and demand, tend to house the world, "SouFun." Objectively speaking, Mr. "SouFun" Alexa ranking is more than 60,000, while the "house of the world" is ranked more than 1,000; Mr. "SouFun" website content richness and number of pages, far less than the "SouFun room world"; from reflects the tendency of Internet users search for Baidu index, "SouFun" searches are also several times in the "search room." Therefore, in the search results, "SouFun room world" the odds will naturally be higher. Perhaps this can be explained by Mr. wondering why the "full page display someone else." Third, investment property in the world, is the company's normal investment behavior Mr. words, use your IQ and seasoned financial terms, tour flicker, plus Baidu endorsement to a $ 320 million asset to Chinese investors to sell 16.2 billion to tens of thousands of Chinese investors when the pigs go sell to make money. Mr. remark poor men. As we all know, Baidu nearly two years to develop O2O, include food, clothing, shelter, all aspects of the line. Therefore, the participation of the world held investment property, then investor is Baidu Penghuan Asset Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Baidu, not Mr. Li private enterprises. The investment will be appreciated for your interest, but the inexplicable "tour Fudge", "the hundreds of thousands of Chinese investors when to sell the pig to make money" and other malicious speech buckle in Baidu and Mr. Li's head, I am afraid play Cat Games Baidu unacceptable. Fourth, corporate life and death, how can the left and right by a search engine? Mr. Yan, "whether my 'SouFun', or" Beijing book, "Yellow subsequent decline is the rapid development of search engine results, especially after Google out of China, in the capital, management and thinking patterns do not like people under the circumstances, we have basically no voice. " Mr. Wu Deng remark rain-delayed surprised inexplicable fear and trepidation. Mr. Yizhi, shopping malls today is the land of free competition, Baidu as an Internet company, there is no ability and no right to determine the fate of other enterprises, their own strength, is the real key factor in determining its success or failure. Rather than develop your company's success attributed to search engines, than from its own strategic and management look more reason, perhaps more benefit. Mr. Wu Deng Yong and his admiration for the 1995 first launched the "Beijing Internet real estate," the courage, but also regret that today, 20 years later, Mr. still struggling for a trademark tangle. Wudeng opinion, or more depending on the brand influence user acceptance, rather than the term of a trademark word, whether solid brand foundation, or more depending on years of careful management, rather than how much the cost of litigation inputs. Shallow view, only Mr. Shen Xiao. Fifth, Baidu will not "toss", "black play" any person or business Mr. Yan, not wrecked "our" good thing you and your business, there is no future! We must do everything possible to put a good thing wrecked. The respect you elders from Yanyuan out of literacy and knowledge are all role models Wudeng learning, so this smell injury and decent words of Mr. North, can not help Charan. Mr. goes on to say, of his own words and deeds are in order "not to be frustrating, playing black." Mr. urge to refrain from this is a concern. Baidu is committed to provide users with more convenient and efficient search and will not embarrass any individual or business, but the question the so-called black and toss play. Introduction of Mr. Li Zhong, it is unfounded. Faint decades time, Mr. Way back when, spirited, volatility is also admirable. Era of change, or so Mr. caught off guard. However, the only independent play Girl Games and to difficulties, but they feel the road dangerous, only after Mr. Wang think the road again, restore its not difficult. Also, the "Four Books" The Chapter goes: "erudite, interrogated, deliberation, discernment, persistent work." Mr. Wang Trait, whom decent, and the king of mutual encouragement.

