Thursday, May 19, 2016

NVC six months of civil strife finally subsided

NVC founder Wu Changjiang and BDO Runda dispute eventually ended in defeat Wu Changjiang. Today's multi-party,play Frozen Games said Wu Changjiang on suspicion of misappropriation of funds, was officially transferred to the Public Security Bureau of Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, Huizhou City People's Procuratorate for approval arrest. In accordance with the relevant legal procedures, prosecutors will decide in the next seven days whether to Wu Changjiang be arrested. Procuratorate to make decisions such as arrest, followed by Wu Changjiang will carry out investigation. After the conclusion of the investigation, the suspects will be transferred to the Department of Public Prosecutions for examination and prosecution. At this point, Wu Changjiang has been behind bars for almost a month. In early December 2014, Huizhou Municipal Public Security Bureau on suspicion of embezzlement charges against Wu Changjiang investigation, and on December 6 went to Beijing to take away, Huizhou City Detention Center and then transferred to criminal detention. Even earlier, Wu Changjiang also suffered combat, BDO Runda announcement, said the company's second largest shareholder of Wu Changjiang all the shares held by the company have been the Chongqing Municipal Higher People's Court of Justice to freeze the waiting, waiting to freeze the number of 130,000,000 shares ( accounting for 9.31% of the total share capital of the company). Wu Changjiang due to misappropriation of funds by an investigation Wu Changjiang and BDO Runda This dispute has been going on for six months, both existing lines of conflict, but also the ongoing war of public opinion. In early August 2014, NVC issued a notice that the board decided to dismiss Wu Changjiang, chief executive, replaced by temporary largest shareholder and chairman Wang Dong-lei. But this is not the story of the most intense part of the video After a period of "BDO Runda chairman Wang Dong-lei bring people visited Chongqing play Barbie Cooking Games NVC" in the online dissemination. Video display, had a quiet NVC office, suddenly broke into a middle-aged man and a group of brawny, these people to various departments have seized official seal, took documents, while two employees were all also NVC beaten. At that time a scene pointed out that female workers were scared and hid in the toilet, two were hit NVC employees entered the hospital, the command is the king of fighting its largest shareholder of BDO Runda chairman Dong-lei, his own police take the event into small climax. Thereafter, BDO Runda and Wu Changjiang expand multi-media war, suppliers around the fierce competition, Wu Changjiang gradually lost. In late October 2014, NVC drying out a "filing this book" graphic photos, Huizhou City Public Security Bureau has formally called for NVC Wu Changjiang, who misappropriation of funds case that the alleged facts of the crime occurred, now State conducting an investigation of misappropriation of funds case. Until November 14, Wu Changjiang further frustration. BDO Runda Posted termination planning major events, said Wu Changjiang due in significant noncompliance guarantee a number of banks, Bank of Chongqing NVC was forced to deduct 395 million yuan, with the previous in the Bank guarantee is actually deducted 154 million yuan, the bank was forced to deduct a total of 549 million yuan. NVC verification by the Board of Directors, in NVC Chongqing Construction Bank bank deposits 53,848,100 yuan frozen justice, Wu Changjiang is also due to similar security breach caused. December 16, 2014, Wu Changjiang more suspicion of misappropriation of funds, the Huizhou police Detention law. In Wu Changjiang was taken away by police on the eve of Huizhou, which is still December 2 sent a meaningful microblogging: "This two-day Shanghai is too cold, but saw several dealers EAST brothers, and my heart is very warm ! in particular phrase that you are willing to do whatever I swear to go hand in hand, then I moved to tears, thank you for the trust and support, I will not give up! will be better tomorrow! " On three occasions expelled NVC Although the NVC Wu Changjiang handedly founded, but Wu Changjiang Board has several times been expelled. NVC listed in Hong Kong in 2010, but after the market for two years, Wu Changjiang has started with two tournament fund shareholder disputes appear rich Asian and Schneider Electric. Especially in 2012 and Yan Wu Changjiang, love and hatred, the most intense period of fighting, the staff was once shut down, stop for suppliers, distributors, stop orders drastic action. That contradiction can alleviate key that Yan as VC representatives can not control supplier, disadvantaged, and Wu Changjiang can be very good to control live NVC suppliers, and can play Angela Games support the introduction of BDO Runda. In this Wu Changjiang and BDO Runda disputes, BDO Runda more clever than Yan era, the dimension of public opinion, legal and suppliers angle Wu Changjiang contest. NVC chairman Wang Dong Lei had Artesyn Technologies, said the problems in the dismissal of the board, president of NVC Wu Changjiang law encountered himself expressed regret and bewilderment. Why in the national legal system, a simple legal question, but difficult to implement, so why are still unable to operate our factory Wanzhou, why Wu Changjiang dare not accept the board's decision. When the board of directors and the public opinion battle for control of NVC Wu Changjiang, even likened to 2012, Wu Yan battle piracy, Wang Dong-lei will be classified as non-NVC internal dispute individual competition, Wu Changjiang is violent obstruction of law profanity and fool the public. More importantly, BDO Runda and Wu Changjiang, snatch vendor support, launched an attack in front of BDO Runda, Wang Dong-lei said the existing 80% carriers support the work of the Board of Directors, which is the collapse of the original NVC Wu Changjiang support chassis , Wu Changjiang lead to failure. When Wu Changjiang been arrested in the news, an industry source pointed out that Wu Changjiang, we thought this would fail, but did not expect to fail so badly. As a generation of dignity and NVC founder Wu Changjiang fate of people sigh. An industry source pointed out that Wu Changjiang suffered pain behind reflects the transformation of private enterprises: how to deal with between shareholders, between founder, competing interests between the founders and investors. NVC although the market, but still not out of the family business mark. Yan has been talked about at the beginning of 2013 the "NVC storm" event, these words still apply today: "China's private enterprises need systematic management, in accordance with the procedure, in accordance with the rules, can not be the same as in the past, by an individual enterprise the final say. " With Wu Changjiang XingJu around BDO Runda and NVC equity dispute has come to an end. Some analysts have pointed out, now with NVC BDO Runda removing the play Dora Games biggest obstacle to the integration of the two companies, the future integration of the resources estimated to be much smoother road.

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