Saturday, May 21, 2016

After a number of luxury brands out of the anti-counterfeit coalition, Ali, president and spoken

Evans said in a statement Alibaba huge, its electronic business platform has 423 million consumers and play Angela Games millions of sellers of goods as well as the order of one billion, with the help of a critical hit in the global trade of fake a unique location: "as the world's leading e-commerce company, we have a responsibility in the crackdown as a global leader, we are 100 percent committed to this fake war. we have the scale, the data, more determined." Evans seems fake sex industry, a wide range of issues, not only the Alibaba platform, but also in other e-commerce platform, more than just Chinese only. Under the root of fake online fraud by means of technical support it is also becoming more complex, more global, more subtle, requiring all stakeholders to form "cooperative, comprehensive strategy to defeat them." Evans explained to the participating members of the IACC Ali anti-counterfeiting strategies and concrete measures, says Ali counterfeiting strategy is based on three principles, namely, initiative, and brand party strategic cooperation, as well as government and regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies and other cooperation . International anti-counterfeit coalition (IACC) is the world's largest anti-counterfeit and infringement non-profit organization, was founded in 1979 and headquartered in Washington, it has more than 250 members, including more than 100 world-renowned brands IACC. A month ago, IACC announced that Alibaba will join the alliance, became the first member of its newly established "ordinary members" category, a move that led to a lot of dissatisfaction with the existing members within the organization, including the United States Gucci, Michael Kors and Tiffany and other famous brands announced its withdrawal from the organization. Then came an anonymous letter IACC secret relationship management and Alibaba. Allegedly, the organization's president Robert C. Barchiesi in 2014, Alibaba has held its shares will be listed; in addition, in January this year has just joined the Alibaba Group Vice-Chairman, responsible for global intellectual property management of Matthew Bassiur, and Robert C . Barchiesi "friendship" is not shallow, helped his son into the Apple company. The founder or their respective management companies are also associated with the IACC has countless benefits. In response to external pressure, IACC eventually announced the suspension of the ordinary members of the newly established category, that category in addition to Alibaba, also includes another two appliance business companies: RealReal, Inc and But their company name still appears in the list of members on the official website of the IACC. IACC had previously confirmed that the outside world, Alibaba Chairman of the Board Ma (microblogging) will deliver play Ella Dress a keynote speech on May 19, but failed to realize the promise. Evans following is the full text of the speech: Dawn (IACC Chair), thank you for your introduction. Thank you, Bob (IACC president). Thank all the Board of Directors, and all the brands, for giving me this opportunity today and we made the remarks. I'm glad to be here. Ambassador Baucus, very happy today with you. Thank you for your leadership and support on this important issue. I very much agree with your call that the entire industry must act together. Over the past few weeks, how should I say, it is very interesting. But I say, we did not expect to announce Alibaba get IACC membership would cause so much reaction. Anyway, I am very happy here frank about this issue. At the most basic level, we believe that the future of Alibaba, and many companies here in the future, depends on both of us to work closely together to combat fakes. I hope I will be finished when we can understand what I mean. As a global leader in e-commerce, we do have a global crackdown leadership responsibilities and commitments. We are 100% committed to win this battle. In this battle, in addition to, and you - you and brands - cooperation than we think no other way. We have a war situation can change tools. Us, the use of data and technology, they can become a "special forces", we can defeat those who are false. Ambassador BBaucus the (fight against fake) called a war. And he was right! This is indeed a war! And we want to win, and all of us here to work together. I have and Alibaba cooperation more than a decade, beginning, as Goldman Sachs advisor, then about two years ago now, when Alibaba listed, I became one of its independent directors. Today, I, as president, in charge of our international strategy and business development. Matthew Bassiur is here today, he is responsible for leading our global anti-counterfeiting efforts and report directly to me. He is currently working to establish a worldwide anti-counterfeiting team, we make sure we have the fake experts in different countries work, to work with brands in the same country together, he said brands languages ​​spoken. A very important part of my job is to protect your brand and the implementation of our anti-counterfeiting strategy. I have this in mind, whether in China or outside China. I mean my duty to join you, increasing use of new and more creative ways to solve this difficult, complex, long-standing problems. We should reach a consensus on some basic issues. Fake history, just as the brand's history as old. Many methods have been used against fakes often Kumi changed. They effective? Maybe. But we do not think so. I believe that if we do not try something different approach, the winner of this war will be counterfeiters. Therefore, we can make war by lawyers and litigation protracted delay, or to discredit each other by about the public view, or we can consider the issue more creatively unite to bring real change. I know there are some of you who may be many of you who are skeptical of Ali Baba. And you thought we were part of the problem of counterfeit goods, and not problem solvers. Why do you think so too? First, we have a large scale. Just last month, Ali Baba became the world's largest retailer, we have nearly $ 500 billion in sales, more than 400 million consumers in our shopping platform, tens of millions of businesses and one billion middleweight titles in our platform on the transaction. Second, our main operations in China. China is a global manufacturing center, unfortunately, it is also fake production base. Third, it is likely some of you are in the process of dealing with our problems in dealing with fakes and our platform's had setbacks. So we have been accused of, it is very easy to put us as the source of the problem. But let this issue from a different perspective. Our size, we operate, we gain understanding through technology and data, as well as our determination to crackdown means that we have the tools and resources to have a significant impact on the crackdown. Our goal is not just to be a global leader in electronic business, we are determined to become a global leader in anti-counterfeiting. Responsibility for these two areas are interrelated. This looks like the kind of commitment you want to partner. But no matter how you think of us, please send your ideas to temporarily put aside, because counterfeiting is far beyond the scope of Ali Baba. This is a large range of industry issues, as well as non-Alibaba phenomenon unique to China. Sources from the line of fake social. It happened in our platform, also