Saturday, May 21, 2016

Baidu open letter in response to the Housing Zhong: Trademark and user experience both

Baidu responded that Baidu brand area depends on the trademark ownership of the home, while natural play Baby Games search result ranking is determined by the needs of users and the site quality and content richness, has nothing to do with the price. It is reported that, in SouFun CEO Zhong "To Li Peking University students in an open letter," Zhong stated in the founding of the company and Hodges Road SouFun Holdings Group for the "search room" trademark ongoing tug of war a decade and has made "search room" trademark the process of Baidu brand area of ​​the charges questioned, and Baidu search for "SouFun" appears in SouFun Holdings room in the world ( the result of dissatisfaction that Baidu suspected of partiality room world. In this regard, Baidu clarified that in response, Baidu brand area very strict review. A look at whether a company owns the trademark words, look at the needs of the user's home, whether it is looking at the contents of the registered trademark of the brand, two conditions are indispensable. Hodges Road term hold "search room" trademark, so Baidu, at their request, the "search room" area open to the word brand channel Hodges company SouFun ( branding impressions. And because "SouFun" word trademark does not belong to any company, so "SouFun" term brand area not open to any business promotion, and therefore can not meet the company and Zhong Road Hodges promotion demands, nothing to do with price. For Zhong questioned in the Baidu search results, your search Room ( the number of pages and ordering room far below the world ( concerned, Baidu side responded that the situation is completely depends on the user search needs and the quality of corporate websites and other natural factors. The fact is: SouFun Holdings room in the world ( Alexa ranking of more than 1,000, while Hodges Road home search ( is ranked more than 60,000. Is reflected from the tendency of Baidu users search index, "SouFun" Searches are also several times in the "search room." Therefore, in the search results, "SouFun room world" the odds will naturally be higher. In fact, reporters search found in Google (microblogging), 360 other sites search for "SouFun", "search room" and other words, ranking is room in the world ( Thus, users of the "search room" brand awareness and demand, tend to house the world, "SouFun." In addition, Baidu also clarified in response, "Li individual companies involved in SouFun Holdings backdoor listing" of the question raised by Zhong. Baidu side pointed out that the investment house world Baidu Penghuan Asset Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Baidu, Robin Li is not the private sector. The following is the Baidu "search back room, Mr. Zhong book" full text: Dear Mr. Li Zhong, Have read the open letter, thank you to miss. Read "To the students of Beijing University Li letter" v "search room" of the protest, citing Mr. Qian Liqun words,play Dog Games insert "Ma object" language, eloquent thousands of words, sloppily, paper is punctured. SouFun trademark dispute, after ten years, and finally to the other side and renamed victory. However, this is still the United States listed the other side fast, given that you think Mr. multi-night, deprived of a few packs of cigarettes or will, choose good only when plugging in the pouring Mr. chest anger, or is unwilling to? Unwilling this silence, unwilling to forget the times? However, I do not know either of the article, Mr. resentment ease a bit? You will be able to calm slightly see the pros and cons? The respect Mr. Li Zhong of entrepreneurial courage, then read the text today, Mr. self-proclaimed "Eupolyphaga long removed from the sludge green algae," Ziqi heart releasable, and a lot of misunderstanding and Baidu and rancor, I heart Huangran. Several complaints to the President, today slightly to say, Mr. Ping hope to the hearts of unpleasant. First, the product is designed attribution, trademark and user experience both Mr. Yan, got the "search room" brand zone, but take no less than "SouFun" brand zone, and "Baidu called 'main demand dispersion', 'customer experience' like a noble lie, knowing where the transmission of the disease, - is not it more people out of money "? Jun words this "trick", really do not know and for the regulatory compliance. Baidu brand area extremely rigorous review, to see whether a company has a trademark of the word, look at the needs of the user's home, whether it is looking at the contents of the registered trademark of the brand. Two conditions are indispensable. Trademarks decade fight to win the title of Mr. "SouFun" trademark, and the other one was renamed as "Housing the world" website owns the registered trademark "room world". Accordingly, the "search room" brand zone is Mr. "search room", "room in the world," the brand