Thursday, May 19, 2016

Economist: "on-demand economy" is reshaping business and occupation

Housekeeping applications through the integration of positive company Handy small business into a big one. The company at the right time and place to play Elsa Games provide convenient services to customers on demand, all families need to do is to install Handy and ready credit card mobile applications, professional services staff will work for you all kinds, from spring cleaning to the plate furniture assembly, with an average fee of $ 18 per hour. Handy currently in the nation's 29 largest cities, Toronto and Vancouver, Canada and the United Kingdom six cities to provide services to 5,000 service personnel. These people more in weekly working hours between 5 hours to 35 hours, of which 20% of the monthly income of up to $ 2,500. Handy Founded in 2011, only 200 full-time employees, has raised $ 40 million in venture capital. One Handy just around demand services built up a large number of start-ups, they will work with independent contractors to match up to provide labor and services on demand. In San Francisco and New York, this "demand economy" is on the rise, Google (microblogging) and Facebook and other large companies young technical staff can use the application on your phone or Homejoy requirements Handy help clean the apartment, through the purchase of food and Instacart delivered by Washio laundry by BloomThat flowers and so on. Fancy Hands will provide customers with personal assistant services, including pre-trip or negotiations with the companies. TaskRabbit will send a gift to receive last minute to mind, Shyp gift wrap can be then be sent out, SpoonRocket will come to provide comparable restaurant delicious food within 10 minutes. These companies provide on-demand services is clearly inspired by taxi application Uber body. The company was founded in San Francisco in 2009, has been providing taxi service in 53 countries worldwide. Insiders, Uber 2014 revenues of over one billion US dollars. Venture capital firms SherpaVentures assessment that, Uber taxi with two other companies Lyft and Sidecar, 2013 in San Francisco revenues of over 140 million US dollars, Uber recently reached $ 40 billion valuation of financing. Even in the bubble market, this figure is quite alarming. Although industry Uber internal criticism never stopped, but in some circles, Uber's business model has encouraged the rise of a number of on-demand services, and they are very popular. There seems to countless young entrepreneurs venture capitalists forward commitment, they can become successful companies like Uber. Economist: "on-demand economy" is reshaping business and occupation They have created a large number of on-demand services business, time constraints will help workers and city employees desire to work contact, although sometimes this process there will be social disparities disgusting. Kevin Rose (Kevin Roose) was in the "New York Magazine" to "on-demand economy," the author, he found employment through Homejoy cleaners actually living in homeless shelters. This boom marks a deeper transformation is entering a new phase. Now, with the ubiquitous smartphone platform in a variety of new ways to play Baby Hazel Games deliver services and labor, we will challenge the basis of many of the 20th century capitalism, including the nature of the company and the career structure. Economist: "on-demand economy" is reshaping business and occupation In fact, long before the rise of Uber, science and technology to create new opportunities to bring the match to work for workers. Topcoder founded in 2001, provides exhibition space for programmers. In 2013, it was a cloud services company Appirio acquisitions, is now focused on providing services to freelancers. Elance-oDesk 400 million companies to provide 10 million freelance services. This model is also popular in all walks of life. Founded in 2000 in London's Eden McCallum use 500 freelance consultant to establish a network, than such a large consulting firm McKinsey fewer charges to provide similar services. This allows it to provide advisory services to small companies, including pharmaceutical giant GSK. Axiom employs 650 lawyers, as half of the Fortune 100 service companies, 2012 revenue of over 100 million US dollars. Medicast are Miami, Los Angeles and San Diego provide a similar pattern of medical services. Patients can contact a doctor through a special application, the symptoms to doctors, doctors ensure that within two hours arrived. The basic cost is $ 200 each visits. It not only provides for the doctors' professional malpractice insurance, for those who want to increase part-time income, no financial support business young doctor, you want to control their own schedules old doctor has a special appeal. Los Angeles Business Talent Group was a company interim executives, they can deal with specific problems the company, and the company executives need to add full-time on the payroll. Online content provider Fox Mobile Entertainment offers temporary creative director for the company to design new products. Creative Company to this on-demand model to add new elements, some companies require creativity, rather than labor and services. Innocentive focus on R & D, which will become the company's research needs specific issue until a satisfactory solution after the company paid. Economist: "on-demand economy" is reshaping business and occupation Tongal has 40,000 video producer team can do the same job. In 2012, consumer products company Colgate-Palmolive offering a reward of $ 17,000, can be made to find 30 seconds long ad for the site person. This ad is great, the company during the "Super Bowl" and the other to spend more than several hundred times its production of heavy advertising broadcast together, the effect is similar. Quirky members of the network can be your own product ideas on our website, other members to vote for each idea attractive, and find their way into reality. Since its inception in 2009, the company has attracted more than 100 million members, made 400 of merchandise. Perhaps the most compelling on-demand service is Amazon's Mechanical Turk, which allows customers to publish any "Human Intelligence Tasks", the staff of the site can make a choice according to the task and reward. Economist: "on-demand economy" is reshaping business and occupation Demand service model has many advantages, no office, no full-time contract employee, a computer can help a group of people seeking to become the task of another group of people, people around the world can spare the time to visit. "There is a good job means that a particular company have to be full-time employees," the concept from 1880 to 1980 a specific period, when the "industrial revolution" will integrate a large number of workers, creating many giant companies. In