After a number of luxury brands out of the anti-counterfeit coalition, Ali, president and spoken

Evans said in a statement Alibaba huge, its electronic business platform has 423 million consumers and play Angela Games millions of sellers of goods as well as the order of one billion, with the help of a critical hit in the global trade of fake a unique location: "as the world's leading e-commerce company, we have a responsibility in the crackdown as a global leader, we are 100 percent committed to this fake war. we have the scale, the data, more determined." Evans seems fake sex industry, a wide range of issues, not only the Alibaba platform, but also in other e-commerce platform, more than just Chinese only. Under the root of fake online fraud by means of technical support it is also becoming more complex, more global, more subtle, requiring all stakeholders to form "cooperative, comprehensive strategy to defeat them." Evans explained to the participating members of the IACC Ali anti-counterfeiting strategies and concrete measures, says Ali counterfeiting strategy is based on three principles, namely, initiative, and brand party strategic cooperation, as well as government and regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies and other cooperation . International anti-counterfeit coalition (IACC) is the world's largest anti-counterfeit and infringement non-profit organization, was founded in 1979 and headquartered in Washington, it has more than 250 members, including more than 100 world-renowned brands IACC. A month ago, IACC announced that Alibaba will join the alliance, became the first member of its newly established "ordinary members" category, a move that led to a lot of dissatisfaction with the existing members within the organization, including the United States Gucci, Michael Kors and Tiffany and other famous brands announced its withdrawal from the organization. Then came an anonymous letter IACC secret relationship management and Alibaba. Allegedly, the organization's president Robert C. Barchiesi in 2014, Alibaba has held its shares will be listed; in addition, in January this year has just joined the Alibaba Group Vice-Chairman, responsible for global intellectual property management of Matthew Bassiur, and Robert C . Barchiesi "friendship" is not shallow, helped his son into the Apple company. The founder or their respective management companies are also associated with the IACC has countless benefits. In response to external pressure, IACC eventually announced the suspension of the ordinary members of the newly established category, that category in addition to Alibaba, also includes another two appliance business companies: RealReal, Inc and But their company name still appears in the list of members on the official website of the IACC. IACC had previously confirmed that the outside world, Alibaba Chairman of the Board Ma (microblogging) will deliver play Ella Dress a keynote speech on May 19, but failed to realize the promise. Evans following is the full text of the speech: Dawn (IACC Chair), thank you for your introduction. Thank you, Bob (IACC president). Thank all the Board of Directors, and all the brands, for giving me this opportunity today and we made the remarks. I'm glad to be here. Ambassador Baucus, very happy today with you. Thank you for your leadership and support on this important issue. I very much agree with your call that the entire industry must act together. Over the past few weeks, how should I say, it is very interesting. But I say, we did not expect to announce Alibaba get IACC membership would cause so much reaction. Anyway, I am very happy here frank about this issue. At the most basic level, we believe that the future of Alibaba, and many companies here in the future, depends on both of us to work closely together to combat fakes. I hope I will be finished when we can understand what I mean. As a global leader in e-commerce, we do have a global crackdown leadership responsibilities and commitments. We are 100% committed to win this battle. In this battle, in addition to, and you - you and brands - cooperation than we think no other way. We have a war situation can change tools. Us, the use of data and technology, they can become a "special forces", we can defeat those who are false. Ambassador BBaucus the (fight against fake) called a war. And he was right! This is indeed a war! And we want to win, and all of us here to work together. I have and Alibaba cooperation more than a decade, beginning, as Goldman Sachs advisor, then about two years ago now, when Alibaba listed, I became one of its independent directors. Today, I, as president, in charge of our international strategy and business development. Matthew Bassiur is here today, he is responsible for leading our global anti-counterfeiting efforts and report directly to me. He is currently working to establish a worldwide anti-counterfeiting team, we make sure we have the fake experts in different countries work, to work with brands in the same country together, he said brands languages ​​spoken. A very important part of my job is to protect your brand and the implementation of our anti-counterfeiting strategy. I have this in mind, whether in China or outside China. I mean my duty to join you, increasing use of new and more creative ways to solve this difficult, complex, long-standing problems. We should reach a consensus on some basic issues. Fake history, just as the brand's history as old. Many methods have been used against fakes often Kumi changed. They effective? Maybe. But we do not think so. I believe that if we do not try something different approach, the winner of this war will be counterfeiters. Therefore, we can make war by lawyers and litigation protracted delay, or to discredit each other by about the public view, or we can consider the issue more creatively unite to bring real change. I know there are some of you who may be many of you who are skeptical of Ali Baba. And you thought we were part of the problem of counterfeit goods, and not problem solvers. Why do you think so too? First, we have a large scale. Just last month, Ali Baba became the world's