taking place on other global e-commerce platform. It exists in every corner of the world, not just in China. Fakes global market reached $ 500 million (based on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD 2013 figures), and continues to grow. Why does it happen? There are two important reasons. We know that rapid changes in the business model. It is increasingly global. After it is connected via the Internet more efficient. The seller is also the buyer, the buyer is also a seller. Every day is a new brand created. Online activities and the growing integration of the line. This is a rapidly changing retail market, many consumers and brands are very difficult to catch up with this pace. But for the fake producers, which is also a fast-changing world, they are very large, with complex integration and global supply chain network, more subtle approach and technical support. To get the victory in this battle meant to be understood that these two reasons, and developed collaborative and comprehensive response strategies to defeat them As Bob said, we have seen this story takes place. When new technologies encounter traditional business mode, there will always be a period of conflict and resistance. Remember the Napster and the recording industry's story? Yes, Napster failed, but the success of the new model of Napster and other ITunes, Spotify and Pandora music service platform opens the way. The industry found a way to win-win cooperation. That YouTube and film industry? Early in YouTube (Google (microblogging) before), for its people in infringing movies, TV shows and music videos have a lot of opposition. There was a time tortious YouTube removed 30,000 videos. But today, the media have recognized YouTube is an opportunity. These historical events tell us? It was a long struggle. These companies took several years to resolve copyright and piracy issues. Litigation is not always the best solution, because it prevents people from effective cooperation. Finally, in order to learn and win-win cooperation, in order to have the best results. I can not fully understand these examples analogy problems we face today. But it is important in the process of integration of science and technology with the traditional business model, we must find a solution for cooperation. Last week, I always think we are moving in an exciting, new cooperative direction. Late last year IACC Board of Directors decided to play Barbie Cooking Games establish a new category of ordinary members. This was a bold visionary fu moves. It agreed with the idea that, unless brands, retailers, internet, government, law enforcement agencies and trade associations together, we will not win this war. This is a very creative idea of ​​cooperation, it has far-reaching potential for development. However, change is always difficult. New ideas are always people feel a threat, especially for those who benefit from the inherent business model is. But we can not and will not be allowed to obstruct the process of minority tyranny in this area. So when the board of directors and members of the IACC continue to assess the general membership categories, we will continue to focus on seeking effective cooperation in this fight. If we had not been invited to join you, then we invite you to join us. We have no competitors in this fight, there is only one common enemy, is a fake manufacturers. For you, it is important to understand our operations, as well as for us to understand why the crackdown and as important as you. We have set up 17 years ago in Alibaba to help small businesses. Today we have more than 10 million business in our internet shop, and we have nearly 500 million customers. This is equivalent to 1.5 times the US population. A lot of people think we are China's Amazon. We are not in any aspect of the Amazon. Our biggest difference is that we do not own any merchandise. Our operating platform. We connect buyers and sellers. This means that we are our platform police. Our business by many platform. First, we have Taobao I mentioned the 10 million businesses majority. Taobao business is manufacturer, farmer, brand owners, artists and craftsmen. They are in the city, they are in rural China. Taobao has been helping entrepreneurs grow and promote economic growth and job creation are a revolutionary force. You can find anything on Taobao. So in a sense, Taobao is a mirror of Chinese economy under the active line. And when it comes to the management of Taobao order, which is a huge and complex task. Nevertheless, since Taobao size, we have the ability and the responsibility to play a huge influence. Lynx is our business-to-consumer platform, including international brands sold to Chinese consumers. Many of you have also have shops on the Lynx and Lynx international platform. We have thousands of the world's top brands stationed Lynx, including members of the IACC, such as Apple, Burberry, L'Oreal, Nike, Procter & Gamble and Unilever. Lynx brand businesses in their own shop operators page, and direct contact with consumers. Lynx is the present and future of these companies build brands and communicate with Chinese consumers and the most important platform. AliExpress (Aliexpress) is also an important platform for us, which is the Chinese businessmen to international direct sellers of consumer platforms, like Russia, Cuba consumers, including Europe and the United States buyers. Although the revenue contribution and the size of this platform Alibaba market participants are small, but it is a priority to protect our intellectual property platform. I am personally responsible for improving AliExpress business, upgrade and improve the quality of the platform business and merchandise. The bottom line is that all of these: our future success depends on trust. We work with brands rely on us to protect their intellectual property. Consumers rely on us to ensure the quality of goods they buy, and guaranteed to be genuine. To obtain the trust of both sides is vital for us. So let's talk about the counterfeiting issue. We define counterfeiting strategy has three principles. We are proactive. Second, we, brands work together with you. Third, we work together with governments, regulators, agencies, law enforcement agencies. These three principles are built on the basis of the advantages of data management and analysis above. Our first principle, proactive. Some of you may think that we do not take any action until the merchant did not receive complaints. This is not the real situation. For example, we have an entire team's core task is to operate large data IP implementation of the project, the sustainable management of regulatory operating platform, and shelves to prevent fake goods. We counterfeiting system is currently analyzing data 100 million times per second. Every day we analyze the data 8.64 trillion times. 2015, we successfully intercepted more than 120 one hundred million involving fake goods Taobao information release. This is what happens before any of you ask us to action. We also spent more than $ 15 million last year to buy the business from our platform that we believe may be counterfeit Barbie Games Once offenders, we ensure that they are punished. Since we pay treasure the relationship with affiliates, we doubt we can freeze fake business accounts. Some of the frozen funds were used to repay consumers who bought a fake. Last year, we froze more than $ 72 million funds in the account, the customer returned more than $ 12 million.

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