the early stages, many independent craftsmen can not compete with the production machine, day laborers who had to rely on labor to sell to survive. The company introduced a new stability, a clear division of labor more than ever, to provide clear roles and a new career path. Many trade unions appeared, and to help members improve conditions. Along these lines the government eventually establish a stable employment system, and form the core of welfare legislation. Management duties in the new economy, white-collar workers began to be born. After World War II, everyone seems to benefit from this model: workers with welfare, wages steady growth; corporate stable workforce, can rest assured that investment and get the expected return. But in the 1970s, this model began to run into trouble, first deteriorating labor disputes, after being subjected to the negative effects of globalization and computerization have become increasingly prominent. The private sector, trade unions have lost power, especially in the US and the UK, legislation reduce their ability to act. Enterprise strictly control labor costs, outsourcing of production in the industrial sector, more and more middle management staff have been restructuring. Advances in computer use and communication technologies accelerated this process, so that the company will work more easily exported to foreign countries, and in order to require less technical competence of contract workers by remodeling. All this causes more people to join the rootless Ping and quite flexible labor force. Due to an increase in the number of students and the unemployed, the elderly and parents need more time to care for their children. Recently freelance pressure group Freelancers Union survey showed that one-third of the US labor force members are freelancers. Economist: "on-demand economy" is reshaping business and occupation "Demand Economy" labor and product of the combination of smart phones, smart phones are now the enterprise desktop computing power is more powerful than the 1990s remodeling. Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz analyst Benedict Evans (Benedict Evans) said that, in September 2014, Apple introduced the new iPhone that weekend, the computing power of mobile phones sold in 1995 is even higher than the world's computing capability 25 times . Connected to each other, has a more powerful and cloud data processing capabilities, these devices are designed to allow people or find new ways to solve a wide range of business problems. Economist: "on-demand economy" is reshaping business and occupation Now, most people carry a computer, to help them keep in touch with each other, know their positions, understand their social networks. This can play Girl Games produce a chain of consequences, they demand economy are becoming key features, including the further division of labor. Sloan School of Management at MIT Thomas Malone (Thomas Malone) believes that computer technology is leading us into an era spanning professional restrictions, like the economist Adam Smith (Adam Smith) in the 1760s in a pin factories observed principle, subsequently be applied to more complex work. Another key feature is not fully tap the potential of play. This applies not only to humans, but also for their assets: To be or Lyft Uber driver, you first need a car. "Demand Economy" just so-called "sharing economy" continuation of one of the many, such as short-term apartment rental company Airbnb. But for those who do not have assets, the demand in the labor market is more important. The new areas are large-scale economic liberalization. SpoonRocket preparing food in San Francisco and Berkeley two central kitchen, and then send the food out quickly, because it has a fleet equipped with insulation on top of the bag. Co-founder Anson Tesu Yi (Anson Tsui) said: "We are like a great restaurant, in San Francisco for the entire service." It provides on-demand services goal is to use a variety of ways to reduce transaction costs. The key is to provide some kind of trust, encourage people to try to accept people who are not familiar with. Consumers concerned about the quality of their temporary employees, no one wants to own the apartment keys to the thief who may become, no one wants to own medical information to the quack. And the potential freelancers do not want to deal with deadbeat does not give people, about 40% of freelancers postponed for a long time to receive the reward. Handy and other on-demand services to provide assurance to customers that their staff is absolutely honest and competent. Handy, co-founder Ossian · Han Lahan (Oisin Hanrahan) said that more than 400,000 people applied to join the platform to work, but only 3% of applicants through a rigorous screening process. The workers want to be able to get a stable job, and as far as possible to shorten the payment period. Handy's computer systems also trying to line up each worker's schedule in order to shorten their time spent on the road as much as possible. Despite these measures, but it still did not seem Handy great success. This can have three major reasons: First, it attempts to provide on-demand services will cost passed on to customers, while minimizing training, management and incentive costs. New York cleaning services company MyClean tried to use pure contract workers, but found that the use of full-time users get a better rating. For this reason that the company, better service depends on higher labor costs. Uber drivers complained about the treat contract workers treat them, but as full-time employees that manage them. They were asked to regularly pay premiums, but fuel costs can not be reimbursed. US economic recovery is likely to make these companies more difficult to attract idle labor force than in years past. Second, to provide on-demand services if the development to grow enough, get enough attention, we will begin by regulators and political troubled. US demand service companies fear that if the court forced them to its workers, contract workers from re-classified as full-time employees, they may face severe punishment of labor law. Handy had stipulated in his play Barbie Games contract, similar costs will be borne by the customer, but this provision has been withdrawn. Faced with the threat Uber traditional taxi companies around the world have organized strikes, litigation, and other measures to put pressure on the regulatory body. In the Netherlands, Uber has been banned; in South Korea, are considered illegal Uber taxi service; in Germany, anti-Uber protests intensified. However, these protests seem to Uber fight anti-advertising. A recent survey shows that, at the time of campaigning, American politicians use Uber more than the traditional taxi, which strongly suggests its bright future.

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