Thursday, May 19, 2016

2015, how anti-fire security hackers

With the New Year bell sounded at midnight, a new round of security threats, no doubt will continue to play Olaf Games be staged in 2015. But this year the situation is slightly different. In the past, when we predict future threats, the focus tends to focus on two aspects: to steal credit card data and bank password hacker type of crime, as well as adhering to certain beliefs aggressive hackers. But now, if not the country-led network attacks to include (as Edward Snowden (EdwardSnowden) broke the news that the threat of same), basically do not constitute a complete forecast. It is reported that, when the US National Security Agency (NSA) spy agencies such as the invasion of a system in time for their own use, they will cause the system more vulnerable to attack others. So, we start with this list from the state-led hacking. 1, the state-led hacking Towards the end of 2014, a new message surfaced, allows us to understand a major attack NSA and its British counterparts Government Communications Department (GCHQ) has been carried out. That incident and the Belgian semi-state-owned telecommunications company Belgacom related. When the event was black Belgacom summer of 2013 for the first time exposure, immediately pressed down. Belgian government hardly protested. The only thing we know is that the two spy agencies aimed at the telecommunications company's system administrator to access the router is used to manage all the company's customers to phone traffic. But the latest disclosure of information to the outside world for more insider actions that the hacker used Regin malware: the original, the hackers also want to hijack the entire telecommunications network outside Belgium, in order to control the base station, or to intercept communications and monitor user information. Regin apparently just one of many tools used by the two spy agencies in one of them also with many ways to destroy the company's private telecommunications network. In view of this, various measures NSA decryption deployed in its various backdoor installed in the system, is still the biggest security threat to all computer users face. 2, extortion Sony argued black Incident continues, the motivation of hackers is still not entirely clear. But whether hackers launched the attack in order to extort money, or in order to prevent "the assassination of Kim Jong-un" (TheInterview) release, similar events are likely to happen again. Sony is not the first case of extortion from hackers black Talking Angela Games But the scale of these activities before most are small - so-called "ransomware" for hard disk encryption, or lock a user or company data or systems, coercion to pay money. The US government and many civil society organizations believe that Sony was behind the black event is North Korea. But no matter how the truth, this is the first data leak involving a major threat hackers blackmail. Compared with the low level of "ransomware" attacks that hackers need to have more skills. For Sony this company has a large number of confidential data, it will therefore fall into even greater crisis. 3, data corruption Sony has been brought yet another threat to black events in the United States have seen: the threat of data corruption. This will become more common in 2015. Sony hackers black event not only steal data from the company, but also a large number of deleted data. South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Iran before had suffered a similar attack - South Korean banks and media attack objects, Saudi Arabia and Iran, attack objects are oil-related businesses and government agencies. After deleting the malware data and MBR, it will cause the system can not run. Good data backup can be avoided because such attacks suffered huge losses, but still need to spend a lot of time to rebuild the system, but also costly. You must ensure that the backup data is completely unaffected, avoid residual system recovery after malware removed again. 4, bank card crime will continue Over the past few decades, there have been many millions of bank card data involving large-scale data theft, the victim companies, including TJX, Barnes & Noble, Target and Home Depot. Some are controlled by the store POS systems to steal card data, there are some (such as Barnes & Noble was black event) is installed in the fraudulent card reader to steal data. Card issuers and retailers are deploying more secure EMV or chip-'n'-PIN cards and readers, and with built-in chip to generate a one-time transactions, for use in-store shopping. As a result, even if the criminals to steal user shopping entered password, it can not be used to steal funds. Thus, the case is expected to reduce the bank card stolen. However, the wide spread of such systems will take some time. Although card issuers are gradually using the new EMV card instead of the old bank card, but to go to retailers in October 2015 in order to fully install the new card reader. After that, they just need to be responsible for the fraudulent transactions that have not installed the card reader occurred. Retailers will no doubt slow down the speed of deployment of this new technology, and thus steal from the old DNV card card can still be used without a password fraudulent online transactions. In addition, there is a problem of improper deployment. The nearest Home Depot is black event indicates that the hacker was able to break the chip-'n'-PIN processing system, it is because of improper deployment. With the gradual popularity of EMV, the hacker will certainly shift the focus. They will not steal card data from retailers, but will be aimed directly at the provider of card processing accounts. In two recent cases respectively 900 million and $ 45 million in theft, hacking responsible for processing prepaid card account corporate network. Artificially raised play Barbie Dress Up Games the balance, and canceled the withdrawal limit minority payroll account, the hacker in many cities to hire a lot of cash by hundreds of ATM machines. 5, third-party intrusion In recent years there has been a disturbing "third party invasion" trend. In these attacks, the hacker intrusion reason why a company or a service, just to aim at another more important goal. In the event of Target hacked, hackers invaded a first air conditioning company, because the company this air-conditioned business relationship with Target, Target and have access to the network. But compared with other, more serious invasion of a third party, such an attack technique is still relatively low. Hackers in 2011 RSASecurity attacks acquired RSA Security Token government agencies and enterprises of system used. The vulnerability of the certification body - for example, Hungary CB 2011 was attacked - the hackers to get through seemingly legitimate status to distribute malicious software, which is disguised as legitimate software. Similarly, Adobe2012 malicious software disguised as legitimate software Adobe certified. Similar third-party intrusion indicate that additional security measures are gradually strengthened. Because Windows systems now come with security features to prevent unauthorized software from unknown sources, and therefore needs hacker masquerading as legitimate status to carry out attacks. Such intrusion is very serious, because it will destroy the user's basic trust in the Internet infrastructure. 6, critical infrastructure So far, the most serious infrastructure hacker attacks in Iran. At that time, "shock web" (Stuxnet) virus in the country's uranium enrichment facilities caused damage. However, the US critical infrastructure are not always immune. There are signs that hackers really are targeting the US industrial control systems. In 2012, Telvent smart grid control software developers have been subjected to attack. Part of the US power grid, oil and gas pipelines and water systems, have adopted the company's software. Hackers then won the project documents the company SCADA system. Telvent such enterprises project files to compile a program of industrial control systems, and has a very high authority, you can modify the client system through any of the contents of these files. Stuxnet virus had been used in the project file when infected invade Iran uranium enrichment system. Hackers can use the project files infected clients, or by Telvent and other companies access to its research customers vulnerabilities, ultimately, remote control rights. As with a third-party system to obtain network access, like Target, sooner or later, a hacker can use play Cooking Games such enterprises Telvent control critical infrastructure - perhaps, they've done it.

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