Monday, May 23, 2016

Speed drop fee none 40 billion, why carriers also scolded dog

"Speed ​​drop fee" policy implementation more than a year, from the industry point of view, the three operators have play Anna Games made great contributions. Ministry data released, speed reduce costs in 2015 more than 40 billion yuan a year will benefit its customers. As of the end of October 2015, fixed broadband unit bandwidth tariff levels down from 50.6% last year, the average tariff level of mobile traffic decreased 39.3%, exceeding the annual target speed reduce costs. This year, the three operators will continue to implement this policy, to allow more users to enjoy the benefits of speed drop charges brought. Arguably, one year 40 billion yuan, the speed also improved so much, we should give the three operators collective thumbs. But on the contrary, users do not sell the three operators account, they said in unison: do not feel carriers reduce costs, enhance the speed did not feel much, but the feeling of spending more. Why reduce costs 40 billion in exchange for the user's "no sense"? Operators did not do the job? No, look at the data we know that the three operators in speed reduce costs has indeed done a lot of work. As of December 2015, China Mobile (microblogging) published in 2015, have all eight initiatives reduce costs and on-line promotion, covering customer base of 123 million in 2015 annual mobile Internet tariff decrease of 43% compared with 2014, exceeding the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and annual rates dropped by 30% target. China Telecom (microblogging) 2015 average flow rates over the previous year fell 31%, fell to 0.082 yuan / MB, down 30% ahead of the annual target; wired broadband unit bandwidth prices fell 58.8%, down from 4.9 yuan / Mbps to 2.02 yuan / Mbps, exceeding the annual target of 35% decline. As of the end of December 2015, China Unicom (microblogging) mobile data traffic integrated unit fell 27.0%, the average price per unit bandwidth of fixed broadband fell 49.6%, to complete the "Mobile data traffic decline integrated unit not less than 20% of fixed broadband unit bandwidth tariff year decrease of 30%, "the social commitment goals. But why feel the gap between data and users so big? A major reason is that the speed of speaking operators reduce costs, focus on the "network speed", price per megabyte of bandwidth did not drop. Operators means: my speed to go up, the price has not changed, then the equivalent of the average cost per megabyte drop down. But users do not think so, since you say "Speed ​​drop fee", it should be not only speed, but also to reduce costs, but also to the absolute value play Dora Games is not playing word games. Moreover, according to the Ministry data, down 400 billion, the average of each mobile user who also 2.6 yuan per month, this amount of money you have the nerve to say the fee reduction? In the carrier wide opinion, a broadband speed into a huge, definitely talk about cost, speed is not the price we are at a loss; the user's perspective, said a long time speedup reduce costs for operators and original "Fudge." Therefore, operators feel wronged, users feel cheated. Speak the same language, the two sides on the channel is simply not a speech. So how to resolve this conflict? Speed ​​drop fee on the basis of good work, I think the key is to do publicity. Operators must boldly promote its positive effects on Speed ​​lowering costs the national economy, to let the people generally perceived. Chinese carriers have been burdened with the monopoly of infamy. In fact, China's network operators from building capacity, service levels, in the world are well advanced, and compared with the global tariff levels are also relatively inexpensive. Statistics show that, after several years of price acceleration, the domestic telecom tariff level has been lower than the major developed countries. According to the ITU (ITU) 2015 release of "Measuring the Information Society report," 2014 China's mobile traffic rates decline significantly, 500MB traffic charges only $ 4.88, the average tariffs in developed and most developing countries are higher at $ 15. 164 countries in the global and regional markets, there are flow rates 151 countries and regions, higher than China, only 12 developing countries is lower than China. From mobile traffic charges per capita GNI ratio point of view, the 2014 China's ratio of 0.89%, ranked 164 countries and regions in the first 121 (in descending order, the lower the rates after sorting); United States compared to 1.47%, 65% higher than China, ranked No. 97. National Bureau of Statistics data show that in 2015 per capita disposable income of more than 10 years ago, improved by 165%, while mobile data traffic unit price decreased by 97.3% compared with 10 years ago, mobile communications consumer spending in the proportion of people's income in the rate of decline It exceeded our expectations. In China Mobile, for example, China's current flow rates both in absolute terms and in proportion per capita GNI, have been play Cooking Games lower than the United States and other major developed countries or flat. Before there is a view that, although the absolute value of the domestic telecom tariff is low, but the per capita gross national income (GNI) ratio remains high. That is, indeed lower rates, but with respect to people's daily income is concerned, China is still high. But the data speak, very direct dismissed the idea. Domestic carriers in recent years, so that "monopoly" held hostage hats, what do have to look at the face of public opinion, the competent authorities and based on a "customer service" as the first, the user a trouble, the result rational things are finally inflicted unreasonable. In the Speed ​​drop fee of publicity, the operator is necessary to trumpet the achievements, which requires three together, a loud speaker, the results can not be denied; the second is to be propaganda, in addition to speak with data, but also with an original form so that people acceptance, approval, can not complain that people do not always understand. I do advertising for Apple's impressed with all the different domestic mobile phone manufacturers, Apple iPhone, in advertising, and from their phones would not say how cattle performance, on the contrary, the fact that he used to speak , such as Apple's mobile phone camera ad, with a series of high-definition pictures, last slogan is: What is the iPhone shot. This ad is simple, allowing users to feel very intuitive, Apple's mobile phone camera effect is good. Are the three operators can draw down by way of contrast, some users their own experiences, to show the results and effects of speed reduce costs, rather than doing something paradoxical image ads, and these ads will not resonate with users, do more useless waste of money. In addition, the speed drop fee of publicity, can not list a bunch of data, but to tell the story behind the numbers is clear. Numbers in there, seems to reflect the operator's achievements, but for some non-professional media unknown to the interpretation of a communication disorder, became negative carriers. For example, speed reduce costs by one year to benefit its customers more than 40 billion yuan, some networks in order to attract media attention, a number of positive energy abruptly interpreted as: operators tears, Speed ​​drop fee income of 40 billion yuan less year. All of a sudden the carriers placed in the user's antithesis, with predictable results. To promote its highest level, through advocacy, so that others agree with your point of view, recognizing what you do, this is the soft power. Advocacy is through communication,play Baby Hazel Games so that others agree with you instead press release, put credit. How to make people agree with what you do on the speed reduce costs, reduce costs and speed realized the long-term effects of the three operators in the propaganda still have to work hard at.

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