largest retailer, we have nearly $ 500 billion in sales, more than 400 million consumers in our shopping platform, tens of millions of businesses and one billion middleweight titles in our platform on the transaction. Second, our main operations in China. China is a global manufacturing center, unfortunately, it is also fake production base. Third, it is likely some of you are in the process of dealing with our problems in dealing with fakes and our platform's had setbacks. So we have been accused of, it is very easy to put us as the source of the problem. But let this issue from a different perspective. Our size, we operate, we gain understanding through technology and data, as well as our determination to crackdown means that we have the tools and resources to have a significant impact on the crackdown. Our goal is not just to be a global leader in electronic business, we are determined to become a global leader in anti-counterfeiting. Responsibility for these two areas are interrelated. This looks like the kind of commitment you want to partner. But no matter how you think of us, please send your ideas to temporarily put aside, because counterfeiting is far beyond the scope of Ali Baba. This is a large range of industry issues, as well as non-Alibaba phenomenon unique to China. Sources from the line of fake social. It happened in our platform, also taking place on other global e-commerce platform. It exists in every corner of the world, not just in China. Fakes global market reached $ 500 million (based on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD 2013 figures), and continues to grow. Why does it happen? There are two important reasons. We know that rapid changes in the business model. It is increasingly global. After it is connected via the Internet more efficient. The seller is also the buyer, the buyer is also a seller. Every day is a new brand created. Online activities and the growing integration of the line. This is a rapidly changing retail market, many consumers and brands are very difficult to catch up with this pace. But for the fake producers, which is also a fast-changing world, they are very large, with complex integration and global supply chain network, more subtle approach and technical support. To get the victory in this battle meant to be understood that these two reasons, and developed collaborative and comprehensive response strategies to defeat them As Bob said, we have seen this story takes place. When new technologies encounter traditional business mode, there will always be a period of conflict and resistance. Remember the Napster and the recording industry's story? Yes, Napster failed, but the success of the new model of Napster and other ITunes, Spotify and Pandora music service platform opens the way. The industry found a way to win-win cooperation. That YouTube and film industry? Early in YouTube (Google (microblogging) before), for its people in infringing movies, TV shows and music videos have a lot of opposition. There was a time tortious YouTube removed 30,000 videos. But today, the media have recognized YouTube is an opportunity. These historical events tell us? It was a long struggle. These companies took several years to resolve copyright and piracy issues. Litigation is not always the best solution, because it prevents people from effective cooperation. Finally, in order to learn and win-win cooperation, in order to have the best results. I can not fully understand these examples analogy problems we face today. But it is important in the process of integration of science and technology with the traditional business model, we must find a solution for cooperation. Last week, I always think we are moving in an exciting, new cooperative direction. Late last year IACC Board of Directors decided to play Barbie Cooking Games establish a new category of ordinary members. This was a bold visionary fu moves. It agreed with the idea that, unless brands, retailers, internet, government, law enforcement agencies and trade associations together, we will not win this war. This is a very creative idea of ​​cooperation, it has far-reaching potential for development. However, change is always difficult. New ideas are always people feel a threat, especially for those who benefit from the inherent business model is. But we can not and will not be allowed to obstruct the process of minority tyranny in this area. So when the board of directors and members of the IACC continue to assess the general membership categories, we will continue to focus on seeking effective cooperation in this fight. If we had not been invited to join you, then we invite you to join us. We have no competitors in this fight, there is only one common enemy, is a fake manufacturers. For you, it is important to understand our operations, as well as for us to understand why the crackdown and as important as you. We have set up 17 years ago in Alibaba to help small businesses. Today we have more than 10 million business in our internet shop, and we have nearly 500 million customers. This is equivalent to 1.5 times the US population. A lot of people think we are China's Amazon. We are not in any aspect of the Amazon. Our biggest difference is that we do not own any merchandise. Our operating platform. We connect buyers and sellers. This means that we are our platform police. Our business by many platform. First, we have Taobao I mentioned the 10 million businesses majority. Taobao business is manufacturer, farmer, brand owners, artists and craftsmen. They are in the city, they are in rural China. Taobao has been helping entrepreneurs grow and promote economic growth and job creation are a revolutionary force. You can find anything on Taobao. So in a sense, Taobao is a mirror of Chinese economy under the active line. And when it comes to the management of Taobao order, which is a huge and complex task. Nevertheless, since Taobao size, we have the ability and the responsibility to play a huge influence. Lynx is our business-to-consumer platform, including international brands sold to Chinese consumers. Many of you have also have shops on the Lynx and Lynx international platform. We