area belongs to SouFun Holdings "Housing the world", which is consistent with their trademark destination, and the registration information is displayed, "SouFun" trademark and does not belong to any one of two home search, so we are not in accordance with the rules open to any business, but who does not exist the question of who gave more money, please Mingjian. Second, natural search rankings, depending on site quality and relevance Mr. words, if you want to show on their own Baidu, you have to be forced to buy their own brand of "brand zone", if you do not buy, you can display a large pile of other sites. Actually not. On the trademark, you struggle a decade, our respect for each individual to protect their own interests, then you are undeniable, users on the "search room" brand awareness and demand, tend to house the world, "SouFun." Objectively speaking, Mr. "SouFun" Alexa ranking is more than 60,000, while the "house of the world" is ranked more than 1,000; Mr. "SouFun" website content richness and number of pages, far less than the "SouFun room world"; from reflects the tendency of Internet users search for Baidu index, "SouFun" searches are also several times in the "search room." Therefore, in the search results, "SouFun room world" the odds will naturally be higher. Perhaps this can be explained by Mr. wondering why the "full page display someone else." Third, investment property in the world, is the company's normal investment behavior Mr. words, use your IQ and seasoned financial terms, tour flicker, plus Baidu endorsement to a $ 320 million asset to Chinese investors to sell 16.2 billion to tens of thousands of Chinese investors when the pigs go sell to make money. Mr. remark poor men. As we all know, Baidu nearly two years to develop O2O, include food, clothing, shelter, all aspects of the line. Therefore, the participation of the world held investment property, then investor is Baidu Penghuan Asset Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Baidu, not Mr. Li private enterprises. The investment will be appreciated for your interest, but the inexplicable "tour Fudge", "the hundreds of thousands of Chinese investors when to sell the pig to make money" and other malicious speech buckle in Baidu and Mr. Li's head, I am afraid play Cat Games Baidu unacceptable. Fourth, corporate life and death, how can the left and right by a search engine? Mr. Yan, "whether my 'SouFun', or" Beijing book, "Yellow subsequent decline is the rapid development of search engine results, especially after Google out of China, in the capital, management and thinking patterns do not like people under the circumstances, we have basically no voice. " Mr. Wu Deng remark rain-delayed surprised inexplicable fear and trepidation. Mr. Yizhi, shopping malls today is the land of free competition, Baidu as an Internet company, there is no ability and no right to determine the fate of other enterprises, their own strength, is the real key factor in determining its success or failure. Rather than develop your company's success attributed to search engines, than from its own strategic and management look more reason, perhaps more benefit. Mr. Wu Deng Yong and his admiration for the 1995 first launched the "Beijing Internet real estate," the courage, but also regret that today, 20 years later, Mr. still struggling for a trademark tangle. Wudeng opinion, or more depending on the brand influence user acceptance, rather than the term of a trademark word, whether solid brand foundation, or more depending on years of careful management, rather than how much the cost of litigation inputs. Shallow view, only Mr. Shen Xiao. Fifth, Baidu will not "toss", "black play" any person or business Mr. Yan, not wrecked "our" good thing you and your business, there is no future! We must do everything possible to put a good thing wrecked. The respect you elders from Yanyuan out of literacy and knowledge are all role models Wudeng learning, so this smell injury and decent words of Mr. North, can not help Charan. Mr. goes on to say, of his own words and deeds are in order "not to be frustrating, playing black." Mr. urge to refrain from this is a concern. Baidu is committed to provide users with more convenient and efficient search and will not embarrass any individual or business, but the question the so-called black and toss play. Introduction of Mr. Li Zhong, it is unfounded. Faint decades time, Mr. Way back when, spirited, volatility is also admirable. Era of change, or so Mr. caught off guard. However, the only independent play Girl Games and to difficulties, but they feel the road dangerous, only after Mr. Wang think the road again, restore its not difficult. Also, the "Four Books" The Chapter goes: "erudite, interrogated, deliberation, discernment, persistent work." Mr. Wang Trait, whom decent, and the king of mutual encouragement.

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