have thousands of the world's top brands stationed Lynx, including members of the IACC, such as Apple, Burberry, L'Oreal, Nike, Procter & Gamble and Unilever. Lynx brand businesses in their own shop operators page, and direct contact with consumers. Lynx is the present and future of these companies build brands and communicate with Chinese consumers and the most important platform. AliExpress (Aliexpress) is also an important platform for us, which is the Chinese businessmen to international direct sellers of consumer platforms, like Russia, Cuba consumers, including Europe and the United States buyers. Although the revenue contribution and the size of this platform Alibaba market participants are small, but it is a priority to protect our intellectual property platform. I am personally responsible for improving AliExpress business, upgrade and improve the quality of the platform business and merchandise. The bottom line is that all of these: our future success depends on trust. We work with brands rely on us to protect their intellectual property. Consumers rely on us to ensure the quality of goods they buy, and guaranteed to be genuine. To obtain the trust of both sides is vital for us. So let's talk about the counterfeiting issue. We define counterfeiting strategy has three principles. We are proactive. Second, we, brands work together with you. Third, we work together with governments, regulators, agencies, law enforcement agencies. These three principles are built on the basis of the advantages of data management and analysis above. Our first principle, proactive. Some of you may think that we do not take any action until the merchant did not receive complaints. This is not the real situation. For example, we have an entire team's core task is to operate large data IP implementation of the project, the sustainable management of regulatory operating platform, and shelves to prevent fake goods. We counterfeiting system is currently analyzing data 100 million times per second. Every day we analyze the data 8.64 trillion times. 2015, we successfully intercepted more than 120 one hundred million involving fake goods Taobao information release. This is what happens before any of you ask us to action. We also spent more than $ 15 million last year to buy the business from our platform that we believe may be counterfeit Barbie Games Once offenders, we ensure that they are punished. Since we pay treasure the relationship with affiliates, we doubt we can freeze fake business accounts. Some of the frozen funds were used to repay consumers who bought a fake. Last year, we froze more than $ 72 million funds in the account, the customer returned more than $ 12 million.

Taxi monopoly three sins reform can stride leg?

2015 Gettin years, some local part of the taxi outage caused public concern; Xi'an and Shanghai taxi play Olaf Games price hearing also attracted heated debate. The driver quit complaining, under difficult consumer dissatisfaction two taxi Squeeze, the taxi industry has become the focus of public opinion. The industry believes that the taxi industry to break the monopoly of parties have called for many years, but still have not seen progress. Today's conflicts, the outbreak of chronic illness for many years, but it is also an opportunity to reform the industry. And the people closely related to the travel of the taxi industry, and look forward to all parties in public opinion onlookers, should not be delayed. Monopoly "three sins" Taxi recent outage events frequently, although incentives and fuel surcharges, "car service" shock related, but more public opinion, the root cause of the taxi industry or long-term monopoly caused ills. "A crime": the number of taxis strictly control regardless of market demand. The taxi industry for many years suffered monopoly challenged each city taxi operating license by the government to control the total amount paid. Under a licensing hard to find, taxi license prices are rising. Reporters found that Shanghai taxi license transfer price pushed up to more than 50 million, Shenyang car standard taxi prices rose to 80 million, is still in short supply. Since in some places there is no valid taxi license, so "once you have" equivalent to "forever." Shenyang taxi driver Li Feng told reporters: "In obtaining 'logo', as long as the car rented out, doing nothing, annual income can be more than 90,000 yuan, marking 10 years of the main payback Later on that. He netted. " "Two crimes": taxi price adjustment thanks to the government. 9th Xi'an and Shanghai Taxi price adjustment hearing, have raised consumer representatives, "I hope this is the last price increase hearing, because the price adjustment alone is the solution to the problem of bad sectors", "need to optimize taxi business model, re-examine the pricing rules, change the status quo of government pricing "" can gradually modest liberalization (taxi) price of a single management system. " There are consumer representative, it should be based on models, star driver, rush hour and other factors, flexible pricing, rather than the current "one size fits all" pricing. And because high "elements of money" to bring the tense labor relations, every taxi price adjustment, every fuel surcharge adjustment like to put a new egg laying eggs in the pyramid, more sensitive, more and more difficult . "Three sins": long-term cost of a taxi company management accounts chaos. Although many taxi companies are crying poor, but behind it has an indefinable nobody knows for sure. Reporters investigation that a taxi cab company, although only 40, but the management staff of 40 people there; taxis on another management company, its management personnel at all levels of around 2,000 people. In this regard, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences researcher Zuo Jin told reporters: "Shanghai some mature human resources management company, by more than 300 people will be able to manage 37 million information can be found, many taxi companies to enhance management efficiency and reduce costs there are. large space. " Professor of Transportation Engineering, Tongji Institute of Chen Xiaohong also pointed out that many taxi companies play Talking Angela Games reported spending section is not detailed enough, especially in management overhead is not transparent, not detailed enough. Reform is urgently needed In recent years, local taxi drivers outage groups expressed dissatisfaction with the increasingly frequent. Reporters combed found in 2014 in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong Qingyuan, Baoji, Shaanxi, Anhui, Huangshan and other places have occurred in a taxi, "do not pull live" event. And 2015 has only just begun, it is a series of outage events. Taxi industry increasingly prominent contradiction shows that reform is urgently needed. The industry believes that the reform of the taxi top-level design should be put on the agenda as soon as possible. In this regard, social director of the Institute of Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences Zhang Baoyi believes that the current government by means of supervision and management of taxi companies, taxi companies but by levying a "elements of money" constraint taxi driver. However, "With the development of science and technology, can through satellite positioning system, intelligent management software and other means taxi, this taxi company in order to obtain an intermediate layer franchise profits, but operating costs and create more social management costs, should be under the cruel Dong Daozi. " Long-term concern in the field of transportation, Professor Wang Jun, China University of Political CESL that, after the city reason to strictly control the number of taxis, in order to prevent the occurrence of vicious competition, resulting in increase in the number of blind road congestion and other problems, these problems are not because the information symmetrical result. But now the problem of information asymmetry as technology advances, have been largely resolved. Then proceed quantity control, meaning price controls where? Experts believe that the taxi industry reform at once or difficult, let the taxi industry more in the sunshine is not difficult. Chen Xiaohong suggested that the taxi industry should be allowed to supervise and audit the depth of intervention, the driver and the public disclosure of expenditures taxi companies, including the "elements of money," the total number and usage and so on. By taxi industry costs be transparent, so that the community participate in the monitoring, Forced industry restructuring and upgrading. Good use of "limousine service" This catfish From the beginning of October 2014, "car service" rapid development has greatly impacted the traditional taxi industry. Behind this demand reflects what big city public travel and differentiation trends. The 1st car CEO of Lee Min told reporters, in fact, they are doing an incremental market, such as setting a baby seat in the car, some parents also used the "car service" children to school, these are not provided by traditional taxi industry service. In this regard, the NDRC Research Institute Transportation Urban Transportation Research Office Chengshi Dong told reporters: "Now the public demand for travel is far from being met, not just high-end individual needs is far from satisfied, Common demand not met so before. there are many platforms to car-sharing, carpooling Carpool form to satisfy this demand, even outside the free legislation. " Insiders estimate that Beijing, Shanghai "black car" are the number of the number of vehicles. "Black car" not absolutely forbidden, from another side reflects the market demand, but also to the relevant departments into a "blocking" do not live too "sparse" No embarrassment. "Limousine service" This new format compared format taxi monopoly, the real is characterized by low administration costs, brings a high proportion of drivers into a huge advantage. "Didi taxi" Zhang Zhen Yu's media manager, Shenyang "Didi car" nearly a thousand cars, if the "car drops" earn 100 yuan a single business, "bit" after extraction of 20%, the driver can get 80 yuan, far higher income for the taxi company working. Form Revolution to bring a new benefit distribution model, which is the "limousine service" to bring "reform dividend" passenger transport industry. Insiders suggested that regulators can access the Internet "limousine service" background information, it is easy to review the play Barbie Dress Up Games vehicle information, added to prevent the illegal vehicles from the source. But also to "limousine service" with sufficient observation period, development period, rather than a stick and killed. Facing reform can only bite the next hoe Transport Ministry said recently, "car" is the new era of innovative service models, to meet the transport market high-quality, diverse, differentiated demand has a positive effect. But "name" at the same time but did not respond to the core issue of the right to operate a taxi monopoly reform. People look forward to, the relevant departments to face the taxi reform, reform icebreaker can look forward to more taxi transfer a determination to deepen reform, leveraging more business start reform in deep water. History is always strikingly similar, throughout the course of reform, grassroots Reform always disturbed subdivision "coming to the fore" in the existing frame. 30 years ago, a small village of eighteen villagers risked jail, leveraging the wave of China's rural reform. The party's 18 years, the household registration system, income distribution system, the social security system, university enrollment system, the reform of public service vehicles, which is not a hoe? Now they have introduced a timetable, start running on reform, "track." The reason it is the people's yearning for a better life as the objectives of the reform, to truly reform the masses, relying on the masses of reform, reform so that the people benefit. Today's taxi reform is also a need to tackle tough to hoe. To face the whitewater rapids, in the face of vested interests walls, facing play Cooking Games the focus of attention of the masses, the people living in difficulty, hope the relevant departments bang, with irresistible force to put down the piece of hard bone to chew.